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1My Butler/Pet/Only Friend  Empty My Butler/Pet/Only Friend Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:40 pm



Name: Hibiki
Rank: S
Species: Giant Turtle
Species Traits:

Hardened Shell: Hibiki's shell is capable of deflecting a great array of jutsu. In other words, it can perfectly deflect any jutsu C rank and below, as long as it retracts back into its shell. His skin takes damage normally. 2 S rank jutsu are capable of breaking the shell. The same goes if 5 B rank jutsu or 3 A rank jutsu are used. This, of course, is without augmentation. If the shell breaks, it can regenerate and reappear in the next thread.

Transformation: Hibiki is able to shape-shift into a convenient travel size so that it can stay with Kyo at all times. When it's travel sized, it is about 5cm tall.

Appearance:  often dubbed Skull knight because of the shape of its shell, which has the markings of a skull. In its battle form, it measures 12 ft in height. It has blue scales and a large brown shell on its back with two large pipe-like structures coming from both sides of its head. These are the source of one of its most powerful attacks. It has large claws that are capable of tearing through skin and weak armor (D rank).

Battle Form:

Travel Form:

Personality:  is blidly loyal to Kyo, even though she often manhandles the poor thing. It is often thrown across battlefields and made to do menial house work such as cooking and cleaning. Kyo's harsh words often make it cry and run into the forests around the Senju compound, where it can be seen sulking. However, to anyone else, it is harsh and unforgiving. He is extremely protective of its owner and actively takes initiative in attacking whoever it perceives as a threat, unless ordered otherwise. This makes several people perceive it as aggressive, which is often true. However, it can be quite docile towards those he come to trust. Hibiki has a great amount of patience towards others as well. Additionally it is capable of understanding human languages to an extent, not to mention communicating via grunts and groans. These can be understood by humans.
Elements: Water

Name: Water Style: Water Canon
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Element: Water
Range: 30 m (Full power), 50 m (Half power)
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 1 post
Cooldown: Hibiki remains still, charging water into the pipes on its back. It then shoots the water at 10 m/s. If it hits the target, it causes multiple fractures, shattering bones. If it hits directly, it is capable of blowing off limbs or blowing a hole into someone's torso. If it hits point blank, the person's body is completely shattered. The water itself is capable of putting out S rank fires, including amaterasu.

Name: Hardened Shell
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: S
Type: Defensive
Element: -
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: -10 per jutsu
Cooldown: 8 posts
Description: Hibiki retracts into its shell and streams chakra towards it in order to harden it. In this state, it is capable of deflecting A rank jutsu with ease. It can also withstand up to 4 S rank jutsu. In this state, Hibiki can make its shell spin in a 10 meter diameter, shredding most of the things in its way. It can tear through C rank armor and it can cause multiple fractures to the human body.

Name: Skull Bash
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Element: -
Range: 20 m
Specialty: Taijutsu
Duration: 1  post
Cooldown: 4 posts
Description: Hibiki runs 50 km/h towards his target. He rams his head into his or her chest, causing the wind t be blown out of them, hence they remained stunned for 1 post after the attack is done. Additionally, it causes multiple fractures to the person's rib cage along with heavy bruising.

2My Butler/Pet/Only Friend  Empty Re: My Butler/Pet/Only Friend Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:32 pm


You made a Blastoise pet. I love you for that. 1/2 approved.

3My Butler/Pet/Only Friend  Empty Re: My Butler/Pet/Only Friend Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:32 pm



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