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1Training: 8 trigrams, 64 palms Empty Training: 8 trigrams, 64 palms Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:26 pm



Chesuke bounded happily to the field where he trained himself. He’d been thinking of ways to train this technique for a week, and last night, he’d had two great ideas. this had better work out he thought to himself. [I] i’ve been working on this all night[I/I]. He looked around, not realizing he’d already made it to his destination. “man, i’m too excited about this. i’m not paying any attention to my surroundings.” he pulls his hood back, revealing his short, dark hair. “no sense in making this more difficult than it’s been so far” he says, even taking a moment to consider removing the jacket in its entirety. “no, that’s going a bit too far. enemies won't be letting me strip mid-battle so i can beat them, right?”

he laughs at the thought, and drops the bag he was carrying on the ground. going through it, he ensures for the fifth time he hadn’t forgotten anything back at his home. “scrap wires, paper tags, ryo, lunch, and feathers. my pillow will never be the same” he feigns a pout for a moment. “but after today's training, i should be sleeping well for days.”

"Well, first things first," he says, stringing the paper tags he'd made the night before up by the wire. Grasping a corner, he focuses his chakra into the paper. "Byakugan" he says, watching the paper light up with the chakra flowing through it. Letting go of the corner, he starts to count as he watches the paper's false tenketsu fade "1...2...3...4...5. About five seconds. That should be about right to start with... I hope."

He strings the paper so it won't sway too much. "Twenty papers, each uniquely drawn with 32 tenketsu, visible only to the buakugan... Sometimes I amaze even myself. " he grins at his handiwork, taking a moment to make sure the five papers he's hung up will stay relatively stationary.

"Five seconds to strike 32 times." He sighs to himself. "We'll, there's no time like the present."

Steadying himself, he slips seamlessly into his Gentle Fist stance. Reaching out with his right hand, he charges the first tag with his chakra. "Five seconds... Starting... Now" he says, releasing his hold on the tag. "Eight trigrams, two palms!" He calls out, hitting the first two points on the tag in front of him. "Eight trigrams, four palms!" He hits the points marked three and four. "Eight trigrams, eight palms!" He successfully strikes points five through eight. "Eight trigrams, sixteen...shit!" He spits out the curse as the chakra fades beyond his ability to see them.

Reaching out again, he fills the tag back up with chakra, and tries again. “Eight trigrams, two palms. Eight trigrams four palms. Eight trigrams eight palms. Eight trigrams sixteen...” the sound of ripping paper interrupts him. the bottom half of his homemade tag is halfway to the ground before the chakra can no longer be seen glowing on its surface. “man, i would have had it, that time... so much for the ‘gentle’ fist...heh”

turning, Chesuke starts the same routine, working his way through the remaining four stationary tags until the final shreds of the last tag hit the earth at his feet. “okay, time for a break” he says, dismissing his Byakugan and wiping the sweat from his brow. “no sense pushing myself too hard, right?” he leans against a tree as he eats the lunch he’d brought with himself, enjoying the full feeling as the sun warms him.

after he’s done digesting properly, Chesuke stands and stretches, “tight muscles make for bad Jyuuken.” once he’s done stretching properly, he picks up one of the remaining five tags he’d prepared the night before. filling it up with his chakra, Chesuke activates his Byakugan and enters his stance. “here we go!” he says, tossing the paper into the air, and pausing only a moment before beginning his attack. “Eight crap” he sighs as the airborne tag takes an unexpected turn, causing him to miss entirely. “this plan was better when everything was tied down.” he bends easily, turning the motion into a flip as he charges the tag and tosses it back into the air ready to strike.

“Eight trigrams, two palms. Eight trigrams, four palms. Eight Trigrams, eight palms. Eight trigrams, sixteen palms. Eight trigrams, thirty-two palms!” upon the final strike, the tag splits apart, flooded with his chakra, and Chesuke grins to himself as the pieces float to the ground. “okay. so the hard part is getting the first hit.”

he goes through the final four airborne tags in relatively quick succession, missing only twice.

“well, that didn’t take nearly as long as i’d expected.” he says, a note of disappointment in his voice. “thank goodness i planned a stage three.”

Chesuke walks over to his bag, and pulls out a small red Ryo pouch, ‘Kaze’ Marked clearly on its side. as he pulls out the bags contents, he ensures that they’ve survived their trip intact. each ryo coin inside is stuffed with bits of the tags from earlier, all covered in the ink that will hold his chakra for a time.

counting out eight of the stuffed coins, he holds them in his palm, and starts filling them with small amounts of chakra until he’s sure he’ll be able to see them once his byakugan is activated. “this should be a good enough place to start” he says, readying himself and tossing the charged coins in the air.

taking a moment to inspect his handiwork in motion, Chesuke smiles. at the centre of each going is a glowing ‘tenketsu.’ as the coins move and spin through the air, he’ll be forced to adjust the timing and positioning of his strikes, just as he would in an actual fight.

as his moment of pride fades, he begins to strike. “Eight trigrams, two palms. Eight trigrams, four palms. Eight Trigrams, eight palms.” the last of the coins hits the ground at his feet. none of them holding paper in their centers, nor knocked from their drop to the ground. “all tenketsu, no flesh. man, i’m awesome” he brags to himself, blatantly ignoring the mistakes he’d made so far that day.

he returns to his bag, pulling out a full 32 coins. “time to go all in.” he says, charging his new targets then tossing them in the air. “Eight trigrams, two palms. Eight trigrams, four palms. Eight Trigrams, eight palms. Eight trigrams, sixteen palms. Eight trigrams, thirty-two palms!”

31 coins fall at his feet, the last rolls some way, having hit his left index finger, and failing to discharge its cargo.

Chesuke glares at the coin a moment as he pulls another 32 coins from the bag, and charging them with his chakra. he pauses a moment before releasing them into the air. “i won’t always have the freedom i do right now,” he admonishes himself, pulling up his hood. “that’s better,” he says, stepping into his stance, and tossing the coins into the air.

“Eight trigrams, two palms. Eight trigrams, four palms. Eight Trigrams, eight palms. Eight trigrams, sixteen palms. Eight trigrams, thirty-two palms!” he calls out as he strikes at the center of each coin, using his chakra to pop the paper stuffed there out of place. all 32 coins fall at his feet, joining their brethren.

he smiles to himself as he pours the remaining ryo into the palm of his hand. “looks like i’m almost done for the day” he says to himself, failing to notice the weight of 24 extra coins as he charges them with his chakra. spinning around, he tosses the coins in the air encircling him, as though several enemies were descending upon him from the trees. “Eight trigrams, two palms. Eight trigrams, four palms. Eight Trigrams, eight palms. Eight trigrams, sixteen palms. Eight trigrams, thirty-two palms!” he finishes the final strike, noticing more airborne ‘tenketsu’. reacting without thinking, Chesuke calls out “Eight trigrams, revolving heaven’s palm!” spinning, and releasing chakra from every chakra point, he flourishes the move, realizing too late what his hasty reaction had cost him.

looking at the ground, he tries to unbury some of the coins that still lay there, and started searching his small clearing for the rest. as the sun sets, and the light fades, Chesuke makes his way back home, the remnants of his training being only a small handful of Ryo, an empty backpack, and a valuable new attack.

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