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"So.... you're telling me..... that you're hiring me..." Yuu said, looking not only a little bit annoyed but more than a little bit perplexed. ".... to look for your "Prize winning goldfish"?" He was talking to a young man, well relatively young - he seemed about twenty four, but without the same muscle definition that most ninjas of the village had. If he had to guess, he would have said this guy was an ex-wanderer who just came to live here because it was easier than walking around- and the man seemed to be nodding as if there was absolutely nothing wrong with this situation. Of course, Yuu probably shouldn't be complaining, he was being paid for what was comparatively an extremely easy job, but at the same time there was just something about the sheer ridiculousness of this job that was making him wonder how on earth it got accepted by the Tsuchikage. It was almost like a great big practical joke, and he was currently bearing the brunt of it.

As it currently was, they were standing in front of a pond that was near the man's home, a nice semi-circular water feature that seemed more for cosmetic reasons than anything natural, he didn't know who owned them but having fish for decoration seemed more kirigakure's business than something belonging to Iwagakure. The inside of the pond was filled with a load of different fish, although they all seemed to look the same. Maybe it was just that he was not used to what was going on with fish, but they all kind of looked the same to Yuu. the only difference he could see was their size, and he had no knowledge of goldfish were supposed to be bigger or smaller than... whatever other breeds there were in this thing. Either way, a job was a job and though it would not earn recognition, well recognition from anyone but this man so really anyone that mattered, he played along. Bending over and looking into the water, he stuck his hand inside. The cold, wet feeling pressed against his hand as he did so, and for a moment it felt good... until a bit of algae rubbed against his hand and he couldn't help but give a shudder of disgust. He... hated... slimy things.

Fishing around for anything that remotely looked like a goldfish, he yanked one out and passed it to the owner, who was by this time smiling. The fish itself did not look happy to be removed from it's new home, and seemed even less happy to not have a bowl to go back to in the man's hands. Honestly, if the man cared that much about his goldfish, surely he would have had something to carry him home in before it suffocated? He wasn't an expert in aquatic biology, but he knew for a fact that fish breathed through the gills, which extracted oxygen from water. Without water to get oxygen from, the fish must be slowly choking to death... right? Still, the man was happy at least. However, he seemed more happy to be wasting the time of someone who could be out there doing something constructive than he did about getting his "beloved" pet back. Giving a cold, hard stare to the man, Yuu asked the question that had been going begging.

"Umm.... what Awards can a goldfish win exactly?" that question seemed to stagger the man, who stammered for a few seconds before answering.
"Umm... shiniest scales?" With that, he ran away whilst still holding the goldfish, who was slowly suffocating out of it's water. What... the hell... just happened?


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