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1Aya please cheer up(No kill/Open} Empty Aya please cheer up(No kill/Open} Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:28 pm

Aya Inuzuka

Aya Inuzuka

It had been a week since Aya had been released from the Suna hospital, having made a swift and complete recovery, during her short time there. The pain from Hanbei's needles were still deep within her mind as she wandered off to meet up with Leo, who like the loyal dog he was there to greet her at the Hospital entrance; with their bags packed both were ready to make the long Journey back home. Using her good arm-the one that wasn't in a cast that still had a few weeks till it healed- she picked up her bag and the duo started to leave.

Only this journey would be one full of shame for Aya for obvious reasons, that Leo decided not to bring up. He was only one of many there in the crowd watching his owner rushing into the fight, only to be quickly handled by her opponent with a single blow. Yes Aya was strong, and no one could deny she was gifted, but there came a time in life where you would meet someone who could do it twice as better. Hanbei Gaunyin was that guy and she would have to learn that lesson by herself.

He could tell by the way she walked her shoulders slumped in defeat, with her steps lagging as they crossed the hot desert sand towards the main part of the village. The sun beat down on them, yet Aya seemed to be too much in thought to even care or let it affect her. Leo had never seen her so down like this, with so little determation left in her. The question of what had happened to the young girl he had been with before traveling here, lingered in his mind. "No" he thought she must learn this on her own.

He knew more than Aya about growing up with others who much more stronger, quicker, and smarter than him. He was after all the runt of the litter, but if he were to explain all of what he knew to her there wuld be no point. His partner would either ignored it or take it in and learn nothing in the process, bringing them back to where they started. "I'm sorry Aya, this time you're on your own."

Still even if Leo couuldn't help her out that didn't mean he couldn't at least take her out for a quick meal before hiitting the road. For the training he planned on them doing she was going to need the energy. "I have to contact sensei Skye too when we're back in Kumo so we can start on Aya's training there as well."

The locals Leo had met while he was alone , when Aya was in the hospital had been amazed by the talking dog with the evil glare, and were happy to tell him about a famous Curry house nearby that was famous for it's truly spicy curry that only the strongest could endure without begging for something to quench the painfully burning. When the dog asked if they had asked if they had anyother things on the menu, they assured him that not everything was spicy as they claimed and they did have stews and soups as well.

Satisfied he knew that was the prefect place to take Aya out to eat. Noticing that he was leading the way Leo used his sense of smell till he located the shop lleading them both in.

"I hope you don't mind Aya, but I thought it would be fun to try this place out before we go back home." He looked for some sort of reaction from her, but she only took a seat in a booth; and didn't even bother to look at the menu. Instead, she looked down at the table in deep thought while they waited for thheir waiter.

2Aya please cheer up(No kill/Open} Empty Re: Aya please cheer up(No kill/Open} Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:53 pm



Skye had been in Suna for a good day or so and was desperately trying to find one of his students. He knew both Hanbei and Aya were somewhere in the village, but due to information he had received about the Exams almost being over, he would have expected at least one of them to be let out. Trying to think out where he could find them, he finally decided to check Suna’s hospital. Skye could only pray that his students weren’t injured, but he was fully confident that they weren’t dead. If anyone knew how his students could handle themselves, it was him.

Arriving at the Hospital only moments after Aya and Leo had left, he started to ask a few of the nurses if they had seen his student. Of course most of the nurses there were more interested in talking to him. Back when he used to live in Suna, he would end up getting hurt trying to pull a prank or do something that wasn’t allowed. After a few conversations, he got information that Aya had already left with her dog. As quickly as he could he got out of the hospital and started to search for his student.

The reason for his eagerness to find his students was to surprise them and see how they did on their exams. He could only hope that both of them had passed. It took him a while, but he eventually spotted Aya and Leo entering a rather famous Curry house. With a grin, he headed to the restaurant and saw Aya sitting at one of the tables. Watching as a waiter picked up a few menus and headed for their table, Skye began to get a rather interesting idea. Quickly interrupting the waiter, he asked if he could deliver the menus himself in order to surprise his student. The waiter didn’t see a problem with that and handed the menus over.

