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1Smash and Grab [open :3] Empty Smash and Grab [open :3] Sun Aug 18, 2013 10:37 am


Trilby removed a cloth from his left hand pocket, bringing it up to wipe away a small speck of dust that had to arrogance to land on his monocle. "We're nearly there." he said to Shibirin, who kept a whimsically slow pace at his side. They could see the "Bastion Adamantine" the wall that guarded Iwagakure. Apparently, to this day it had never been breached. Still, everything had it's time. It didn't take the pair long to reach their destination, and soon they were a mere 15 feet from the wall. Drawing Dragon's Bane from it's sheath, Trilby handed the blade to his comrade. "I want it back. If you get so much as a scratch on it, I'm going to kill you." He had put months of his life into crafting the perfect sword, and although he knew there was nothing in this village that could come close to damaging it, he still felt the need to threaten Shibirin.

It took Trilby only a few moments to charge his jutsu, his chakra massing before himself, forming a violently roaring sphere of wind. He fired this heavily compressed sphere at the mighty "Bastion Adamantine" and watched with a grin as it carved a hole straight through the side of the colossal wall. It wasn't much of a hole, admittedly, but it was enough for the pair to fit through. "Come, let's get this over with." Trilby stated with a sigh, marching forward towards the entrance to the city. He felt naked without his sword, but he knew that Shibirin needed it far more than he did. There was bound to be a lot of resistance, and he'd prefer it if his old friend didn't die in the process.

Chakra: 510/540


2Smash and Grab [open :3] Empty Re: Smash and Grab [open :3] Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:21 am



It didn't take the two long before they reached the gates of the village hidden in the rock. Iwagakure no Sato had once been the home of Shibirin, during his first few years after he defected from his original home, Sunagakure. The outskirts surrounding the village hadn't changed a bit, but the true diversity between the old Iwagakure no Sato that Shibirin had known for the past five years in life and the new Iwagakure no Sato that stood before him on the other side of the village's gates, would be revealed to the rogue the moment he set foot into the village's streets. Closely following his partner and old friend Trilby, Shibirin moved indeed at a slower pace compared to the man, but somehow managed to keep up with the man's stride at a slow and moderate pace. "We're nearly there." Trilby exclaimed to Shibirin, as they both approached the "Bastion Adamantine", the wall that guarded Iwagakure no Sato. Drawing out a blade of some sort from its sheath, which Shibirin had been oblivious to until now, Trilby offered the blade to Shibirin, cunningly adding on a word of warning before releasing his grip on the blade. "I want it back. If you get so much as a scratch on it, I'm going to kill you," Trilby explained, and judging by the tone of his voice when he said these words, Shibirin knew that the man was serious about what he had said. "You never did trust me with your toys, Trilby," Shibirin jokingly spoke to his comrade, as he carefully took the sword into his possession, and holding it with his left hand whilst he rested it on his left-side shoulder, Shibirin followed Trilby inside of the village through the hole he had made with his unfamiliar jutsu.

Inside, the two comrades were greeted by the back of some low-life villager's house. Shibirin could tell that the building belonged to someone who was most likely categorized in the lower class members of the village's society because of the poor design of the house and its current, unappealing condition. Making their way swiftly around the small building, Shibirin and Tribly found an opening between the house they had seen when they entered through the village walls and the house to the left of it. They swiftly made their way out of the house's backyard through this opening and easily made their way into the village unnoticed so far. Whilst walking towards what he remembered to be the center of the village, Shibirin occasionally gave his attention to Trilby and asked him about the last few years they hadn't seen each other, making sure he didn't refer to him by his name, but rather as just 'mate' and 'sir'. It didn't take the two long to reach the markets of the village, Shibirin forcing down his temptation to go over towards one of the stalls at the market to purchase some of their delicious fish cakes. As he merely took a glimpse at the goods that were up for sale throughout the place, Shibirin slowly made his way towards the center of the town, which presented itself to the rogue pair within minutes of walking through the streets of Iwagakure.

