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Leaving out the Ryo reward and opting for ranking up Reaction Time from rank D to D-1

IC: Yasu sighed, sighed, and sighed some more. He really could not believe it. The fact that he had been given a solo mission already, without having even been assigned to a team yet, was something that he had no problems with and actually looked forward too. What he could not put up with, though, was how basic, crappy, and overall mundane his objectives were: to train the youngest Academy students. It was a known fact that D-Ranked missions were usually pretty ordinary jobs, that could easily be questioned why they were carried out by trained Shinobis at all. But this was simply not what Yasu had in mind, not at all. If there was any way he could escape from this, he would surely take it.

But there really wasn't, so, while rather visibly annoyed, the recently graduated Genin made his way towards the Academy he had so long lusted to leave and never come back to. With a faint nod towards the teacher sensei already at the entrance, he was addressed by him. "Well, well, well, well. If it isn't the worse troublemaker that this Academy has ever seen! Glad you could make it! The kids are all waiting for you." "Yeah, yeah, let's just get this over with already." He quickly replied, clearly wanting to do this as fast as possible. The oldest of the two made his way towards the back of the Ninja Academy, at which Yasu followed. There, all of the kids were already seated, chatting and playing along as normal, but waiting for the outdoors class to commence. Finally, their professor spoke. "Alright, students! Today we have a... 'special' guest coming in to give the class. Say hello to Yasu, he's just graduated from this Academy a few weeks ago!"

The Genin coughed, rolling his eyes before approaching the front of the group of kids. "Okay... well, erm. Listen up, kids! I am here today to teach you something very valuable! Have you ever wanted to become someone else entirely? Be someone you wouldn't like to be at all, for a while? Well, take him, for example." Yasu said as he raised his arm in the professor's direction, much to the latter's annoyance. "With little effort, I can turn into someone just like him! That's right, I can age up a... LOT of years in just a few seconds! Watch and see!" It was clear how the youngster was making fun of the Sensei, as both have generally annoyed each other in the past. Nevertheless, after performing a few handseals, a large cloud of smoke appeared in Yasu's place, and after having vanished, revealed an exact copy of the teacher. The Academy Students had luckily never seen this technique in action before, and were therefore amazed at it. After returning to his normal self, Yasu began giving out the proper instructions to the students, having them slowly perform the handseals demonstrated by the Genin, and with time, forming results. Needless to say, the first visible results were failed, deformed attempts at mimicking the professor, only resembling him slightly only on a few aspects at best, such as his clothes or accessories. With time, however, student after student, they began to perfect the technique, and by the end of an afternoon that seemed to have lasted years for Yasu, the kids could, in a basic but effective way, perform the technique without any major flaws.

After the class had effectively ended, the students went home, thanking Yasu for the lesson. The latter did the same, though as he was leaving, the annoyed but overall friendly teacher sensei addressed the youngster one last time. "You did good today, Yasu. I've got a strong feeling... that you're destined for things that you are not aware of." The Genin merely chuckled and smirked at the man with one last glance. "Take care of yourself, teach'."

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