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1Train the Academy! Empty Train the Academy! Fri Aug 16, 2013 6:11 pm



Seishen walked inside of the classroom that housed the Kirigakure students, his hoodie wrapped around his chest tightly with his white hair slid back over his ears. He was trying his best to look somewhat professional. His headband was fastened tightly around his head and his expression extremely judgmental as he walked into the group of students. He was a few minutes late, they had been ordered by their regular teacher to look down towards their desks and get their homework out to check it over. Seishen smiled lightly afterwards, bowing towards the Sensei that had ran the classroom. He was going to be respectful in this class, or at least try to be. The Teacher would lean backwards towards the chalkboard as he stared towards Seishen."You're welcome to start whenever you like." The Teacher stated...

"Very well, Students may I have your attention please?" He looked around for them to pull their attention towards him. "Okay, today I am going to be showing you some of the basic techniques that us Genin have to learn before leaving this Academy. Of course, these are only testaments to your skills as a Ninja. I wish for you to keep in mind that Ninjutsu isn't the only thing that makes you a great Ninja. There are a variety of aspects that make up a strong Shinobi that I will not get into at this moment in time. It does not matter if you're proficient in a certain Jutsu, in fact I had some trouble getting all these Jutsu to work correctly my first few weeks into seeing them for myself." He chuckled lightly towards his own remark.Seishen moved to place his foot against the wall, beginning to walk against the side and go against the forces of gravity by controlling chakra throughout his feet. His arms would cross tightly as he continued to walk against the laws of Physics, eventually being over the heads of the students below. A majority of them would seem to be in awe of the jutsu they were witnessing. "This is known as the Supernatural Walking Practice. It is a very basic skill and one of the things that make Ninja well....Ninja. It won't be covered until you get later in your school years because of the complexity that it holds."

Suddenly from around the room, there were many different versions of himself appearing behind the students. Aiming to scare some of the children with a gentle smile. Only to dissipate after being touched by the students. The original Seishen would poof into a sudden cloud of smoke, taking the appearance of the Mizukage. Seishen would drop towards the ground. Still seeming as if he was the Mizukage's form. "These jutsu are known as the Transformation Technique and the Doppleganger Technique. Both techniques of diversion used in everyday life as a Ninja. Keep in mind, someone could be throwing the most powerful technique possible towards you. But if you used things such as these correctly, you can make it so that person practically wasted their own chakra. Powerful techniques do not a great Ninja make, but it's the brains to outsmart your opponent effectively and to complete the mission assigned. Keep all of these things in mind and you'll go far in this world. There's always room for improvement." The Teacher had a smile written upon his face as he waved his hand towards Seishen. Seishen would immediately take the signal and begin to walk out of the classroom. Letting them continue with their daily activities.

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