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1Missing Pets [D-rank, Repeatable] Empty Missing Pets [D-rank, Repeatable] Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:57 pm



After a week of recovery from ninjutsu training, Takeshi received his next mission. It was a D rank, which was good, it shouldn’t be too hard. Takeshi washed up and ate his breakfast, he didn’t need to pack anything because this mission was still taking place in the village. His mother gave him a strong and loving hug with a light kiss on the cheek. Takeshi was slightly embarrassed by this, but he loved his mother. He knew that she worried about him everytime he went out on a mission. She was especially worried when he went out to go train, and was gone for four days. Well at least she packed for a whole week of food, even though it wasn’t exactly a week. In any case, after a swift pat on the back from his father he went out to go complete the mission. So he walked outside and pulled the mission paper out of his pants. It read that a lady named Kitaro needed help with finding all of her pets. When he read the description, Takeshi immediately felt a lump in his throat. He had the quick flashbacks of the cat mission from some time ago. That was only one cat, this time it was five. Takeshi began to sweat a little but quickly shrugged it off. He couldn’t afford to be scared of cats at this moment, he had a duty to fulfill.

It was still the morning, no later than 11 o’clock when Takeshi found lady Kitaro’s house. She gave a long description of each cat in excruciating detail. She even had pictures of each cat from different angles. The sad part was when Takeshi asked if he could take some with him she shapley refused, saying he would just mess them up. So Takeshi had memorize each of the different cats and their names, which were very unnecessarily long names. So after all that was done, Takeshi had to make up for lost time. He was trying to find them before the academy students were let out, which was about three hours from now. So he to pick up his pace while still being vigilant and picking out Kitaro’s cats out from all the other stray cats in the village. As he hoped from roof to roof he spotted a cat in a tree. The cat matched the description of one of Kitaro’s cats, but Takeshi wasn’t 100% sure of that. So as he got closer to the tree, the cat slip on the branch it was walking on and began to fall down. Takeshi caught it mid-way into his fall.

Takeshi decided it was best to take the cats one at a time to Kitaro so he wouldn’t have to slow down his pace too much. Kitaro was pleased that he found one of her cats so quickly, but he had to find the other four before it got too dark. So he went to the rooftops again looking in all directions as he jumped from one roof to the next. He managed to find one of Kitaro’s cats in a gutter, so he took that cat to her. He then found another cat stalking a bird, but when Takeshi tried to get it, it clawed at his jacket. This caused Takeshi too laugh a bit as he held it at a distance from his face. On his way too Kitaro after catching the last cat, he found another one playing with some of the younger kids in the village. Takeshi swooped down and snachted it up in a flash before the little kids had the time to even react. He could hear their confusion, which made Takeshi feel sort of cool in a nerdy way. He delivered both cats to Kitaro, but he still had one more to go. Takeshi had more trouble finding this one, but for some reason he kept on hearing loud screeching. At first he thought it was children playing wildly, but the screeching was way more high pitched than it should have been. So he went to got check it out. What he found was horrifying, the last cat of Kitaro’s was being chased down by a dog. Takeshi reacted quickly to the situation and managed to catch up with the cat.

The problem was however that the cat was changing its directions too quickly and at random times. Remembering how he caught the cat in his first mission, he used Bunshin no Jutsu to confuse both the cat and dog long enough for Takeshi to grab the cat and take it back to Kitaro. Kitaro was elated to see all of her cats back safe and sound and gave Takeshi a pat on the head. Takeshi started to blush, and made his way back home for his mission was complete.

817/600 Mission Complete

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