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26Day off of training - Page 2 Empty Re: Day off of training Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:58 am

Riku Aburame

Riku Aburame

" I see your light on your feet. It's unfortunate I am not that fast perhaps I would've hit you by now." Riku saw him back away so that Riku would have to make the next move. Sighing to himself Riku began his approach running at a medium speed Riku jumped from one foot to the other side to side once he reached Chesuke he launched a side kick however Riku purposely overcompensated the kick so dodging backwards would still cause a hit and he brought his other leg low and on an angle so Chesuke couldn't duck either however Riku would basically be throwing himself to the ground for the sake of a hit but training was training.

27Day off of training - Page 2 Empty Re: Day off of training Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:03 am



Chesuke saw the second foot coming. unable to duck like he'd planned, he stepped back instead. the main kick catching him, he was knocked a short ways. "nice shot, Riku"he smiled at his opponent, showing that he was genuinely impressed. "but dont think for one second that attack would have worked if i was allowed Byakugan"

28Day off of training - Page 2 Empty Re: Day off of training Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:10 am

Riku Aburame

Riku Aburame

Riku landed on the ground with a hard thump. Getting up and back into a fighting stance Riku huffed lightly. " Jeez we are barely into this fight and I'm already getting tired. I may have to surrender lest I get hurt." Riku charges once more but this time right before he gets to Chesuke he dives forward curling into a ball launching himself over Chesuke landing behind him with a turn around forward kick aiming for Chesuke's back.

29Day off of training - Page 2 Empty Re: Day off of training Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:20 am



Chesuke had been prepared to block Riku's frontal assault, so when the boy launched over him, he had to think fast. spining in place, Chesuke caught the kick just in time in his block, using the moment when Riku was off-balance to make a few quick strikes to his chest and abdomen.

30Day off of training - Page 2 Empty Re: Day off of training Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:27 am

Riku Aburame

Riku Aburame

Riku knew he had made a mistake when Chesuke turned to meet him. Chesuke then blocked his kick and launched a rapid assault on Riku's chest area. Backing off quickly to get out of range Riku winced lightly. " That hurt...note to self do not let you get more then one swing off." Riku thought for a moment then ran backwards towards their starting position. He jumped up into one of the trees and disappeared from site.

31Day off of training - Page 2 Empty Re: Day off of training Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:31 am



Chesuke watched Riku disappear into the trees. "so does that mean that Supernatural Walking is okayed? he called playfully after his friend, unwilling to follow.

Chesuke suddenly got an idea. Listening intently for the rustle of leaves that would preempt an attack, he made a dash towards the tree Riku went into.

32Day off of training - Page 2 Empty Re: Day off of training Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:48 am

Riku Aburame

Riku Aburame

(OOC: Riku didn't use that technique he simply climbed the tree and was hiding in it.)

Riku stayed silent his plan was to quietly wait in the tree until Chesuke made a mistake then Riku would come down on him with great force using the Hyuuga's other senses beyong eye sight would make it harder for Chesuke to find him.

33Day off of training - Page 2 Empty Re: Day off of training Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:51 am



diverting from his course at the last second, Chesuke runs towards the discarded piles of clothing by the water. scooping up Rikus abandoned clothing, he starts jumping rock to rock holding the clothes over the water. "woops! almost dropped them that time. he taunted to his tree-dwelling friend.

34Day off of training - Page 2 Empty Re: Day off of training Thu Apr 18, 2013 5:12 pm

Riku Aburame

Riku Aburame

Riku quietly broke off a branch and tossed it through the other side of the tree towards another one giving the illusion he moved to a different tree quickly. Riku however was in the same spot waiting for Chesuke and honestly he didn't care if Chesuke dropped his clothes in water. Clothes will dry but the agony of defeat is never forgotten.

35Day off of training - Page 2 Empty Re: Day off of training Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:43 pm



Chesuke heard the branch moving through the tree, and turned, eager to spot this foe before any attack was made. not seeing one, he kept up his guard, watching for the inevitable attack.

36Day off of training - Page 2 Empty Re: Day off of training Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:38 am

Riku Aburame

Riku Aburame

Riku sighed jumping out of the tre ehe landed by the rest of the clothes. Scooping up all of Chesuke's Riku ran towards him jumping from rock to rock and he dove at him. Unfortunately for Chesuke it was either try to jump over him or go into the water but jumping over the 6ft 1 teen was highly unlikely plus Riku had Chesuke's clothes. Riku figured if he got this off it would be a tie cause they would both be soaked and have no dry clothes.

37Day off of training - Page 2 Empty Re: Day off of training Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:12 pm



Chesuke knew he had no escape, the only option he had was to tie. with Riku charging at him, he decided the only option was to drag them both into the water. as Riku was within range, Chesuke flung one od of the clothes around him, catching the other to give him no escape, then pulled them both into the cool, refreshing waters of the lake, clothes and all.

38Day off of training - Page 2 Empty Re: Day off of training Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:33 pm

Riku Aburame

Riku Aburame

Riku crawled out of the water. Standing with his soaked clothes sighing softly. Looking over at Chesuke when he climbed out Riku would laugh and offer a handshake as a sign of a well done friendly spar. " I'm surprised I lasted that long in a spar without ninjutsu against a Hyuuga very well fought I hope we get the chance to spar again sometime." Riku would stretch and his kikaichu would surround him in a massive cloud and then fly off leaving nothing where they were as Riku departed for home for a warm shower and dry clothes and a nice meal.

[Exit Thread]

39Day off of training - Page 2 Empty Re: Day off of training Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:51 pm



Chesuke watched as his friend departed. laying his soaked clothes on flat rocks to dry, he took the chance to get some sun, laying out on the largest rock, eyes shut.

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