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1Punching Below the Belt [Mission] Empty Punching Below the Belt [Mission] Tue Sep 03, 2013 10:42 am



There are certain things in this world that can be taken for granted, and there are certain things that are taken for granted that really shouldn't be. One of those things is education. Yuu knew better than most how boring it was to be in school when you already knew all that stuff, but the thing was that most people who refused to do their work in school were the ones who didn't know the things that they were refusing to listen through. It was ironic, the people who might have had a reason to want to skive off doing any hard work would be the ones who worked the hardest in the class, and the people who did the least work were the people who needed to learn it most. He had often wondered what it was that caused that, and had started to believe that laziness was caused by stupidity. Not that all lazy people are stupid, but most stupid people are lazy. Apart from those who were so stupid because they were so active and refused to sit down and do any learning, so maybe his hypothesis was wrong in that matter. Either way the dice rolled didn't matter, for what was going on was going to remain the same regardless. Some annoying little brats were slipping off school and were refusing to turn up. What was worse, they were attacking good people; stealing from folks, attacking kids for not joining their gang, and painting grafitti everywhere. That was going to stop, and he was going to be the one to make that happen.

The sun was refusing to shine that morning as he walked down the street, the silver clouds covering the sky and making everything seem a little bit downcast. He wasn't sure what was with this weather, it was normally a lot sunnier than this; He murmured something along those exact lines, his sheaths jangling about in the wind as he walked down the street. He needed to find somewhere where thugs like those would likely hang out. There were three possibilities; The fist was in one of the many alleyways - that would be a nuisance, since so much of the city was almost like a maze meaning they could be around every corner and he wouldn't know until they were close enough to attack him-, the second was at one of their houses, although with the warning about how active they were it seemed unlikely that the one time that someone was sent out to stop them they would be somewhere where he would have no jurisdiction. So, the final option, and the one that he was seriously hoping was the case, was the market place. They tended to beat people up in the alleyways around there, but what was more likely was that they were attacking one of the many stalls in the square. If that was the case, he'd be able to deal with them without having to worry about being cooped up in a small area fighting however many of them there were.

When he arrived in the market, he kept to the alleyway that he had come out of as he looked on. There, in the middle of the square, was a few of the brats attacking a young boy, who looked around the same age as them. What was worse was that they weren't even ten years old, they were more than six years his junior and if he was to be found dealing with these little monsters it was more than likely that the adults would join in on their side, assuming that they were the victims despite the fact that they all had a kunai hanging to their belt. Still, he couldn't hold back because of that, if he did they were going to beat up that little kid. Plus, the kid would remember him after today as the person who protected him from the gangs, and maybe he'd be one step closer to people remembering him. It seemed almost like a child wondering if he could be a superhero, but this was a lot more likely. So, stepping out of the shadows, he walked over to the brats, two of them turning to him as he approached.

"Get the fuck out of here pops, unless you want to find out what it feels like to be on the receiving end!" The little kids were hostile to him already, but that wasn't what was on Yuu's mind. They... were so damn stereotypical, what had they seen bad guys on the telly and decided to act like them? he didn't know, but what he did know was that it was hilarious. He laughed openly, almost buckling over with laughter, braying like a donkey. They, unfortunately, did not appreciate his love for this humor. The first one, a girl who seemed to be around eight years old, thrust her knee up to try and hit him in the nose. Of course, what she hadn't expected was for her leg to be grabbed before it could impact.

She stared in disbelief at him as he picked her up off the ground, dangling her upside down so her skirt fell down and gave her litle gang mates a preview. He didn't care to look, however, it hadn't even been intentional. what was intentional, however, was the movement as he began to swing her over his head before throwing her at two of her other friends. She collided as he had expected, knocking the three of them to the floor and pinning them under an embarrassed, sniveling bitch who had tried to be a grown up. Leaning down and grabbing one of their kunai, he picked it up before having to sidestep one that was thrown at his head... they were being serious? Well, okay then. Jabbing forwards, he cut the belt of the one who'd thrown it, letting his trousers fall down around his ankle before pushing him over. The final one, who seemed to be the leader of the pack, had cast a clone jutsu whilst Yuu was busy with the others, and both were now heading towards him.... well, now only one was, as the clown got tackled by the boy they were bullying.

The real leader continued her inexonerable charge towards him.... before getting a square slap across the face, hard enough to knock her over. She looked up in shock at Yuu, his hand slightly red from the impact.
"You stupid brats... I hope you realize that if you were adults, you would be dead. Kids get an easy pass, but don't expect this to be so easy next time, alright?"' His voice was cruel, not like it was enjoying it's cruelty but that it was doing what was necessary. It was somehow even more scary because of it's lack of interest. They nodded, but stayed sitting as he began to walk away, the little kid he'd saved staring at the leaving figure.... before turning and stomping on one of the bullies' crotch. It seemed the cycle was going to continue.


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