3Smash and Grab [open :3] Empty Re: Smash and Grab [open :3] Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:51 am


Another day. Another boring day behind the walls of Iwagakure. Nanashi, a former geisha and special jounin of the shinobi forces were making his way from his humble adobe – heading towards the market district, the lack of food in his frig. being the primary reason. Truth be told the refrigerator had been lacking of food for the past week, the silver haired youth eating out at various of restaurants that the village had to offer. And having gotten tired of wasting money at these establishments on a daily basis, he decided to do something about it. Thus is the reason why, dressed in civilian attire, his headband not in sight, the man were going to the market district. To the regular civilian or grunts Nanashi looked like your every day civilian and completely defenseless. This is were further from the truth, numerous of senbons were hidden upon the person, all accesible with the smallest of movements. Not like it were needed, the man could handle most situations without problem.


The sound of something crashing from the direction of where the Bastion Adamantine were located, didn't really bother Nanashi – there were always something going on near that gate. Not like the gates could be brought down, it was nearly impenetrable by shinobi standards and that was saying something. So it probably was some construction crew working near the gate, making all the ruckus. Nothing that he needed to bother himself with it.

Yellow orbs looked around at the stalls that aligned both sides of the district. The place were literally the life and blood of Iwagakure, this is where everyone bought their foods and other goods, some even shinobi related. Vendors domestic and foreign all set up shops here and conducted business warfare with each other. “Only in the business arena does one see the true cutthroats of this world” Nanashi couldn't help but to shake his head at his own musing, the man narrowing dodging a pair of individuals who were leaving the market district and heading towards their destination.

Now where should I start?” And with that thought, Nanashi began shopping. Completely unaware of who he walked by. . .and the destruction that they will cause to the village and to the geisha himself.

4Smash and Grab [open :3] Empty Re: Smash and Grab [open :3] Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:47 am


Trilby's organic eye darted about from behind his monocle, scanning the environment for chakra. The man at the nearby market stall had a large bank of chakra, probably a Jounin rank shinobi from the powerful glow he was emitting. Trilby approached him from behind, his arms at his side casually. Apparently, the perception of the man was not completely dull, as he reached for a kunai with his right hand upon hearing the approach from behind. Trilby was faster than he was, however, and his right hand wrapped around the Jounin's wrist, forcing his hand up towards his face before plunging the man's own kunai deep into his right eye. As he did this, he spun on his left foot, sinking the heel of his right foot into the man's back; sending him flying across the courtyard into a nearby brick building, whose wall crumbled on impact, covering him in debree. "Let's not linger here. We're close." Trilby said to Shibirin nonchalantly as he began to make his way further into town, leaving the two corpses to their own devices. They weren't dead, but they would be soon.

"It's here. Cover me while I deal with this" Trilby said to Shibirin, having left the courtyard and entered a nearby small clearing with a shinto shrine. Trilby sat, knelled at the shrine, his hands pressed into the earth. Shibirin stood at his back, Dragon's Bane drawn, ready to slaughter anyone who dared disrupt Trilby's delicate operation. A 15 metre diametre circle around Trilby rose out of the ground, supported by eight pillars placed at strategic points around the circle to ensure stability. The platform was 5 metres thick, and rose 20 metres into the air. It revealed that the shinto shrine was not simply on the surface; it was connected to a thick iron shaft that extended deep into the earth's heart. The shaft was covered in elaborate kanji writing which glowed a deep blue as it snaked it's way down in a double helix pattern, until it connected with a massive circular seal array where the platform had risen from. It conformed perfectly to the dimensions of the section Trilby had removed from the surface. As Trilby wove a complex array of hand seals, however, the kanji that covered the Iron beam began to glow red and shatter. This effect rolled down the beam across the span of several minutes, until finally it reached the circular seal array. As it hit the seal, it began to glow a deep red, before the ground around it began to crack and shake violently, and then suddenly release a blinding flash of light, bright enough to blind half the village as it drowned them in light...

