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1Impromptu Encounter [No Kill/Invite Only] Empty Impromptu Encounter [No Kill/Invite Only] Thu May 30, 2013 10:29 pm



A gentle breeze whipped through the rolling hills outside of Konohagakure no Sato, the abundance of verdant flora enjoying the sunlight that pierced through the thin, wispy clouds overhead. Keiji lay in the grass, inhaling deeply and stretching, savoring the clean aroma that was practically nonexistent within the village as his back satisfyingly popped several times. The man let out the breath with a contented sigh; he enjoyed this area immensely. The copious amounts of greenery as well as the relative lack of noise calmed his psyche, allowing him to more easily delve into the state of meditation. While the lush hills were one of his favorite places in Hi no Kuni to introspect, that was not the purpose for this particular excursion. The day was young and fresh and Keiji thought it best to escape the hustle and bustle that accompanied the village nearly everyday, not to mention that it just felt damn good to lay in the grassy field and enjoy the warmth of the sun. Despite his rather lax state, his mind wandered, reminding him of the fact that his skill in medical ninjutsu was not up to par. The Uchiha still had plenty of hours to put in at the Konoha Hospital, a prospect that both excited and terrified him. The fact that he did increase in knowledge and skill meant that he would be taking more severe cases now, and that the well-being of his patients' lives literally depended on how well he performed. The thought was... unnerving. The onyx-haired man sighed once more as he placed his hands behind his head, eyes closing softly as he took a moment to try and rid his mind of the subject.


The kunai slit her throat in one smooth motion, coating Tatsumaru's boots in a thick stream of blood. He held the wound open as much as he could, holding her upside down to be sure to drain as much of the blood as possible. Once he was sure the blood was out of her system, Tatsumaru took the same Kunai and dragged it down her belly, removing her digestive track, heart and all the other organs he didn't want. The wolves could have them, he thought to himself as he dropped the body by the shores of the Naka river, taking a moment to wash the blood splatter off his hands, his face and of course, his boots. Once he was done, he slumped her body over his back and began to walk north.

It had been an hour since Tatsumaru had bagged the boar he was carrying, and while carrying a dead pig wasn't exactly his idea of fun, the taste was certainly worth the effort. He hadn't seen another soul all day, and it was oddly relaxing. Tatsumaru lived his life surrounded by people, so to be so close to nature for such a long period of time was oddly cathartic. This feeling faded away, however, when he noticed a silhouette of a man lying down in the grass in the distance. Locking his eyes on the dot, Tatsumaru altered his course slightly and headed towards the individual.

It didn't take him long to get close enough to ID the individual. Not only was he a shinobi, but also a fellow Uchiha. Keiji Uchiha, to be exact. While they weren't exactly close they had met for a few brief moments. "Hello, Keiji! I didn't expect to run into a friendly face out here!" Tatsumaru called out, as he did not want to be seen to be trying to sneak up on Keiji. He continued walking until he arrived not but a few feet from the fellow Uchiha, where he stood, staring down at him as he waited patiently for a reply.



"Hello, Keiji! I didn't expect to run into a friendly face out here!" Keiji gingerly opened his eyes, the brightness of the sun obscuring his vision slightly, but not enough for him to not recognize the figure that was soon looming above him. Keiji recalled what he could about the man, observing him through his dark sunglasses as he continued to lay in the grass, still enjoying the relative peacefulness despite the man's sudden appearance. Uchiha Tatsumaru was a fellow Konoha shinobi, a special jounin if he recalled correctly, who possessed the much coveted bakuton release. The man was also afflicted with an illness, which greatly intrigued Keiji; nobody had been able to cure the sickness, and the idea of working closely with the man to better treat his condition had crossed Keiji's mind several times. While the two had shared a couple of brief conversations in the past, Keiji had not made much of an effort to befriend the man - the prospect of being rejected by his clansmen due to his lineage deterred him from interacting with other Uchiha. Nevertheless, Tatsumaru's presence was welcomed. Sitting up, Keiji spoke with genuine interest, "Good day, Tatsumaru. How have you been?" Noticing the boar slung across the man's back, Keiji spoke again. "You taking that big thing all the way back to Konoha?"


