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The Mission:

While time is relative, time of course always remained at the same pace. But to Ginza, the moon was slow to set and the sun, equally slow to rise on this particular morning. The blond, of course, didn’t really know why he felt like that today as he watched the sky slowly lighten with pink, red, and orange hues with the sunrise to the east, but he wanted the time to go faster; Even if he didn’t really have any reason to be anxious about the time today. There was nothing particularly exciting was on his schedule, but he supposed that he was bored just sitting reading a book. Perhaps that, and the fact that the material he was reading was rather dry, was the reason why?

Ginza had woken up rather early today, nearly four hours ahead of schedule at three a.m. in the morning of all things, when his mission didn’t start until eight in the morning. But now that the sun was finally rising he supposed that it would spur him into action from where he’d simply been lying in his bed with his book. Giving a hum he set the book on his bedside table, looking over the red cover that was stamped on the binding with the title of “The Structure of Akido,” for a brief moment before giving a great stretch, attempting to relieve the tension that had developed in his muscles.

A yawn escaped him as he finally found the energy to get up from his bed and go about his usual morning routine, bathroom first for showering, brushing his teeth, and other such personal hygiene things. Then out and to his closet to dress in his typical uniform, and then to breakfast. Breakfast wasn’t anything particularly interesting for the shinobi, just a simple oatmeal, giving how tight his funds were at the current moment in time. Still, that didn’t keep him from doctoring it up just a bit with some sugar.  The shinobi took his time eating the oatmeal until he finished and looked over at his clock. It was just about time to leave for the day.

So, gather the items that he would need for the day and head out the shinobi did, wandering towards his assignment at the front gate of Konohagakure. He’d had the assignment once already with a friend of his named Kubo, and it hadn’t been bad at all. Though, he knew that he likely wouldn’t be paired with the other man for a while, considering that the other was a Jounin and he was only a genin still – though not for much longer. So, he found himself wondering who it was who he’d be assigned to this time, and the times in the future that he knew that he’d be assigned to this very same post as he walked. It would be interesting to get to know them and gather intel on them all.

WC: 501/1000



When the gate and the gatehouse came into view though, Ginza did not see what he’d expected to see at all. Instead of a village entrance that was normally majorly traffic free, there was a line, and not just a line of people either, but of circus trailers. He could already tell that this was going to be a rough day at the gate, probably with lots of grouchy people, and he had yet to punch in. The blond grimaced and pushed his hair behind his ears as he closed the distance between himself and the gatehouse, face slowly falling into it’s usual impassive look. Trying days called for patience and calm, but that didn’t stop the two gatekeepers who were already there and waiting to be relieved from looking any less frazzled and grateful that their time at the gate was over.

“Kaigara, Ginza reporting for duty to relieve Negare, Hone.” Ginza stated and one of the men immediately shoved paperwork in his hands and dashed off, leaving his partner with his lips open, looking as if he were going to make a complaint. Ginza watched his mouth open and close for a few moments before immediately falling into the pile of work that was required for the circus. And, unfortunately for both Ginza and the man who was supposed to be relieved, his partner didn’t appear until half an hour after they were supposed to be at their post.

It was ridiculous, and Ginza gave the other a hard stare when he arrived, introducing himself as Kisuke while the other man who had been their longer than he was supposed to shoved the paperwork at him and berated him for being late. Ginza sighed as the man fell into step with him, shaking his head. “If you’re my partner for this, I’m going to have to ask that you never be late again.” And a hard glare that Ginza gave in the other’s direction was enough to make the man shut up and not attempt to make excuses for himself, luckily.

In spite of being late to their job, Kisuke was a relatively hard worker and they actually did manage to get on well in spite of him being late. And, within three hours they managed to clear the circus for entry, watching as the long line slowly made its way into the center of Konohagakure and out of their site. Ginza had to admit, it had been interesting watching all the performers and various animals enter. Part of it even made him miss performing at the temple like in his past. But, he wouldn’t change his current job for anything now. The rest of the day went relatively smoothly. Sure, they had to catch up a bit from the backlog the circus had caused, but by the end of their three hour shift they had managed to get it to a reasonable point to hand off to the shinobi that would be taking their places at the gate.

WC: 501 + 509 = 1010/1000
[Using as C-rank jutsu credit.]
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