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1Freight Training (Closed) Empty Freight Training (Closed) Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:19 pm



Jutsu being trained:

Waking up in his bed, Mizuto was greeted with the silence of an empty apartment. "I'm starting to regret moving here at all. It seems so...lonely compared to the Sabaku clan grounds. No shinobi getting up early, no showers running. It just feels so weird. Rising from the mattress, Mizuto walked naked into his bathroom. Turning on the shower, Mizuto stepped into the ice-cold water that he was accustomed to, as his apartment did not have a water heater. Still basically a child, Mizuto was unable to find a reasonable price for a good apartment. Stuck with little money, most given as a stipend from his clan, Mizuto was able to find a relatively acceptable apartment in the village's poor district.

Washing his body and hair, he turned off the water and stepped out. After shaving, he put on his training clothes; his heavy boots, pants, tight vest and cloak. Flicking on his kitchen light, the bulb flickered off and on, revealing a slightly clean kitchen. Making a sandwich, Mizuto traced his hands over his gourd of sand. Eating, he pulled a scroll he had bought from a visiting merchant from Hi no Kuni. In it, he found a basic introduction to a few C ranked jutsu. Having saw a few of these techniques used before, he looked at two in particular.

"Let's see here...Diatoppa, huh. 'Wind Release: Great Breakthrough is a relatively simple technqiue where the user creates a sudden intense burst of wind. This technique requires no hand seals or physical action to perform, and they can choose which direction the burst of wind shall travel towards. It does however take a few seconds from willing it to happen to the burst of wind occuring, and the birst of wind is always created around the user's body in such a way that the wind hits them too. For example, if you want the wind to fire in the direction you're facing, it will be created behind you, meaning you will be inside the burst yourself. This attack can knock aside any projectiles flying opposed to it as well as greatly improve the velocity of those flying inside of it[three times faster than normal] and can send anyone who is not using Supernatural Walking Practice flying backwards several metres. In addition, a katon technique of at least C rank can set this burst of wind ablaze, causing it to form a massive raging torrent.' That's sounds pretty cool. Like it could be used for some sneaky business down the road." Looking further down, Mizuto read another description. " Reppūshō...'Gale Palm is a technique where the user releases a powerful stream of wind against their opponent. To perform this technique the user merely has to slam the palms of their hands together, holding the pose for at least a second. They then break this pose and immediately thrust the palms of their hands towards the intended target. A powerful gale will fire out from the palms of both hands towards the intended target.' Now that's useful. Better get to work on these.

Rolling up the scroll, Mizuto left his gourd on the table and left his apartment. Shutting the door, Mizuto looked out across the run-down houses of Suna. "Guess let's get going". Walking down the steps, Mizuto turned in the direction of the Tsumi Sand Grounds, the resident training ground. Making his way through the market, Mizuto decided that he would train his Suiton while he was there learning the new jutsu. Stopping at a merchant's cart, Mizuto bought a few jugs of water to try to change the density of the water.

Carrying the jugs into the desert training area, Mizuto picked out a spot that seemed pretty well clear of people. Setting down the jugs of water, Mizuto took out the scroll again. "Let's see, it said I just needed to will the wind to do it, and it will work. That seems awfully simple for a C-rank, but oh well." Rolling it back up, Mizuto closed his eyes. Feeling the wind around him, Mizuto willed the chakra in his body to channel it. Hearing a whistling in his ears, a sudden burst of wind shot from behind him, causing Mizuto to stumble in surprise. "Whoa, that was pretty cool, I never expected that. I'd have to work on my control though, so I can move it easier. What else does it say?" Retrieving the scroll, Mizuto read more of the description. "'This attack can knock aside any projectiles flying opposed to it as well as greatly improve the velocity of those flying inside of it[three times faster than normal] and can send anyone who is not using Supernatural Walking Practice flying backwards several metres. In addition, a katon technique of at least C rank can set this burst of wind ablaze, causing it to form a massive raging torrent.' Too bad I don't know any Katon jutsu, or I could try this out. And that stuff about projectiles, I've never seen that before." Rolling it back up, Mizuto picked up a stone to try the speed enhancement on.

Holding the rock in his hand, Mizuto tossed it weakly, watching it arc slowly. Suddenly, a large gust burst again from behind him, catching the stone and launching it quickly into a sand dune. Smiling, Mizuto tried it again with a handful of sand clumps. Tossing the handful in front of him, he again sent the clumps quickly into the dune. "Wow, this would be awesome with kunai or shuriken. If only I could see how that Katon stuff worked with this." Feeling he had the basics down of this jutsu, he grabbed a water jug and poured it over a patch of sand. Channeling his chakra into the sand, he created more clumps of sand that were about the size of a bowling ball. Testing the sizes of clumps that he could launch with the Fuuton technique, he picked up a sizable clump. Heaving with exertion, Mizuto tossed the ball into the air. Closing his eyes, he summoned a rather large gust of wind to propel the clump. Opening his eyes, he braced himself as a larger than normal gust of wind streamed past him. Watching, the clump broke immediately under the pressure the jutsu placed it under. "Hmmm, looks like it needs to be solid to get propelled. That's something I'll have to work on as well."