"Good day, Tatsumaru. How have you been?" Keiji replied in a kind tone of voice, sitting up from his previously reclined posture. "Not bad, not bad." "You taking that big thing all the way back to Konoha?" Tatsumaru smirked a bit. It seems the boar had caught Keiji's eye. He couldn't blame him, either. Wild boar was one of the most delicious things on this planet. "I'm not sure yet. I couldn't decide if I Should set up camp, roast it and spend the night out here or take it home. Why, would you like some? I could set up a spit roast. There is nothing quite as nice as spit roasted boar, after all." As he spoke, Tatsumaru removed the boar from his back and laid it down upon the ground. Drawing a kunai, he crouched down and began to drag the edge across the surface of the boar's hind legs, beginning the process of removing it's hair. The sharp blade made short work of the hair, with each drag completely clearing a section of skin. In a few moments he had already cleaned off most of the boar's rear as he waited for Keiji's response. Admittedly, Keiji Uchiha was a bit of a curiosity to him. He was one of the few Uchiha he didn't know intimately. He wanted to fix that, however. Tatsumaru disliked the idea of not knowing one of the strongest living Uchiha. He could learn a lot from such a man, knowledge that could help him greatly in his endeavors.



"I'm not sure yet. I couldn't decide if I Should set up camp, roast it and spend the night out here or take it home. Why, would you like some? I could set up a spit roast. There is nothing quite as nice as spit roasted boar, after all." Tatsumaru spoke, beginning to remove the hair form the carcass, expertly utilizing his kunai to shave the fibrous strands from the boar's skin. As if on cue, Keiji's stomach growled audibly. Scratching the back of his head in embarrassment, the man wondered when the last time he had a decent meal was. "If you don't mind." Keiji spoke, eying the boar. "I can't say that I've had the pleasure of trying boar." Keiji stood, taking a few moments to stretch his arms and legs before facing Tatsumaru. The man seemed kind enough, which was surprising. Keiji pondered whether or not his preconceived notions of the Uchiha clan being stuck up douchebags were valid or not. "What shall we do in the meantime?" he asked Tatsumaru, not finding the prospect of idle chit-chat with somebody he hardly knew to be particularly appealing. "Do you need me to fetch anything for the roast?"


"If you don't mind. I can't say that I've had the pleasure of trying boar." Tatsumaru smirked as Keiji replied. It seems he was camping out tonight after all. "What shall we do in the meantime?" "Well, we could always spar. I'll have to set the roast up first though." Tatsumaru continued to drag the kunai over the boar as they spoke, rapidly removing all the hair from the right side of it's body. Flipping the boar over, he began to clean the other side, again with surgical precision. "Do you need me to fetch anything for the roast?" "We'll need some wood. That's about it." After a few minutes of methodical scraping, the boar was mostly clean of hair. Taking the kunai, Tatsumaru dragged it around each of the ankles, snapping off the hoofs and casting them aside casually. Driving his knee into the boar's shoulder, using his weight to hold it in place, Tatsumaru snapped the beast's neck, separating the head from the body. He cast this aside too, leaving it for the animals to devour. Reaching into his right pocket, Tatsumaru pulled out a small sack of salt. Since he knew chances were good he would camp out, he had taken some provisions with him, to ensure the meat he cooked was done properly. Taking the tip of the kunai, Tatsumaru dragged it diagonally across the flesh of the pig, then reversed the angle so that the skin was scored in a cross pattern. He repeated this with the other side before opening the small bag of salt. He poured half of the bag onto one side of the pig, making sure to grind it as deep into the skin as possible before flipping the beast over and repeating the process. The salt would ensure the skin formed a beautiful layer of crackling, just what it needed.



