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1My feathery friend. Empty My feathery friend. Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:31 am



Name: Aoihime
Species: Indian Roller
Rank: D
Specializations: Ninjutsu
Elements: -

Personality: Aoihime is an example of an animal that's free-spirited. The medium size bird who does not enjoy being caged, voicing her displeasure of the act with a series of shrieks and clawing at the in cage but quickly quieting down when she realized that she won't be let out. She must enjoy being allowed the freedom of flying in an open space, usually the house, and the opportunity to perch on her owner's shoulder whenever the urge to do so strikes her. 
Aoihime can cause 1/2 inch puncture and cuts with her sharp beak and talons. The little bird also has the innate ability of flight being about to steadily fly at 5m/s with quick bursts being up 7m/s.

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