Chakra: 350/540


5Smash and Grab [open :3] Empty Re: Smash and Grab [open :3] Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:49 am


"Let's not linger here. We're close," Trilby notified Shibirin, before the two began to make their way further into town, leaving the two corpses to their own devices.

"It's here. Cover me while I deal with this," suggested Trilby, having left the courtyard and entered a nearby small clearing with a shinto shrine. Trilby sat, knelled at the shrine, his hands pressed into the earth. Shibirin stood at his back, Dragon's Bane drawn, ready to slaughter anyone who dared disrupt Trilby's delicate operation. A 15 metre diametre circle around Trilby rose out of the ground, supported by eight pillars placed at strategic points around the circle to ensure stability. The platform was 5 metres thick, and rose 20 metres into the air. It revealed that the shinto shrine was not simply on the surface; it was connected to a thick iron shaft that extended deep into the earth's heart. The shaft was covered in elaborate kanji writing which glowed a deep blue as it snaked it's way down in a double helix pattern, until it connected with a massive circular seal array where the platform had risen from. It conformed perfectly to the dimensions of the section Trilby had removed from the surface. As Trilby wove a complex array of hand seals, however, the kanji that covered the Iron beam began to glow red and shatter. This effect rolled down the beam across the span of several minutes, until finally it reached the circular seal array. As it hit the seal, it began to glow a deep red, before the ground around it began to crack and shake violently, and then suddenly release a blinding flash of light, bright enough to blind half the village as it drowned them in light.

Forcing himself not to look at what Trilby was doing behind him, Shibirin kept an eye out for any intruders, considering anyone and anything that chose to approach them, two other than another member of the Shichiouza, as an intruder. After the blinding flash of light stole Shibirin's normal eye sight away, the Genko rogue decided to activate his stolen Doujutsu: the Byakugan, quickly shutting and opening his left eye before completely shutting out his right eye. With his new vision, he could see clearly the terrain around him, as well as the random inanimate objects that inhabited the area. He could also see as far away as 50m from his current location with great detail, but should he extend his range of vision further than this, he would loose all the detail and the quality of the things he was looking at.  

Chakra 390/400:

6Smash and Grab [open :3] Empty Re: Smash and Grab [open :3] Wed Aug 21, 2013 3:02 am



Screams of terror would fill the ears of the stone countries civilians, Iwagakure was in a complete state of panic. The very air would sway in scarce as hundreds of the stone countries citizens would attempt to escape the threat. As roars of fear would bellow across the atmosphere, a lone silhouette would flicker towards the danger, his golden hair would gracefully waver whilst his crimson gaze stayed focused on his destination. His speed was unmatched, leaping from building to building whilst remaining poised and keeping composed. A fleet of masked shinobi would begin to merge toward him in hope of commands that would silence the anarchy in Iwagakure. "Tsuchikage-sama, the east portion of the Bastion Adamantine has been complete eradicated, two rogue shinobi have infiltrated the village, the amount of casualties are unknown. We've begun to track down the enemy and they've stopped " Kazu's lips would slowly widen allowing a miniscule grin to come to view after the ANBU operatives informed him of the situation. "Evacuate the village, have the town regroup in the catacombs. Inform all shinobi to protect the civilians, we don't wan't heroes, and we don't want more casualties, have the medical team scatter across the east but as soon as the wounded are stable, take them straight to the catacombs, no lingering. If my theory is correct these aren't just any rogue ninja, it's safe to assume their from the summit five years ago. Dismissed." Crimson hued lenses would remain focused on his destination whilst his commands were heard loud and clear as the ANBU operatives would scatter amongst the village.