Taking a break, Mizuto sat down on the hot sand and watched the sun start to rise behind a building. Feeling he had accomplished a milestone in his shinobi career, he smiled. "Guess  I'll take a nap, and get the other one done later." Rolling his cloak into a ball, he placed it under his head as a makeshift pillow. Rolling over, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Training Daitoppa, 1165/900 words (-10% Quick Learner trait.)
Training Suiton, 1973/3000

2Freight Training (Closed) Empty Re: Freight Training (Closed) Tue Aug 27, 2013 5:50 pm



Waking up to the sun shining heat into his eyes, Mizuto stretched. The sun had now reached high into the sky, showing Mizuto he had been sleeping for a couple hours. Taking of his vest, he threw the sweaty article onto his cloak, preferring to go shirtless than stew in the damp cloth. Taking drinks from his water jugs, Mizuto read the description of the next jutsu. "'Wind Release: Gale Palm is a technique where the user releases a powerful stream of wind against their opponent. To perform this technique the user merely has to slam the palms of their hands together, holding the pose for at least a second. They then break this pose and immediately thrust the palms of their hands towards the intended target. A powerful gale will fire out from the palms of both hands towards the intended target. On impact, this gale can send someone flying several metres, as well as shredding clothing and causing countless 2 cm deep cuts on exposed flesh. It can easily knock projectiles that clash into it aside, as well as increasing the speed and penetrative power of projectiles travelling within the stream, allowing the weapons to pierce roughly an inch deeper than normal.' Looks similar to the other one, but this does a little more damage. Let's see, it said I have to clap? That's it? Well, let's try it out."

Rolling up the scroll, Mizuto placed it back into his cloak for later use and to keep it out of harms way. Breathing in and out, Mizuto channeled chakra to the palms of his hands. Breathing once more, he slammed his palms together and held the pose for a second. Then, he thrust his hands out quickly, sending a weak gust of wind ahead of him. Looking at his hands, he grimaced. "I bet this is one of those practice jutsu, where it gets easier with time. Time is one thing I need more of." Trying again, Mizuto slammed his palms together harder, then thrusting them out fast. This time, the wind now rushed quickly from his palms, blowing sand into the air and spreading it around the training area. Smiling, he raised his hands in victory. "Now that's more like it!" Searching for a target to practice the jutsu on, Mizuto decided on an abnormally large cactus sitting close by. Leaving his clothes in sight, he approached the cactus. Testing the thickness of the plant, he saw it was nearly as thick as a small tree. Watching a scorpion scuttle into it's burrow, he turned and put some distance between him and the plant. Facing it, he channeled his chakra once again. Slamming his hands together, he thrust them at the cactus quickly. A gust of wind tore across the desert area, slamming into it. Countless cuts tore apart the cactus, sending bristles loose and launching them across the dune. With a creak, branches hung loosely to the main trunk, littered with small lacerations. Birds and insects flew away as their home became much more open, vacating to another cactus. Smiling, Mizuto wiped the sweat from his face. Feeling slightly weaker as he just performed a taxing jutsu numerous times, he sat down.

Panting, he kicked away a scorpion he had nearly sat on, trying to catch his breath. Standing and walking over to his stuff, he uncapped a jug of water and completely drained it to quench his thirst. Throwing the jug to the side, Mizuto now felt a lot better. Grabbing the final jug of water, he poured it across the sand, creating a clumpy mess of soggy sand. Creating a pillar of sand, he tried a jutsu that had eluded him for a long time. Separating the soggy sand from the dry sand, Mizuto created a sharp spike jutting from the pillar. Flowing the sand around him, he slowly built a dome of sand around him, blocking out the sand and the hot sun. Standing in silence in the dome, Mizuto tested the strength of his creation. Kicking it, Mizuto felt his foot jar from the toughness of the jutsu. Dispelling the dome, Mizuto rubbed his foot as the sand rained down on him. Feeling like he was on a roll, Mizuto decided to try his new jutsu again. Making the sand form a wall, Mizuto used Diatoppa to blow it away. Spreading the sand into the air, Mizuto clumped it together. Forming a ball, Mizuto slammed his hands together and thrust them in front of him. A gust of wind spread his sand and tore it apart, blocking his view in nothing but sand.

Huffing, he wiped the sand off his body that stuck to his moist skin. Retrieving his vest, he put it on and slung his cloak over his back. Picking up his empty jugs, he carried them through the training ground. Reaching the exit, Mizuto disposed of the jugs in a trash can by a bench. Mizuto felt hungry and decided to stop by a miso soup stand, as he hadn't had that for many months. Ordering a large bowl, he struck a conversation with a clan mate that stopped in. Discussing their progress with their clan's jutsu, they ate savagely as both seemed to have had a pretty tough training session earlier. Swapping ideas, Mizuto listened as this shinobi, a man named Eiji, told of his stories of his days as a Genin, now a Jounin. Finishing their meals, the two Sabaku bid each other a good day and parted ways. Mizuto left the stand, stopping at a bathroom as he hadn't gone all morning. Washing his hands, Mizuto made his way through the village's residential district until he entered the slums he resided in. "Why did I ever move, man? I should have just stayed with my clan, but no, I had to be an individual." Reaching his apartment complex, Mizuto walked up the creaky stairs to his door. Fitting his key into the door, Mizuto was relieved his home hadn't been broken into.

Throwing his cloak and the scroll onto his couch, Mizuto opened his fridge and retrieved a bottle of Shochu. Uncorking the alcohol, Mizuto took a long drink and flopped down on the couch. Setting down the bottle, he took of his boots and shirt, wiping the cloak and scroll onto the floor. Laying down, Mizuto cozied the bottle in his hand, taking sips of it until his vision became blurry. Finishing the bottle, Mizuto fell asleep as the sun had reached it's zenith in the sky.

Training Reppūshō, 1103/900 (-10% Quick Learner trait)
Training Suiton, 3076/3000

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