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so its come down to this Ryuu said Gale palm i must master this jutsu before the exams or i 'll end up holding my teammates back,alright focus Fuuton chakra into both my palms*Ryuu starts channeling his chakra to his palm as air pressure begins increasing on his palms he then slams them together but the wind would knock him back*
"dammit am glad i choose this place i wouldn't like bothering others with my training"the area Ryuu had chosen was a vast , wide ,empty area *Ryuu gets back up focusing chakra reducing it steadily until it had reached the amount he had wanted he then slams his pals together then he aimed at a rock he had stood in-front of ,Ryuu thrusts his palms aiming a his target but his palms barely released anything * "keeping this up wont do me any good this training focuses on channeling  the strong enough amount of chakra i should get some training for both of my hands done"said Ryuu  while staring at his hands, he then started doing push ups while standing on his hands, after finishing his push up he moved to standing on his hands on water he made it harder by doing push up while standing on his hands on water doing so the pain he felt in his arms was incredible he had to keep his chakra steady and strengthen it  little by little if something goes wrong he would fail his training, Ryuu took everything as challenge and he never failed at surpassing his challenges filled with worry and  ear of failure would only make him Stronger.
hours would pass no,its been a forty five hours since he started training,worn out,tired,exhausted,barely standing up  he goes to try his jutsu once again his thoughts before his conscious faded were"heh maybe i am incapable of this   jutsu and its only a C-Rank jutsu
when did i grow so weak  will i ever capable of -"as he falls unconscious a tear would fall from his eyes as he was unconscious he remembered times of the pass words spoken to him by people he adored

-A path is something you create as you walk it. The ground you’ve trodden hardens, and that’s what forms your path. You’re the only one who can create your own path. Walk on your own. If you haven’t given up yet, that is.

-Stand up and walk. Move on.
After all, you have perfect legs to stand on.

-Don't ever forget that with each step a person is able to take on their own, they have become that much stronger

Ryuu suddenly wakes up in a rush, as he found himself in the hospital, from what he learned he slept for two days, he proved to the doctor he is fine in order  to have permission to leave ,as he left he returned to his training field with motivation burning in his eyes he returned to practice from push ups to jogging from jogging to meditating as he was  in the middle of training he said to himself "i am who i am n this is the path i created and these are the two legs i shall walk on this path  with memories, experiences, hardships, pain,happiness,friendship every feeling inside me shall fuse within me   and become my strength my will power "suddenly as  if he was getting powerful by the secon his chakra would grow stronger his aura would almost be visible for the naked eyes it was a burning blue flame as if what he said was true his emotions fused giving him enough power to overcome any thing in the face of his ambitions he continued to train harder and harder never giving up the flame  of his motivation was burning stronger then ever ,after resting  on his way back to the training field  he  saw his comrades but he hid without them noticing his presence, seeing them train had and growing stronger inspired him even more he felt as if they felt exactly the same which  strengthened his feelings seeing them he ran back to training as fast as he can as for his jutsu he had nearly perfected it but to him something seemed off as night came he fell on his back stretching his hands and legs staring at the starry sky filled with stars  to him it was as if it the stars calling on to him wishing  that their voice would reach Ryuu, that their words"get up never give up"would reach him Ryuu as if replying to them "damn you're too annoying i get it i get it  ,dont worry i never planned on giving up so shut up and watch "he stood up to continue his training as he saw a hawk  as strange as it is he stood there glancing at the hawk flapping its wings, challenging the wind,challenging the sky bound to none ,as if it knew no limits the hawk would flap his wings as hard as it can flying over to the distance leading an unknown path as if challenging all beings as stupid as it may sound Ryuu felt  motivated  again "hawk i like that a hawk that knows no limits i want to be that hawk spreading my wings challenging the wind i cant master this i cant master that, that's a load of crap "after continuing heading home it was late at night  he has yet to master his technique ,but for now it dosent matter he  felt fulfilled , each step of his was filled with pride his prideful steps stopped at a scene  a mother and her child out at a time  like this but that wasn't sure what were his motives were a nin which seemed like a rogue had his kunai pointed at them ,Ryuu ran at him with full speed  but wouldnever catch up,all of a sudden a flash back hit Ryuu remembering  the hawk flapping its wind wings from ,flapping its wings, from the top to the tip of its wings,Ryuu the had no choice but to use that,he would channel his chakra to his whole wings (hands)as he slammed the palms of his hands holding them together for a second flat breaking this pose as he pulls them an inch back and in incredible speed as if they were a piercing bullets thrusts them pointing to the rogue nin which was five meters away from him , Ryuu fires a gale of wind at his target shredding his clothes wounding him badly alongside pushing him back several meters  knocking him out ,Ryuu with eyes wide he breaks the silence saying"YES I DID IT" after tying the man and placing him under custody of the military police force of kirigakure ,Ryuu heads home feeling happy and truly fulfilled he heads home smiling for his major success saying to himself "finally i became strong enough to protect someone ".

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