"Well, we could always spar. I'll have to set the roast up first though." Keiji resisted the urge to smile. It had been a good long while since his last fight with a shinobi anywhere near his caliber, and he relished the opportunity to face a fellow Uchiha in battle. "We'll need some wood. That's about it." Keiji gave an affirmative nod before taking off with incredulous speed toward the nearest tree several dozen meters away, quickly arriving in front of it. Noticing one of the more sickly looking branches and targeting it, Keiji leaped into the air with ease, raising his hands above his head clamping them together; as he descended, he swung his arms down in a vicious double hammer-fist that connected with the branch, a satisfying crack audible as the branch gave way under the sannin's immense strength. "This'll do quite nicely." the man thought as he hoisted the large appendage of wood, tucking it under his arm as he made his way back to his new-found companion, his thoughts drifting as he did so. While he did know of Tatsumaru's use of bakuton, Keiji knew seldom else about the man's preferred combat methods, nor had he seen the man fight before. The only thing he was positive about was that this spar was certainly going to be a learning experience for both of the them. Arriving at his destination, Keiji snapped the large branch across his new, bisecting it into more easily fashionable pieces before placing them beside Tatsumaru, who was currently salting the boar's skin. Keiji couldn't help but smile at the sight - the salt would serve to make a delicious crust on the meat. Shinobi who were even mildly experienced in culinary arts were a rarity, and Keiji took comfort in knowing that he shared more with Tatsumaru than just blood and profession.


Once Tatsumaru had finished salting the boar, he turned his gaze to face the decent pile of wood Keiji had presented him with. Taking his kunai, he placed it in the end of one of the bisected pieces, giving it a firm bash to drive the kunai in, splitting the wood down the center. He did this several more times until he had a few long spikes of wood. After sharpening either end of one spike, Tatsumaru drive it into the boar's neck, forcing it through til it came out the other end. He took special care to carve one end of the remaining spears into a Y shape, as to create a resting spot for the boar's spear to rest upon. Taking the rest of the wood, Tatsumaru created a sizable bonfire shape, before reaching his left hand into the center. A moment later there was a loud "POOF!" and Tatsumaru withdrew his hand just in time to avoid the now rapidly growing flames. "Nothing quite as convenient as using a tiny bit of chakra to light a fire." he thought aloud, driving the two supporting spears into the ground by their tips, one on either side of the fire. He then carefully lifted the boar and placed it into the cradle he had created, smiling as the flames licked at it's skin.

Rising to his feet, Tatsumaru stepped a fair few meters away from the boar, not wanting to get the meal caught in the cross-fire. As he walked, he withdrew from his belt a long black rod, which quickly revealed itself to be a tri-sectioned staff; a sansetsukon. Tatsumaru held the left arm of the Sansetsukon by the chain connecting it to the center piece with his left hand, grasping the center of the right arm with his right hand, leaving the center piece to rock carefully in-between. The sun was shining off his bright steel gauntlets, causing the leaf headband pattern carved into each of them to gleam in the sunlight. "Ready?" he asked with a smile, locking eyes with his opponent. A fight with a sannin would certainly be eventful, but as the personal student of Hokage Takao Kimura, he'd faced worse.



Keiji groaned inwardly as he eyed the sansetsukon from behind his sunglasses. He had always found comfort in long-range engagements, using ninjutsu to challenge or dispatch his enemies; as a result, his taijutsu suffered immensely. Even if he did specialize in close-quarters combat, the sansetsukon was an incredibly unpredictable weapon, having a myriad of attack options from any one position. Keiji smiled, realizing this fight would rely heavily on his ability to read the man across from him. Beginning to prep himself for the spar, he took off his over-shirt, folding it neatly and placing it on the ground along with his tie and sunglasses several meters away. Inhaling deeply, he met Tatsumaru's gaze, his strikingly fierce sapphire eyes no longer obscured by the dark lenses he frequently wore. Keiji noticed his opponent's stance, the sansetsukon held purposefully within the man's grasp - he realized we would need to pay particular attention to the movements of his challenger's hands; if he failed to keep up he could always fall back on his Sharingan, though he preferred not to.

