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Dākuchairudo Jishin


Scanning over the note she had just pulled from the mission board, Jishin came to the assumption that all the civilians around Kumogakure were either clinically insane, or insanely stupid, the note read "YOU! YES YOU!YOU WILL FIND MY SHOE, MY SHOE OH MY SHOE, HOW I MISS THEE! WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME, YOUR MASTER?! I FED YOU TURNIPS YOU DAMNABLE INGRATE! I WILL PAY 70 RYO TO THE NINJA THAT FINDS MY SHOE! THERE IS A DEAD DROP NEAR THE SKY BAR, DROP THE SHOE THERE AND RECEIVE COMPENSATION! TIS A WHITE LOAFER! Lovingly yours, Heinrich The Hermit." she chuckled a bit at the note, hoping that he had worded it jokingly and wasn't as insane as the note lead her to believe. The job sounded much easier on paper than it was in actuality, searching the whole city for a single shoe? That was going to be a complete and utter pain in the ass. Better than dealing with some couple's issues, though.

Really, she had no idea how to go about finding a shoe in such a vast area. Meandering about cluelessly hoping to spot a shoe onn the ground, as one might imagine the plan yieled little fruit. The next plan was to ask random people if they had spotted a white loafer anywhere, which did nothing other than get a few people to look at her as if she was insane. -- A Good start. One fellow did manage to give her the slightest tip, stating that he had spotted a white shoe in one of the back alleys of Kumogakure, stating that it was placed atop a plate as if someone was intending on dining upon it. Jishin quickly thanked the man, making her way toward the described back alley.

Once there she squinted, as if in disbelief, seeing as there was a white loafer placed upon a plate, silverware placed beside it. Quite the odd scene. Quietly she moved in to grab the shoe, but as she approached an odd looking fellow sprung from behind the dumpster in the alley, holding a steak knife in hand "Heinrich! I knew you would come! Wait--" the man immediately paused as he noticed that Jishin was, in fact, not Heinrich the Hermit. The odd looking fellow continued his bellow, angered that Heinrich hadn't come in person, "The old fool has sent you in his place?! Well it's too late now!" he then began to cackle incessantly. Jishin, who was far too confused to do anything, stood there in silence trying to comprehend what the hell was going on. The odd fellow then decided to dive to the shoe-topped-plate, grabbing the rest of his silverware and attempting to cut into the delicious shoe.

Strangely enough, the silverware broke as soon as they touched the shoe, forcing a scowl onto the face of the odd fellow, who then took the, apparently magical, shoe in hand biting down upon it. Biting the shoe proved to be a poor decision as he chipped several of his teeth, dropping the shoe back to the ground he quickly stood looking toward Jishin and yelling, "The Hermit has beaten me this time, but this won't be the last he shall see of me!" the man then attempted to run off, only to crash into a trash can and fall to the ground unconscious.

Jishin was absolutely flabbergasted by the whole situation, it was easily the weirdest thing she had seen in the entirety of her life. Without word she hesitantly took the shoe in hand, looking over it, the thing seemed to have acquired no damage throughout the situation, which was absolutely unexplainable.

Trying not to dwell on the odd mission she made her way to the dead-drop, tossing the shoe in. The loafer hit the bottom with a loud clank, seconds later a coin-purse shot from the hole, landing several feet away from her. With a befuddled look upon her face, Jishin collected her pay and left the area.

Damn that was a weird mission...
[679/600] [Complete/Exit]

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