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1Train the academy (dem little punks) Empty Train the academy (dem little punks) Sun Aug 04, 2013 2:02 pm



As Ryuu entered in a flashy way breaking the door and dodging every prank they set up for him to fall for he said "yo punks am here to get you're tardy arses to work we're learning  new jutsu's today" as they stared at him with motivation and idolizing happy eyes they replied "yes you're highness " they saw him as their king for his delinquency and his knowledge in pranks, as he didn't seem as boring and shabby like the rest of the teachers, "tch how can y'all study in this boring place get your ass's over here and line up we're going to the pool " said Ryuu with confidence,he was given the most troublesome class a one filled with trouble makers and prank  loving  students,still he didn't mind"alright first off I'll start teaching you the most basic and amazing  skill for full free movement ,but first i would like to teach you guys the principles okey I'll start with  you  four-eyes"he pointed at a kid wearing glasses"whats morale"he asked the kid the kid would then reply"cheerfulness in a group" Ryuu replied to him"good job i like smart people  n you're one of them but now let me teach you the most important thing in a shinobi's life the loyalty to one's nation for those who abandon their nation are cowards running away from pain,you must never ever betray you're country,instead be proud you're a shinobi serving to protect it, a shinobi  must be loyal to his family ,friends ,superiors and most important his village ,and never forget your mission is important but not more than your comrades its teamwork that leads you to success , never be tempted by money and so as a training to control one's greed if you find even a single ryo on the floor or while walking be sure to bring it to me, i will put it to good use",said Ryuu with a dumb smile on his face, but then a kid replied "maybe you should control your own greed, hah ", "huh?, what did you say punk do you want me to kill you, and women be-careful from their tricks, damn women slave driving me, while playing with my mind"Ryuu stopped talking as they reached the pool, they got inside but  a female student wanted to slack off , she told Ryuu she forgot to bring swimsuit as an excuse ,but Ryuu replied "okey i give you permission to go naked" ,"HUH?"the female replied in shock as her idea of slacking off had disappeared, later on as they all got inside he started showing them how to balance their chakra, saying "focus at channeling chakra to your  feet ,but dont go forcing it, gently and calmly channel it to your feet keep it at a steady amount, then step into the water"after 2 hours of hard practice Ryuu had successfully taught them the technique he continued teaching them academy level techniques that would prove helpful to them , after a long  dedicated and  diligent, hard working class has ended, he took them and headed back to the academy, were they thanked him for a great day and for his great tutoring skills he then left them smiling heading home with the thought "maaaan that was a long day  i wonder what i should have for Dinner or should i head to the bar actually i just wanna get some rest, chunin exams are on the way i should train hard or else.
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