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1Village Maintenance [D-rank, Repeatable] Empty Village Maintenance [D-rank, Repeatable] Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:56 pm



man, Chesuke thought to himself, i had to take this mission on the hottest day so far this year.
reaching under his hood, we wipes the sweat away from his eyes. and i can't even strip down, or people will see who i am. he scowled at himself as he lifted more lumber to be taken to where the housing he was helping to build was being set up.
he carefully made his way to the construction site for the new house, noticing that the framework was nearly completed. it is nice to see the village expanding, though. maybe i'll move into one of these houses one day with my family, and brag about how i helped build them. the thought was too much for him to bear, and he let out a laugh to himself. ignoring the people giving him odd looks, he went back for more wood. hoping to find something a little lighter, he tried carying one of the side panels. i really dont want to wear myself out too quickly, i still have training tonight that i need to do.
the akward size and shape of the siding panels made it hard for Chesuke to cary them, good thing the gentle fist has a lot to do with balance, or i'd be falling all over the place, he thought. wow... i dont think i've said something nice about being a hyuuga in my whole life. he noticed suddenly, causing him to nearly his another worker in the head as he set down the sheets he was carying. well, there's a first time for everything, right?

surprised at this ever so small amout of appreciation for his clan, he reaches up to pull back his hood and get some fresh air on his face and scalp. as his hand reached the brim of the hood, it froze in place. let's not get ahead of ourselves he thought, laughing softly to himself.
sighing, Chesuke paused a moment in order to look up at the sky before picking up some more goods to take to the builders. man, not a cloud in the sky, i'm not sure how much more of this i can take. i am definately not meant for hard labor in the sun. i really feel bad for these guys.
setting the tools into a bucket, he uses the attached pulley to lift it to the workers up higher on the building. once it's been emptied of its contents, he slowly lowers it, trying to bide time before something else heavy needs to be carried. maybe its just the heavy lifting i'm not suited for, he decides as he slowly makes his way back to the pile of supplies. i wonder if i could use the gentle fist to set nails or something? picking up a stray pebble on the ground, he holds it against his fingertips, letting the chakra build in the chakra points before expelling it forcefully, trying to launch the pebble. he frowns to himself as the small stome drops casually to the ground at his feet, not even having the decency to roll after landing.
that would be a cool new technique, though, he thought, carying some smaller boards, hoping nobody would notice. secret style chakra nail launch! pew-pew-pew!!! he laughed to himself as he imagined how it might look.
dropping his load off, he looked up at the scafolding above him. seeing no workers present, he wandered arround to the other side of the building. all the workers were sitting on some of the piles of lumber eating their lunches. i must have been so cought up in my thoughts i missed the bell ringing for lunch, he thought, re-imagining the new technique. wait... lunch for them means i'm done! "YES!" he cried out, not caring about the looks from the startled laborers. charging off, he couldnt' help but look forward to his training that night. once that was done, after all, he'd get to go to the bath house!

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