As Kazu trekked closer to his destination, his crimson hued lenses would flicker back and forth, locating single clues to whom the intruders were. Rubble would be scattered across the ground whilst bodies would lay lifeless on the ground, slowly decaying allowing their soul to breathe out from their lifeless shell. The ar became quiet whilst he came to a standstill, his attention would twitch swiftly around him, attempting to locate the two rogue shinobi. Without a moments notice a blinding light would gleam widespread across the village, the point of origin would luminate behind Kazu thus allowing the Tsuchikage himself to locate where the two were. His body would move at the instant of the light, thus allowing him to make it to the destination of the threat. Two silhouettes would stand side by side around a shinto shrine. For reasons unknown, Kazu had no idea what two shinobi wanted from the shrine itself, but whatever the reason, it wouldn't be good. Kazu would come to a stop only 20 meters from the two shinobi before him. Crimson hued lenses would stay focused on the two before him as stone pillars would support a platform suspended in the air. The blinding light would slowly subside, whilst the village was so quiet you could hear the very air that blew across Iwagakure. The Tsuchikages feet would stand shoulder length apart, whilst his posture would stiffen allowing his body to remain poised. "You think you can tread over a volcano and not get burnt?" The already present grin across the Kanetsus face would bigen to widen as he glared at the rogue intruders, an idle hand would linger to his right whilst chakra would begin to mass, cloaking his right arm completely before transmuting into lava. "State your intentions, or don't, either way i'll end you regardless."

Chakra: 380/400
Jutsu Used:

7Smash and Grab [open :3] Empty Re: Smash and Grab [open :3] Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:43 am


Trilby saw the kage's chakra approaching through the blinding light; the radiant blue glow he gave off through the monocle made his presence easy to detect, and as such, by the time he started addressing the pair, Trilby was sat on the edge of the platform, his legs dangling over the side. In his left hand rested Dragon's Bane, his blade which he had snatched away from Shibirin upon detection of the new mark's approach, while in his right sat a half smoked cigarette. The blade was rested across his right knee, with the hand wrapped around it's hilt resting on the left knee. He listened intently to the Kage's threats, taking a long drag on his cigarette while the man spoke. He allowed a few moments of crisp silence before replying. "State my ... intentions? Come now, it's impolite to skip introductions. Uzumaki Trilby, at your service." as he introduced himself, Trilby bowed his head slightly, though never breaking eye contact with his target.

"Now, as for my intentions, I'm afraid I've already finished with your village. You're a bit late, son. I'm sure you heard what happened to Misora, Reika when she got too close to the sun... she got burned." Trilby flicked aside the butt of the now smoked cigarette, before dragging his hand roughly through his hair. Once he did so, he kicked off the edge, dropping to the ground below, where he landed on his feet without a sound. "Shibirin, leave. I'll play with this one for awhile and meet up with you at the spot for number three. Try not to get lost."

8Smash and Grab [open :3] Empty Re: Smash and Grab [open :3] Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:17 pm



Cigarette smoke would dance amongst the gentle winds, slowly creeping towards Kazu's presence allowing the scent of the intruders burning tobacco to be acknowledged. The idle hand of the Kanetsu himself would stay stationary to his right, focusing the correct balance of yoton chakra across his arm allowing stability and balance in his bloodline ability. Crimson hued lenses would remain fixated on the individual before him whilst his left hand would slowly descend to his pant pockets, sitting comfortably within it's cotton domain. His head would tilt vaguely to his right, allowing the sensation of hearing that little bit more to arise. "I'm not sure about the customs your familiar with, but in the stone we do not formally greet those who intrude upon my home, my village...." The young Kanetsu's head would slowly begin to rise whilst keeping his crimson gaze glaring at Trilby, the miniscule grin across the Tsuchikage's face would immediately cease, as his lips would retract inward allowing a more 'serious tone' come to play. "......but since you've discarded help and chose to die alone i'll give you the honour of learning my name. Kazu Kanetsu, try not to forget it whilst your soul lingers toward hell." His statement would close whilst the lava surrounding his fist would begin to boil and grow fierce, expanding outward at an alarming rate.

