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What should I do today?

It was a sunny day as it often was in Konohagakure, a gentle breeze made the heat less difficult to bear as Motsuo made his way towards the Mission Board to see if there was anything that he could do to help his village.

Every bit helps I suppose

He weaved through the streets, smiling and waving at the people he passed. Friends and family alike were there, all united under the leaf and protected by the greatest Shinobi of the village; a position that Mitsuo strived towards. He smiled imagining himself wearing a feline-esk mask of the ANBU, personal guard to the Hokage, and his determination increased as he approached the mission board.

Lets see what we have here...Hmm.. Village Maintenance, I guess it would be nice to fix up some of the shabby buildings around the village. Every little bit helps.

Mitsuo stopped in at the shed to pick up some supplies; paint and brushes, nails and roofing supplies, and made his way over to one of the more run-down houses in the village. He chuckled softly to himself as he grabbed a ladder and made his way up to the roof, wanting to be careful as it was old and he didn't want to fall through.

The owner of the house held the ladder for him as Mitsuo went to work, spending the rest of the long day tarring and re-shingling the old shambled roof. He tried to finish as quickly as he possibly could so that he could also help paint before the sun went down but couldn't go too fast because he didn't want to perform shabby work. He meticulously placed shingle after shingle, humming a tune to himself as he worked. He thought of how he was helping out the village, which was ultimately what he wanted to do, so in a small way he was achieving his goal.

When he finished re-shingling the roof he climbed down the ladder and pulled out the paint, smiling as he dipped the brush into the paint can and began to paint the walls and fence. Brush stroke after brush stroke, minute after minute, this was something that he enjoyed doing. Painting was one of Mitsuo's passions, though he usually preferred to paint pictures over fences, any painting he could do always made him smile and calmed him down.

Now this is more like it.. I can't stand roofing, but eh, if it's what needs to get done to help out the Hidden Leaf then so be it... This though, this I can get behind

Mitsuo took out a smoke and lit it before getting back to work, taking a few puffs and continuing to hum his tune. The paint job was going by much quicker than the roofing and he was glad. Only one more stop after this and he would be done for the day.

As the sun began to set and he was finishing up the fence he shook the old man's hand and bid him farewell.

"Thank you for the help young man," the elderly villager said happily as Mitsuo smiled and nodded back.

"It was my pleasure, sir" Mitsuo walked away from the house, turned down the street, and made his way to the Konoha Hospital. Some of the more "adventurous" children had painted graffiti on the walls and Mitsuo wasn't going to let such a slight stand, even if they were just kids having helpless fun.

He took out a scrub brush and filled a bucket with soapy water and proceeded to scrub down the wall, making sure to get rid of every bit of graffiti ruining the exterior of the Konoha Hospital, a place of healing and hope. He would make it sparkle as much as possible and took great pride in that fact. When people looked at this place they wouldn't be depressed by its defacement, they would smile at the pristine condition of the building.

Upon finishing his scrubbing he packed up all of his tools and returned them to the requisition in the village, thanking them before making his way off to Ichiraku Ramen for a delicious bowl of Pork Ramen.

A great end to a productive day

He smiled and, after finishing his Ramen, made his way back to turn in his mission.

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