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1Missing Fangs[Mission, Complete] Empty Missing Fangs[Mission, Complete] Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:34 pm


The rays of the sun, slithered their way in between the blinds of another unexpected victim. Their slender bodies moving across the barren floor, bringing light to where there was darkness. They moved up along the side of their next victim's resting place, the warmth radiating from them, causing their target to stir in their sleep – but never wake up. A forked tongue licked at the occupant's face, causing them to stir more, hands coming up to shield the beast. But all attempts were futile. For once the creature had a victim, there wasn't a chance too escape.

What's this?

A groin of annoyance bellowed out of the occupant's throat, rumbling like that of rolling thunder. Eyelids fluttered, like the wings of a fleeting butterfly or moth, pealing back to show the pair of hidden yellow gems, that heard no warmth nor coldness. They were simply voided of all emotions, making them less attractive than they usually are. The lackluster gems took a look around the room, making sure nothing was out of place. Or that there weren't any unwanted visitors within here. There never was, but one couldn't help but to be sure. Like a child playing with shutter blinds, the eyelids open and closed a couple of times – trying to remove the adhesive gunk that were prominent on them. Whoever the occupant was, they must had slept really hard to have gunk on their eyelids.

A long sigh escaped the figure's lips, covers pulled back, revealing them dressed in simple undergarments, legs moving to the side of the bed, as they got up from their resting place. It been so long. Three weeks. Theses were the thoughts of the occupant who were now standing in front of their still closed blinds, though they wouldn't remain like that for long. Opening them, the sun rays assaulted dweller's figure, lighting it up for all too see. Thin waves of silver hair, cascading a little bit past his waist. The locks were unruly, and tangled, no doubt from sleeping. The soft feminine features of the occupant, could make some mistaken the individual for a female – sadly that wouldn't be anatomically correct. For the figure were clearly male, at least the last time they checked. And this figure was none other than Guanyin Nanashi, this being confirmed by the tribal tattoo that traveled from the right pectoral muscle to the middle of his bicep.

I wonder what she's doing.” The words were formed in a question, as if someone was there to answer him. They weren't. Moving from the window, having watched a few people scurrying to their jobs, them having already completed their morning ritual; Nanashi decided to start his own. Absentmindedly looking at the other side of the bed, the occupant that normally lays there, missing. . .

I wait you return, Akio-chan.


Here for a mission?” The dark haired chuunin asked Nanashi, the former having already started going through the available missions when he caught sight of the silver haired chuunin. The one manning the desk couldn't help but to mentally shake his head at the state of his friend. Outsiders wouldn't notice the subtle change in Nanashi's personality and overall presence, but he did, along with the veteran shinobis. Ever since Akio left, Nanashi's deposition had changed, and not for the better – some might ask. His musing would stop short, when Nanashi spoke. . .

Yeah, something outside of the village.” That was another thing that changed in the past few weeks. Nanashi has been frequently asking for missions outside of the village. While such requests weren't unheard of, he has been asking for them more so than others. Sighing ever so softly, the chuunin tossed Nanashi a mission outside of the village, like the man asked “Here.”

Thanks.” Nanashi stated, leaving the vicinity while reading the mission parameters. A group of coyotes have been causing a ruckus as of late and the people of nearby villages, want them permanently dealt with.

Sounds fun. . .

Moving through the barren wasteland of Iwagakure, Nanashi noted the lack of vegetation and viable water source. The area was literally a dessert, with a few animal skulls completing the scene. Having spent over twenty minutes within the desolated landscape, Nanashi hadn't came across any type of animal or humans for that matter. Beads of sweat rolled down the man's forehead, before being wiped away by the back of his hand. God it was hot Nanashi idly thought, taking a break to rehydrate himself – with a bottle of water attached to his pouch.

Nanashi continued his trek, after quenching his thirst. Those yellow eyes of his scanning around for any signs of movement or anything out of the ordinary. The eyes of a human have been developed over time to lock onto any fast moving object. This was because of our ancestors having to fend against attacks from nature's predators. All of them being faster than a human being. This also the reason why one will often spot a moving object before they'll see an unmoving one. The eyes are truly an amazing piece of equipment. Nanashi mused, before stopping a small distance away from a waterhole.

Citrine eyes easily locked on the numerous types of animals that were there drinking from the pond. Big and small, prey and predator, they were all there to quench their thirst. A few minutes passed before Nanashi made his way towards the waterhole, the majority of the predators having left, getting their fill. Kneeling down at the edge of the body of water, taking notice of the tracks – none of them being related to the animal, he was tracking.

Wait. . .

A few feet away from where he was standing, were the tracks of the animal he were looking for. Coyotes. Taking noticed of the tracks, Nanashi noticed that there were many of them and they were all heading in a general direction. Using the limited amount of tracking skills, he has the chuunin began following them. The tracks eventually lead him to the mouth of a cave made of purely rock. Laying down at the entrance of spelunk were five coyotes. At first Nanashi thought they were a family of sorts, seeing it was five of them. Though a closer observation told him otherwise. The coyotes were all male, loners, probably got kicked out of other packs and only band together to increase their survival.

Building chakra into his lungs, Nanashi released a flammable gas out of his mouth – that flowed towards the area where the coyotes were sleeping. Without wasting any moments, chakra built back up within his mouth before a giant fireball erupted from his mouths. Almost in slow motion, Nanashi watched as the fireball ignited the gas, causing a giant explosion. The coyotes died, not knowing that their death had already occurred when Nanashi got assigned this mission. Waiting for the fire to die down, Nanashi looked at his hand work – the charred remains of the animals were the only thing left. Somewhat curious, Nanashi made his way down towards the given area, the smell of burnt flesh not effecting him – much. Kneeling down beside of the animals, Nanashi peeled back the crumbling flesh of one of their lips. It was than where he noticed that this particular coyote, canines were broken. A quick check of the other dead animals, proved a theory that had been forming at the sight of the other missing scissors , the reason they were only in a pack was to survive. And that the incident pertaining to the boy, was cause for the beasts lack of ability to kill proper prey. Somehow, theses animals lost their scissors, and because of that they had to find alternative means for food. Sadly this was humans. . .

Deposing of the animals fully, Nanashi began to make his way home. The mission itself being successful. For he didn't die, today.

Mission completed.” Nanashi stated, standing affront of the dark hair chuunin, who was still manning the desk. Does this man ever take a break The silver haired chuunin mused, watching at he stamped his mission and put it in the completed pile. Nanashi were about to leave, but abruptly stopped in his tracks.

Want go out for drinks later?” Nanashi asked, surprise obviously showing on the man's face, causing Nanashi to chuckle lightly.

Ugh, sure.”

And with that, Nanashi left the building, going home to relax, before heading out tonight. Having made it into his house and laying of the bed, the chuunin thoughts drifted towards his lover – who he missed dearly. Akio-chan, whatever you might be doing now. I hope you are having fun and thinking about me. For I'm surely thinking about you and my hearts waits for your return. My love. And my finance. He mused, fingering a ring, that had her named engraved into it. Along with the words 'Unity'.

[Final Word Count: 1502]

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