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1Junshiro (Inuzuka Combat Pet) Empty Junshiro (Inuzuka Combat Pet) Fri Jul 12, 2013 8:59 am

Masanori 1

Masanori 1

Name: Junshiro
Rank: C
Species: Shikoku
Appearance: Junshiro has a pure white coat and stands at a foot and a half tall. He has grey eyes matching his owner's.
Junshiro (Inuzuka Combat Pet) 0a105c62-4808-4f1d-ba7a-b85aca1b2c60
Personality: Junshiro is generally a relaxed dog, spending most of his free time resting lazily wherever Masanori is. Whenever in training, he shows just as much determination as his owner, constantly improving. Being born in Kirigakure, Junshiro also enjoys the water.
Techniques: None yet.

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