A long silence would fill the air before the Tsuchikage would yet again begin his banter. "The flames of the sun may burn brighter, but it is nothing more then a ball of gas, much like you." The idle hand he had placed in his pocket would slowly reveal itself, slowly making it's way toward the tool pouch attached to his hip. His fingers would gracefully slide against the cold steel of each kunai before weaving through the loops of the three most easily equipped kunai. The grin he had once attained would now resurface, as the golden haired shinobi truly loved warfare, his excitement began to immensely grow as his left arm would swing before him, launching the three holstered kunai before him. Each kunai would glide together through the air in hope of piercing the rogue ninja's upper torso. It was a swift and opportune moment to input distractions in hope of more time to prepare his jutsu. As much as Kazu wanted to go head first into his opponent, the jutsu he had performed was still not ready to be executed. Only a little more time was needed and only twenty meters were separating the two.

Chakra: 380/400
Jutsu Used:

9Smash and Grab [open :3] Empty Re: Smash and Grab [open :3] Thu Aug 22, 2013 3:30 am



Shibirin raised an eyebrow, as he saw the kage launch three identical kunai towards their direction. Mentally deciding whether the Kage was mad to believe that 3 worthless Kunais would so much as even touch either he or Trilby, Shibirin carelessly moved 2m to the left, completing the motion in less that a fraction of a second. 'Hmm, so this is their kage hmm?' Shibirin thought to himself, as he saw the body of the kage land only 20m away from his current position. Working out that the body belonged to a Kage wasn't exactly a difficult challenge for the young rogue shinobi, as he was able to see the man's large chakra reserve, which he had only seen in Kage level shinobi or higher ranked shinobi. Quickly scanning the village streets that formed the village hidden in the rocks, Shibirin could see that he and Trilby's little visit had caused quite a fright to the mindless patrons of the village as he saw people running around the place in horror with nothing more than fear in their eyes. Faint screams could be heard, but were very much expected. Before Shibirin could get comfortable with the current situation he and his partner was in, Trilby got up from his seated position, after taking back his Dragon Bane sword and advised him to leave, as he was sure he could take care of things here by himself. Certain that Trilby knew exactly what he was doing and what type of ninja he was up against, Shibirin decided to leave the man with the task of occupying/getting rid of the Kage. "Heh, try not to have too much fun my friend..." the deviant spoke aloud with a weak, dirty grin wiped all over his face. After deactivating his Byakugan, sure that the blinding flash his companion had once produced with his powerful seal, Shibirin quickly Shunshined out of the area and found himself standing at a new location.

- Shibirin Exits Thread -

10Smash and Grab [open :3] Empty Re: Smash and Grab [open :3] Mon Sep 02, 2013 11:01 am



The crimson hued lenses of the Tsuchikage would watch as Trilby's 'partner' would exit the area. It would truly seem like the duo had truly underestimated the power of a kage, and Kazu was damn sure he'd let them know. His kunai throw would be dismissed immediately as the nuke-nin's reflexes simply swayed to his left and right dodging the three ninja tools Kazu had thrown. An intense silence would linger across the atmosphere as the two shinobi would lock gaze's as they both would be keen to end the other's life. Lava would begin to ferociously revolve around the Tsuchikage's right fist as his lava release jutsu completed it's charge. A slow wind would sway across the empty battlefield as small clouds of dust would dance amongst the wind. A single leaf would drift downward, descending onto the earth below, spinning and curling amongst the warm gust of fresh air that the stone country's environment would portray. Ever so slowly, the leaf would fall upon the ground, the two shinobi would launch themselves off the ground, literally shooting their bodies at each other. Their speed was incredible with the Tsuchikage being quicker by the tiniest margin. His golden hair would wave atop his crown whilst his clenched fist surrounded by lava would thrust before him but would push forward in a circular fashion from the originated state from his outer thigh thus bringing forth an uppercut enhanced with his yoton technique. But the nuke-nin would have taken in account the lava coated fist, and had instantly begun to slow his speed, Trilby's posture would become straighter before jerking his body back allowing the yoton covered fist to fall short of the Uzumaki's face by only a few centimeters. Trilby would swiftly bring his left hand forward catching the wrist of the Tsuchikage whilst bringing his right arm back which was equipped with the 'dragons bane' preparing for a diagonal slashing motion which would most likely tear through Kazu's torso if struck.

