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1Train The Academy Empty Train The Academy Sun Nov 10, 2013 3:53 pm


Yahiko rubbed his shoulders. He was in a great amount of muscular pain at the moment, and it was not a fun time. He had just recently finished mining up materials for the smithies, and that was no easy task. The rocks were extremely hard, and he had to put in an immense amount of force to break them. Needless to say, it had given Yahiko a very good workout, and he was achey. This meant that there wouldnt be anymore physically demanding missions for a while, not before his body fully recovered. No, for now, Yahiko would go and do a job that he wasnt much looking forward to. Training the academy.

Yahiko stepped into the noisy classroom, hit by the sheer amount of volume that these children could produce. All of them, under the age of ten. All of them, making as much noise as a torrential storm in kumogakure. It was frightening. He could tell why they needed a shinobi to teach these young guys, they looked like they would tear a regular guy apart. Yahiko stepped to the front of the class, writing his name on the big chalk board. "My name is Yahiko Kyoshu, I am here to teach you"

Yahiko's bellowing voice seemed to get the attention of the class. They looked hungry to learn, a good set of students to be perfectly honest.

"Now guys, the first thing I am going to teach you is a valuable asset to any shinobi. The transformation technique"

Yahiko made the handseals before shouting: "Henge no Jutsu!"

In an instant, Yahiko changed from a tall grown man, to a child just as small as the rest of the children in the class. He walked around in a humerous fashion, teaching the children the ins and outs of the technique, making sure that they got it right.

Yahiko poofed back to his normal self.

"Now then children, time to learn the next most important jutsu for a shinobi. The Clone Jutsu"

The Bunshin no Jutsu, a rather weak technique per se, but it could be used to great effect, even at the highest level. Again, Yahiko formed the appropriate handseals, before shouting 'Bunshin no Jutsu' and watching as a perfect clone of himself formed.

THe rest of the class tried to repeat this, but there was always something off about the clones. It was a good start, however the children would need practice.

"Ok guys, thats two out of four, you guys are doing great! Now for the next technique I am going to need a volunteer"

Yahiko smiled as almost all of the children's hands shot up in the air.

"Ok, Yes, You at the front! Come up come up!"

The kid strolled up to the front of the class confidently.

"Ok kiddo. I need you to punch me in the face, as hard as you can."

The kid, without any hesitation, cocked back his fist and attempted to sock Yahiko in the jaw.

Yahiko smiled from behind the kid, whispering in his ear. "Replacement Technique sir!"

"OK! Final technique guys!"

Yahiko focused, transferring all of his chakra into his feet. He walked towards the wall, before walking UP the wall. He slowly stepped, reaching the ceiling before walking over the center of the class.

"A very useful technique class, you concentrate the chakra into your feet, and you will be able to 'stick' to most surfaces. Give it a go!"

The class all excitedly ran towards the walls of the class, trying their hardest to run up. Of course, they didnt get very far, it was usually half way up the wall before they fell back down.

It had been a good class, and the children could understand the basics, Yahiko decided it would be OK to reward them. One of his favorite places to go after a long and hard training session was the pool, and he knew the best pool in the entire village. The water was pristine, the location was perfect. It was usually quiet, and it was a great place to kick back and relax.

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