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1Ungrateful Villagers|C-Rank|Complete  Empty Ungrateful Villagers|C-Rank|Complete Fri Jun 28, 2013 3:00 pm


Sun rays snaked their way into the couple shared room, it's fork tongue licking at the face of an unexpected male who, tried and failed miserably to stop it's advancements. But for the fork tongue wouldn't be denied the satisfaction of waking this disgruntled male up. Eyelids fluttered like the wings of a fleeting butterfly, showcasing the pair of citrine gems that looked around the area – taking stock of where they lay. A groan escaped the lips of the owner of the gems, as the male noticed the absent of weight on his arm. Akio, his lover were currently away with his parents – in the place he grew up in. Been roughly two weeks since she had left, and needless to say the chuunin missed her.

Getting up from their shared bed, Nanashi began the morning ritual – preparing himself for another day as a shinobi of Iwagakure. Speaking of the village, it has seen a morale boost with the introduction of their newest kage – Tomio. This was after the found out devastating news of their previous kage's death by a group of tyrants who motives were unknown at the time. It was indeed a nice change of pace for all the shinobi, seeing how before, they didn't know the status of their previous kage who was at the summit. Stopping the musing, Nanashi, having finished getting dress and whatnot, locking up the two story house – heading towards the administration building.

Moving through the passages of the Administration building, Nanashi nodded and made small talk with a some of the shinobi and civilians who worked within the building. Making it around the bend, Nanashi's orbs caught sight of the dark haired chuunin, who he became familiar with, mining the mission desk.

Here for a mission?” The dark haired chuunin asking his chuunin comrade, after seeing him coming around the bend.

Yea.” Nanashi stated, patiently waiting for the chuunin to toss him a scroll.

Here's one. Escort mission.” The chuunin stated. Nanashi catching the tossed scroll, unraveling it and committing the contents. It seem likes Iwagakure had offered first aid to the village of the Mazushii, who have been suffering from pillaging. Nanashi suppose to escort a Kunoichi, and keep her safe, while she tends to the hungry. A simple mission. But the problem lies with the villagers of Mazushii, they particularly don't like shinobis in general. So in short, Nanashi will probably have to fend off some attacks, while the woman did her job.

Who is this Kunoichi?” Nanashi asked.

Her name is Kurusami. She should be at the hospital. Just speak to Sakino Marise.” The dark haired chuunin said, receiving a nod from Nanashi.

Alright than. Well, later.” And with a wave, Nanashi disappeared behind the bend and out of the building – heading towards the hospital.

Are you Kurusami?” Nanashi stated, looking at the rather attractive looking female, clad in the standard shinobi gear, that did nothing to hide the amazing figure, that were underneath. Her raven waist length hair were styled in braids. It were her lightning blue eyes that really caught the man's attention, they being filled with mischief and confidence. The smirk on her lips, told Nanashi that she knew that he was checking her out and could careless. She were a woman who were pleased with her body.

Yes, I am. You must be Gaunyin Nanashi. Sakino-sama has been talking a lot about her apprentice.” Kurusami stated, her words coming out as if she were singing them.

Hmm, would have thought Sakino-sama wouldn't talk about her students like that.” Nanashi stated, slightly surprised that the head medic of the hospital would speak about him to others.

Well yes, Sakino does talk about her students. Though only when she's alone with her lover.” Kurusami stated, dropping the hint that she was the lover of the head medic.

I see. Well are you ready?” Nanashi stated. If the man was surprised about that little tid bit of information, he didn't show it.

Of course. I was just waiting for you to finish checking me out.” And with that the two headed towards village in question, everything needed sealed within scrolls.

Arriving at the village of Mazushii, Nanashi took noticed of the apprehensiveness of the civilians within the village. There were even some outward hate, showing within their eyes. Briefly glancing at his female partner, who he learnt quite a lot from on the twenty min. 'jog' too the village, Nanashi noticed that she didn't face no mind to the looks given to them. Shrugging, Nanashi continue escorting her through the village, heading towards the food center, where many of those who were hungry were at.

Kind of sad really.” Kurusami's soft voice broke the silents between the two.


The village of Mazushii. . . The only reason why they hate shinobis is because they have been caught within all the wars up to date. They almost been wiped out a dozen of so times because of theses wars. “ She stated, looking around at the dismal state of the village. Buildings were poorly built, most of the children wore simple rags, sometimes to small for their frames. There were also a noticeable depression that linger over the village, like a thick fog.

Well maybe your help with help them see that not all shinobis are bad.” And with that the pair made their way towards their objective. Along the way Nanashi had to stop a few people from attacking the woman, out of ignorance and hate. Of course those who attacked were subdue with the least amount of injuries possible, before told by Nanashi to go home. Along with catching rocks that where thrown.

Six hours later, Nanashi now stood affront of the mission desk, waiting patiently in line to turn in the complete mission. After the initial attacks, Nanashi didn't have to defend anymore. The rest of the time were spent feeding those who needed it. Nanashi also pitched a hand with serving others, though this was after Kurusami asked him to. The chuunin even played with a few of the children there. Overall it was fun.

Mission complete. After finishing it, I had to escort Kurusami home. “ Nanashi stated, mentally smirking at the images of what happen within said home. Who knew two women could bend like that? Luckily the pair wouldn't tell his lover about said incident, they just wanted to try it out themselves. Keeping those thoughts filed away for another day, he turned in his mission and left the building.

Another mission complete. . .

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