Keiji gave a slight bow to the man in front of him, a gesture of respect that he rarely showed people before a fight. Not knowing nor caring if the act was reciprocated, Keiji launched himself backwards, utilizing his immense speed to put several meters of distance between himself and Tatsumaru, keeping his vision locked on the man at all times. Not knowing anything of the man's combat abilities other than what he had heard through the grapevine and what was explicitly observable at the present, Keiji didn't want to risk anything he didn't have to. He inhaled once more, the delicious scent of the roasting boar now perforating the air, and gently eased into his combat stance. He pivoted on his heel, the left side of his body now facing Tatsumaru moreso than his right. Keiji peered at the man, ready to gauge his movements and react accordingly.


Tatsumaru smirked at the extra distance his opponent created. That alone told him all he needed to know. Long range fighter, not comfortable with his taijutsu skills, if he has any at all. Probably Ninjutsu or Genjutsu orientated. Well, if he had to he could partake in a battle of Ninjutsu, but he'd prefer not to. Still, he could always start the match off with a fiery flare. Tatsumaru quickly decided sleight of hand was his best weapon, as he knew all too well how Uchiha eyes were incredibly dull without the Sharingan active. He gave the slightest of tosses on the Sansetsukon, causing the arms he was holding to rise into the air while he transferred his left hand to the center of the center rung, where he began to spin the rod gently through his fingers, causing the arms of the Sansetsukon to flail in a controlled, yet highly showy, fashion. With only a slight piece of centrifugal force the entire display was moving at such a speed that it was blurring Tatsumaru's vision of Keiji. Perfect. He began to transfer the middle piece back and forth rapidly between his left and right hands, transferring it with a simple flick of the wrist, causing it to bounce from one hand to the other, as they were only a mere inch apart. Every time he transferred the Sansetsukon, he would do a fast, almost invisible series of movement. First, he extended his left thumb, knocking open the bottom of the leftmost scroll holder on the left breast of his Flak Jacket. A single thin strand of wire, almost invisible, began to extend down, stopping at his belt line. Tatsumaru stored his coil of wire in that pouch, and when it was freed it would extend a single revolution before requiring a tug to release the mechanism, the perfect amount for his plan.

Transferring the Sansetsukon to his right hand, Tatsumaru spun rapidly on the balls of his feet on the spot, a rapid, easy movement to perform yet it was highly effective at distraction and disguise. He did this again when he transferred it back to his left hand, and once more as he transferred it to his right. On his third spin, Tatsumaru's fingers moved with surgical precision, grasping the end of the wire that hung above his belt and plunging it through the rounded end of the kunai he kept floating free within that pocket. As he completed the revolution, he pulled the other end, causing it to rise out of the pocket, looped through the kunai with it's end hanging out of his pocket. His hand returned to it's position just in time for the revolution to complete, and the Sansetsukon to be transferred back into his left hand. Springing with a sudden thunderous force, Tatsumaru kicked off the balls of his feet, lunging towards his opponent.

The Sansetsukon spun across Tatsumaru's fingers in his left hand once before being thrown casually over to the right hand. Tatsumaru caught it by the very edge of one of it's outer arms, and with a metre and a half or so separating him and Keiji, spun to his left. As he travelled near the full 360 degrees on his spin, Tatsumaru released the Sansetsukon. Causing it to fly in an awkward manner. It's spin would look like it's aiming for Keiji, but the weight and momentum would drag it off to the right in a semi-boomerang esque manner. At the same time, Tatsumaru pulled the loose end of the wire firmly, causing the kunai to pop out of his pocket. Grasping it firmly, he threw it, again looking like it was flying for Keiji, but actually intended to fly straight past his head, exactly where the Sansetsukon was headed. Since the wire wasn't tied off when it caught it would stunt the Kunai's flight for a moment, causing it to drop, but not before loosing another length of wire from the spool. The wire would then drop between the chain connecting one of the ends of the Sansetsukon to the center as it fell free from the kunai, allowing Tatsumaru to, with a simple tug of the wire, cause the Sansetsukon to fly at Keiji from behind.

Not one to be done with simply That, Tatsumaru transferred his weight to the ball of his right foot, kicking off the balls of his left foot firmly, kicking with the shin towards Keiji's rib-cage. A standard Muay Thai kick, but not something to be underestimated. On impact it could firmly knock the wind out of a poor soul, and even cause hairline fractures if landed perfectly.

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