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1LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Empty LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:00 pm

Fang Uzumaki

Fang Uzumaki

Fang had just finished his daily missions and was ready for lunch. He jumped across the roof tops until he could smell the ramen cooking. Fang jumped down and walked inside ichiraku and said "My Daily Special please". The lady smiled and turned to begin making his ramen. Oy this was fang's one weakness ichiraku ramen and fang did nothing to hide it.

2LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Empty Re: LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:05 pm



Chesuke was the only other person in Ichiraku at the moment, odd for the time of day, but he appeared to be enjoying the peace and quiet as he slowly consumed his ramen.
as he notices the intruder, he adjusts his hood over his eyes. turning, he says, "for you to have a daily special of your own, you must be in here pretty often" he turns to the young lady, and says "his first bowl is on me"

3LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Empty Re: LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:09 pm

Fang Uzumaki

Fang Uzumaki

Fang looked at the stranger and said "Yeah you could call it a family habit that i can't kick". Fang heard the stranger say his first bowl was on him fang turned and said "Thanks I'm Fang Uzumaki". Fang said awaiting a response.

4LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Empty Re: LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:14 pm



"It's a pleasure to meet you, Fang. you can just call me Chesuke" says the young man foolish enough to buy an Uzumaki ramen. "Family habit, eh? i can relate to that... more or less" he fidgets with his hood again, ensuring his eyes are covered. he smiles out from under the hood at his new friend.

5LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Empty Re: LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:19 pm

Fang Uzumaki

Fang Uzumaki

Fang laughed a bit before saying "Oh and don't worry i am not like my ancestors i have some control over my ramen lust ". Fang said with a smile. Then when fang got a whiff of the ramen he started drooling. Realizing what was going on he wiped his mouth then said with a goody smile "well almost under control".

6LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Empty Re: LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:24 pm



Chesuke can't help but to chuckle under his hood as he consumes another bit of his ramen. "you're closer to control over your family weekness than i am to mine," he half-jokes. "so what brings you in here daily?" Chesuke asks once the propriter's back is turned, gesturing towards her.

7LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Empty Re: LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:35 pm

Fang Uzumaki

Fang Uzumaki

Fang chuckled and said "3 words i...can't...cook". Fang was not joking either ramen he could make but nothing else sadly. Fang turned and said "Not to be rude but why are you covering your eyes under your hood".

8LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Empty Re: LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:38 pm



Chasuke pauses for a moment, not prepared for anyone to be so forward."it's a habit that's become hard to break" he says simply. "why dont you just learn how to cook? i'm sure there's some girl in town that'd love to show you." his sly grin returns form under the hood.

9LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Empty Re: LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:42 pm

Fang Uzumaki

Fang Uzumaki

At that point fang was glad he was hiding his eyes because he was blushing. Fang quickly shook his head and said "Uh just never had time to learn". Fang said with a shaky breath. Fang finally got his ramen and broke his sticks apart and began to eat it. The flavors exploded in his mouth and fang let out a sigh "That is good ramen". Fang said happily.

10LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Empty Re: LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:47 pm



Chesuke chuckles as Fang blushes. "i'm glad you like it." after taking another bite of his own ramen, he seems to get an idea. "if you really want to know whats under my hood, you'll have to fight me." he looks at the bowls of ramen in front of the two of them, then quickly adds "once we're done eating, that is"

11LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Empty Re: LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:52 pm

Fang Uzumaki

Fang Uzumaki

Fang continues eating until he hears "if you really want to know whats under my hood, you'll have to fight me.". Fang swallowed his bite then said "Deal". Then he went back to his ramen fang like the idea of a spar he needed a strong partner to spar with. And this guy could be him.

12LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Empty Re: LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:57 pm



Chesuke smiles at Fang's eagerness to spar. poor guy doesn't know what he's getting himself into he thought to himself enjoying his ramen, and finding that it actually tasted better now that he had something to look forward to. Mmm... no wonder he likes this so much. i wonder what he's looking forward to that makes this so addictive to him...

13LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Empty Re: LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:01 pm

Fang Uzumaki

Fang Uzumaki

Fang took his last bites and sat back "Ahh i always love ramen before a battle it energizes me". Fang looked over at his new friend/opponent and said "ill wait for you at the small south forrest". Fang then got up thanked the cook and walked out and headed toward the Forrest.

--Fang Exits Thread--

14LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Empty Re: LUNCH TIME....[Chesuke/No Kill] Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:06 pm



Chesuke downs the last of his ramen, who did he finish that all so quickly? Paying the porprietress, he walks out after Fang, making his way to the Forest.

[Chesuke exits thread]

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