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1Teacher's Pet [Iwa-D] Empty Teacher's Pet [Iwa-D] Mon Jul 01, 2013 7:31 am



Satoshi scoffed as walked down the streets of Iwagakure. His mission wasn't a particularly fun one as he was assigned to help with the Ninja Academy. He didn't really like kids much, but he had to do it regardless. His brown eyes dragged with tiredness as the morning sun bared down on his skin. Not even the warmth of the sun could get him pumped for this mission.

He neared the academy, eyeing the tall brown building with a look of dread as he approached the doors. He opened them with a single pull and entered through the threshold, turning to walk down the long hall. He was supposed to teach Ninjutsu or something like that. His stride was casual as he looked at each sign on the various doors, looking for the appropriate class.

He finally found the correct door, knocking on it twice before entering it. The sensei nodded before introducing Satoshi to the class. They greeted him with an enthusiastic sound, making him cringe slightly. "Let's get started." He said plainly as walked to the front of the classroom. "I'm going to be demonstrating some Ninjutsu for you guys." He said as he looked to the door that lead to the training grounds. He motioned for them to follow as he walked that way.

They scurried out of their desks and followed him in what looked like a mob. He exited the building and stood in the middle of the area about 1ten meters away from a practice dummy. "You might want to step back." He said looking back to the group of bright eyed shinobi. He focused on his target with the intent to impress them, throwing two hand-signs while doing so. He molded chakra in his chest and throat before letting out a blazing ball of fire at the dummy, burning the surface of it with ease.

"That is called Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu." He said turning to the class before they immediately started cheering and clapping in admiration. He groaned silently at the noise before turning to the Sensei who nodded in approval. "Your teacher will explain the technique to you in detail." He said before waving and walking away. It was kind of a rude way to exit, but he didn't really care. He was interrupted by the call of the students who were asking him to explain. He sighed and pivoted, turning to approach the kids once more.

"First, you mold chakra in your throat and chest. Then, you add the fire change in nature to it as it travels up your throat and out of your mouth. Thus, you get a large ball of fire. The amount of chakra you use determines the size of the ball." He said explaining the technique to them in simple terms, hoping to not have to repeat himself. "Not everyone has the fire affinity though, so only select shinobi can use this or any other fire technique." He said in closing as he watched all of their faces light up in excitement. The sensei smiled at Satoshi in approval of the explanation.

"Sorry I can't stick around longer, i have to report to Lord Tomio." He said faking politeness and bowing before turning to walk off for the second time. He threw a hand up as the kids screamed goodbyes and thanks, making Satoshi roll his eyes. If they knew how simple the technique was, they would be so excited to see if. Hopefully, someone understood that simple fact. He exited the area and once again started traveling the streets of Iwagakure, heading for the Tsuchikage's office with a quicker pace. While he didn't care about the mission itself, he did want to impress the Kage, as promotions depended on it.


Chakra: 135/150:

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