Skye grinned as he walked behind Aya and opened a menu in front of her, thus blocking her view. “Ma’am, today’s special is a Proud Sensei with a side of Chuunin Exams.” Keeping the menu held up to her face, Skye stood up straight and waited for Aya to notice who had arrived at her table.

3Aya please cheer up(No kill/Open} Empty Re: Aya please cheer up(No kill/Open} Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:15 pm

Aya Inuzuka

Aya Inuzuka

"It couldn't be was that the voice of..."she thought.Before Aya could even complete her thoughts, she could hear Leo jumping up from his spot on the ground and jumping up trying to lick Skye sensei. "Wait Skye sensei was here!" Soon Aya turned around to see her sensei standing behind her. It was as if someone turned on a light switch inside Aya, cause the once down young girl was now smiling happily as she got out her seat to hug her sensei. Her cheeks flushed as she realized her actions, and she instead moved away crossing her arms clearly embarrassed at her impluse. But before she could apologize Leo was already questioning their sensei about his sudden surprise visit.

"Skye-sama why are you here shouldn't you be in Kumo working?" Aya was confused as well, while the visit was a nice surprise, and greatly needed to raise the duo's spirits they didn't understand why he would take time to come see them. Well that's what Aya thought as looked down at her feet in shame, dreading the moment she would have to tell her teacher how badly she lost her match. Leo was just happy he was here, the worried glances he kept giving to Aya were apparent as he walked closer to Skye sensei.

"Thank goodness your here sensei" he whispered. ""I'll let Aya explain what happened, but she lost her match and shes been pretty down about it". "In Fact" he continued "The smile she gave you was the first one I've seen her give all today"

4Aya please cheer up(No kill/Open} Empty Re: Aya please cheer up(No kill/Open} Sat Aug 17, 2013 12:03 am



Skye was a bit surprised that Aya jumped up and gave him a hug. It was definitely unexpected, and judging by the look on Aya’s face, she was rather embarrassed that she did such an action. Grinning, Skye placed the other menu down in front of another chair and sat down across from his student. She looked like she was about to say something, but Leo quickly cut in with a question. “I took a few days off to come check on my students. I needed a break from work anyway.” With a bright smile, he looked over at Aya, but couldn’t see any type of positive expression. He started to get the feeling that something was wrong.

Tilting his head slightly upon hearing the bad news of Aya’s loss of her match, he began to think for a moment before responding. “So you lost your match, huh…?” His voice sounded soft and a bit quiet, but could easily be taken as upset or disappointed. There was a brief pause before Skye spoke again. Putting his hands behind his head, he gave a large smile and a small laugh. “Who cares? My student made it to the Chuunin Exams and gave it her all. I don’t care if you passed it or not. The fact that you had enough courage to go through it all the way is enough to make me proud.” Skye tried his best to make it clear that he was pleased with her, Chuunin or not.

5Aya please cheer up(No kill/Open} Empty Re: Aya please cheer up(No kill/Open} Sat Aug 17, 2013 12:37 am

Aya Inuzuka

Aya Inuzuka

He was proud of her. It was a surprise, but it made Aya glad to know she hadn't disappointed him, which neither should she be mad at herself. This whole time she was feeling down not understanding why she was so weak. But her sensei was right she had done fine and winning didn't matter. Besides she was sure they would train, when they got back to Kumo anyway if she was going to be able to face Hanbei for a rematch. Her expression turned back to it's normal self as she took her seat and took out her menu, and leo gave her a notepad and pen from there bags.

She wrote on her notepad a quick message and showed it to her sensei, and signaled for Leo to get their waiter. On the notepad it read "It's nice you came to see us Skye sensei I'm happy you're here." She smiled a little and worte more "The fight was hard, but I had to admire the boy I fought his skills were impressive. She wondered if Skye-sama knew him the boy was one from Kumo as well. It wouldn't hurt to ask him. Writing on the notepad again it read in neat handwriting "Do you happen to know Hanbei Gaunyin he was the boy I fought in the exams."