In an immediate swift action, the Tsuchikage would thrust his right foot upward whilst spinning his body backward allowing his body to backflip whilst kicking the Uzumaki's chest, allowing the grip of Trilby to break. Chakra would begin to knead across Kazu's lungs as his body was completely airborne whilst rotating backward. The Tsuchikage would swiftly exhale allowing flames to disperse from his lips, and with only five meters separating the two and Trilby's momentum, it was quite impossible to dodge the flames that was swiftly forming into the shape of a chinese dragon. With a swift movement the Uzumaki's arms would fall affront in hope of shielding the blow to protect his torso, allowing the 'fire dragon' to merge straight with Trilby's flesh, devouring the skin around both forearms before burning the flesh and muscle surrounding his 'radius' and 'ulna.' But this was only the beginning of the torture the Tsuchikage was planning to implement, as his body would once again thrust against the ground below him, launching his body toward Trilby with his fist still coated in pressurized lava. Closing the 5 meter gap that seperated the two within a instany, the Uzumaki would attempt in a swift strike with his blade yet again but this time striking down onto Kazu from above his head. But due to the severe burns that had developed across the muscles in his forearms, the blade began to glide down ever so slowly. The Tsuchikage's arm would thrust upward catching Trilby's weapon equipped wrist with the lava soaked fist, completely stopping the rogue ninja's assault whilst completely burning any source of flesh around Trilby's wrist. The two would stand completely still as a mass of chakra would form within the palm of Kazu's left hand, an ambient light would begin to radiate around the mass of chakra as it soon took shape into a a blue orb of rapidly moving chakra.

"It's impolite to die so soon, we only just got started.... But i guess the part where you attack my village.... slaughter my people...... and even murder my sensei five years ago. I guess it's simply fate that I end you here and redeem Lord Arashi's stone will."

A loud hiss would expel from the ball of chakra as it grew in size by each second. The Tsuchikage's crimson gaze would stare directly at the rogue ninja, watching as his body began to tremble at the smell of melting flesh. A silence would fill the atmosphere before the Tsuchikage made his move, a small grin would develop across Kazu's lips before screaming out at the man affront him. His left hand with the orb of chakra forming amidst the palm of the Tsuchikage would thrust forward in a single motion whilst his right hand (cloaked with lava and holding the wrist of the Uzumaki) would pull backward toward Kazu, allowing Trilby's body to fall forward into the Tsuchikage. The orb of chakra would thrust into the rogue ninja's upper torso as his body was pulled toward the Tsuchikage thus increasing the damage output due to the momentum of the strike.


The rasengan would thrust forward into the torso of Trilby, tearing through his skin and flesh with ease before grinding through his rib's shattering the perfect skeletal structure he was born with. It would only take 2 seconds before the rasengan would break through his ribcage before devouring Trilby's heart thus ending his existence with a single strike. The ball of chakra would dismiss after it had utterly mangled the rogue ninja's most vital organ. Trilby's corpse would slowly descend backward before hitting the hard Iwagakure ground. The Tsuchikage would stand above the rogue ninja's dead corpse before slowly descending downward with his right hand still engulfed by lava. His hand would slowly lay atop Trilby's face, allowing the corroding element to burn his face completely allowing no facial recognition to even be capable. The golden haired Kanetsu would linger through Trilby's dead body, looting any evidence to why they may have attacked the village. With only finding ryo and a burnt dildo, his body would lift itself up from his crouched position before body flickering away.

"Ahh, fucking rogue ninja. Guess i better clean this all up......"

Chakra: 335/400

Jutsu Used:

Exit thread.

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