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Sarutobi Mitsuo walks towards the office of the Hokage's secretary with a look of determination on his face. He is determined to take the next mission he is offered in order to help the village once more and get him one step closer to his goal of becoming ANBU. He knows that the more of these missions he completes, the more his reputation of being a trustworthy and reliable shinobi will reach the Hokage and when he is ready it will be a good word in the Hokage's ear.

As he walks up to the door to the office he hears an elderly woman scream in a shrill voice "Well you MUST do SOMETHING!" He peeks into the door and sees Madam Chiasa, a short plump woman dressed head to toe in fancy garb, grey hair pulled back into a bun and hidden under a large feathered hat. She tends to show up here a lot and Mitsuo knows exactly why she's here.

Not this again...

"My precious Beautiful Maybell has gone missing! You must send SOMEONE out to FIND HER! I can't liiiive without my precious sweet little Maybell." She is demanding and somewhat haughty, but Mitsuo knows it's because she is so upset. He sighs and opens the door and walks into the room, fixing his glasses and bowing to the Hokage's secretary.

"Madam Chiasa, worry not. I will find your Maybell." The look on her face changes from worry to happiness in an instant and she grabs Mitsuo, hugging him tightly and taking the wind from his lungs.

"Ooh thank you young man, you're so sweet," her smile fades a little as she lets go and recomposes herself. "Ahem, yes, you will do nicely. Just make sure you don't harm my Maybell. If one single hair on my baby is out of place, you will be dealt with by the FULL authority of the Hokage's office! Believe me when I say it!" She wiggles her finger at him and he looks at the Hokage's secretary who just shrugs and shakes her head.

After learning that Maybell will most likely be in the Dense Forest, Mitsuo sets out and prepares for the mission ahead of him. He goes to the edge of the forest and takes to the trees, using chakra in his feet first to jump to a higher branch and then to hold on as he moves from tree to tree. He was told that Maybell is fast but he was much faster than most Genin and he was positive that he should have no issues catching the feline, though holding onto it might be more of an issue.

He makes his way through the trees and thinks he sees something moving up ahead. As he takes another jump to investigate something flashes past him and he ends up with four slash marks on his cheek. "Aah, what the hell?" He can't help but yell out, realizing quickly that the slash marks are cat's claw marks. He stops and looks back, seeing the old woman's cat sitting on a branch on the tree behind him, close to the village. Mitsuo snarls angrily before coming up with a plan. Noting that the cat is in line with the village he grins evilly.

"Henge no Jutsu!" He yells and suddenly turns into a cheetah. He snarls and growls at the housecat and begins to take chase after it. The small house cat sees the cheetah barreling after it and runs as fast as it can towards the village. Once Mitsuo gets it close enough to the Hokage's offices he transforms back to himself and jumps in front of the cat, taking off his sash and wrapping the cat in it before taking it inside.

"Oooh my poor, poor Maybell.. I hope I see my baby soon.. I hope he's okay," Madam Chiasa says as she impatiently waits for Mitsuo's return. He strolls in and closes the door quietly when she isn't looking, letting the cat fall from his sash and retying it as he speaks up.

"Ahem, Madam Chiasa, I found your Maybell. He's unharmed, though I might have to make a trip to the Hospital.." Madam Chiasa barrels over Mitsuo as she rushes to pick up her cat, who struggles in her arms against her kisses, clearly not impressed and plotting his next escape attempt.

"Ooh Maybell! You must have been scared half to death!"

"You don't know the half of it Madam Chiasa," Mitsuo chuckles to himself as Chiasa gives him a confused look and a small scowl before thanking him for returning Maybell safely and promptly and haughtily striding out of the room.

Well another job well done I suppose

Mitsuo shakes his head and moves to explain the details to the secretary, who shakes her head as well and begins to laugh at the whole situation.

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