6Aya please cheer up(No kill/Open} Empty Re: Aya please cheer up(No kill/Open} Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:54 am



Watching as Aya’s face lit up, he could tell that her mood had completely changed for the better. Aya really had nothing to be disappointed in. She made it through the Exams alive and toughed her way through the many challenges that faced her. Taking a moment to think, he almost forgot to ask Leo about his contributions. Knowing Aya and Leo, the two were amazing together and would do anything to help each other succeed. Looking across the room to find Leo, he tilted his head slightly and wondered if both he and Aya could give him the whole summary of the Exam. But for now, he would talk with Aya a bit.

“Do I happen to know Hanbei…” Skye paused for a moment, but continued to smile. “It’s actually kind of funny. While you and Leo were here taking the exams, I learned that Hanbei, the boy you fought, is actually your new squadmate. I was meaning to tell you when you got back in Kumo, but… I guess when I came here, plans changed.” He gave a slightly uneasy smile due to the information he just gave to Aya. There was a good chance she might have been a bit irritated by the news.

7Aya please cheer up(No kill/Open} Empty Re: Aya please cheer up(No kill/Open} Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:45 pm

Aya Inuzuka

Aya Inuzuka

(sorry its late I've been really busy)
Aya was very suprised and emotional confused that Hanbei was now her teammate. How was she going to react to the news,honestly, she didn't know her mind was still processing it. She went through her jigsaw of emotions step by step figuring it out as she thought about it. The young girl wasn't mad,a little irritated maybe, but no she wasn't mad at the idea of him being on the team. Her cheeks flushed slightly in embarrassment still, at her admiration for her teammate and his skills. He was a true expert at long distance combat, while she was a figher who focused on close combat, two very different styles that were used by two very different people.

Both genins weren't anything alike from what she could tell so far, but that wasn't entirely true since she knew very little about Hanbei-san, just like he knew nothing of her. Shaking her head as she made her decision she looked up to her sensei as she wrote him a clear message on her notepad. "I'll give it a chance and root for Hanbei-san to win the exmas. She crossed her arms proud of her decision. Meanwhile, Leo looked at his owner,chuckling slightly at the fierceness she was showing at such a simple thing. The way she smirked and nodded her head was something to see as he chuckled a little bit more.

"So Skye-sensei" he started "When are we heading back to Kumo so we can work on Ayas skills and mines as well." If they were going be anbu in the future they needed a plan.

8Aya please cheer up(No kill/Open} Empty Re: Aya please cheer up(No kill/Open} Tue Aug 27, 2013 9:41 pm



Watching as Aya processed the information, she seemed to change her feelings on it every so often. Eventually, she settled on a more positive emotion and gave Skye a supportive note. After reading it, Skye smiled. “Glad to hear you aren’t sour about the match.” He started to chuckle a little, and seemed to do so at the exact time as Aya. Glancing over at Leo, Skye adjusted his position and listened carefully to the dog’s question.

“We’ll be heading back to Kumo in a day or two. Hanbei still has his exam, and I’d like to check around Suna a little more…” With a content sigh, he started to think back on what his childhood in Suna was like. “I used to live here… So much of it has changed though… It’s hard to believe what it used to look like compared to now.” Shaking his head, he brought his attention back to Aya. “Anyway… I have a pretty good idea on what I’d like to put you guys through…” A devious looking grin started to show on Skye’s face. Whatever he had planned in his mind, Aya and her teammates would certainly be in for a major surprise. Though Aya and her two other teammates would have to face Skye’s challenging training session, he made sure not to give any hints as to what it may be.

Leaning back in his chair, a quick thought came to mind and he immediately slammed the legs of the chair back to the ground. "Hey Aya... I think I'm going to check out Suna a bit more. Sorry if I'm cutting this short... Just remembered something that I wanted to check about Suna. If I see you later, we'll head back to Kumo together, but there may be a chance I head back without you." With a smile, Skye got up and left.

-=Exit Thread=-

((OOC: Sorry for cutting out, but I have stuff I have to get done with Skye.))

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