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1Day off of training Empty Day off of training Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:31 pm



the weather today is amazing Chesuke thought to himself as he wandered through the Market District. I really dont think a day like today should be wasted training alone. maybe i'll be able to find someone to tag along with, I'm certain they'll have some fun new ideas for ways to train.

adjusting his hood slightly, he starts the task of finding someone to spend the day with.

2Day off of training Empty Re: Day off of training Tue Apr 09, 2013 2:00 am



"Ouch! OUCH OUCH!" Takezo yelled as he was pulled by his ear out of a small business and into the hustle and bustle of the market districts main street.

"Let me go, I PROMISE I WONT DO IT AGAIN!" Takezo cried, his ear close to being ripped off by the old burly mans strong fingers.

"Damn right you wont boy, y'see this is an 'adult' establishment meaning no kids ya got that?" The man said, giving Takezo a quick tongue lashing before he sent him on his way. He did think the boy was bit clever,but he still had a reputation to uphold and several girls to console do to the young mans unexpected entrance.

"I dont care how gotdamn good you think your ninjutsu tricks are, no pup fresh off its mommas teet is gonna get past me." He stated, with one more strong tug and flinging the boy out into the street.

"Now get you gone, and dont ever let me catch you trying to get back in here again." The old man said, walking back into his fine establishment and slamming the door shut behind him concluding his business with the young boy.

"OWOWOWOWOWW~" Takezo whimpered, laying on his knees as he grasped his now incredibly red ear. The onlookers only shaking their head at the boy before finally continuing their own business.

"mean old man..." Takezo finally said, getting up and dusting himself off. Now he needed to find something else to do to occupy himself for the day. Scratching his head and looking around, he noticed a former member of his academy class walking around and looking nearly as bored as himself.

"OI OI OI, LONG TIME NO SEE... eh.. uh..." Takezo began running forward at first with a healthy wave, his excitement quickly turning to dismay as he realized he had no recollection of the young mans name.


3Day off of training Empty Re: Day off of training Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:46 am



Chesuke hears a familiar voice calling out an unfamiliar word. turning , he sees his former classmate Takezo coming towards him smiling. "how are you doing, Takezo?" he asks the young man. I wonder what trouble he's been trying to get into... he's almost as bad as I used to be the thought brining a smile to his lips. well, at least this should be fun

adjusting his hood to hide his eyes, another idea pops into his mind I wonder how much he actually remembers of me...does he even remember... that?

as he's looking his former classmate over, Chesuke notices the redness in Takezho's ear. ]"did you try to pierce your ear again?" or was that someone else? Chesuke suddenly doubts his memory, subtly enjoying the irony

4Day off of training Empty Re: Day off of training Tue Apr 09, 2013 11:17 am

Riku Aburame

Riku Aburame

Riku had been watching this fiasco from his perch on top of his family's shop nearby. He had a day off from work so he simply sat on the store people watching noting the whole scene he jumped landing quietly behind Chesuke. " Greetings fellow Genin and former companions of the Academy. I believe his ear was nearly pulled off by Old man Hiro who owns the Naughty and Nice shop over yonder filled with adult goodies. Or so I've been told by my scouts." Riku stood taller than the boys but he was of equal age and rank a large half gourd was on his back filled with a slight humming sound. " So fellow classmates what do you have planned for the day? I am free if you wish to "hang out" as most refer to it." Being a member of the Aburame clan Riku wasn't very good at making friends or social interactions but he did his best to make friends when he could.

5Day off of training Empty Re: Day off of training Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:25 pm



Chesuke smiles at Riku. "Yeah, that sounds like Takezo... Though, I'm surprised I didn't have the idea first." He laughs to himself. "Well, so long as we all have the day free, we should find something to do together." He looks between his two fellow genin, unwilling to suggest te few ideas that had sprung to mind. "Do either of you have any ideas?"

6Day off of training Empty Re: Day off of training Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:58 pm

Riku Aburame

Riku Aburame

Riku smiled in a way and thought for a moment. " Well we could always go train as a group we may not be in a cell but helping each other get stronger helps the village right? Or we could just spend the day relaxing maybe go eat some dango by the lake in the training field. Any thing is good for me though I prefer to get some training in today I haven't trained much this week I've been helping my father open up our shop." Riku smiled at the idea of maybe they would become good friends Chesuke and Takezo but just friends was enough for him right now.

7Day off of training Empty Re: Day off of training Tue Apr 09, 2013 5:22 pm



"Good... you?" Takezo replied, somewhat distracted by the third genin to join them. He had always been terrible with names and faces, but now it was getting somewhat ridiculous. Somewhere in the back of his head he knew the needed information but by some cruel joke their identities remained mysteries.

"Dango? I like that idea!" Takezo blurted out, brought back to reality by Riku's mention of food. He had still been stuck battling his memory, struggling to come up for the names of two different former classmates now, and somewhat frustrated that they knew his name just fine.

Training didn't exactly hold his attention, but if the other two decided to give it a go he wouldn't put up a fight about it. The one good thing he got to do was simply finding people to help pass the time with.

8Day off of training Empty Re: Day off of training Tue Apr 09, 2013 5:30 pm



"so, it's decided then!" Chesuke says cheerfully. "We'll eat dango by the lake. and, should we feel like it, some light sparring. great suggestion, Riku, it'll be interesting to face off against live oponents."

Chesuke excitedly starts walking off... in the wrong direction.

9Day off of training Empty Re: Day off of training Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:01 pm

Riku Aburame

Riku Aburame

Riku grabbed Chesuke's shoulders and turned him in the right direction. " Dango stall is that way Chesuke. Come on Takezo." Riku would begin walking to the dango stand. Once he got there he ordered 3 dango sticks and payed for them handing the dango to his fellow genin he began walking towards leafs training field.

10Day off of training Empty Re: Day off of training Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:12 pm



( sorry for taking so long to get back to this, weeks been hectic.)

"Your a good man... my friend." Takezo stated, clasping Rikus shoulder with an outstretched hand. Dangos were a special treat, especially when they were free dangos. Nothing beat free food.

Either way, Takezo followed at his leisure although unwittingly down the path to the training grounds. If Riku had an ulterior motive, it hadnt been noticed yet.

11Day off of training Empty Re: Day off of training Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:31 pm



Chesuke enjoied his Dango as they walked, and decided a little conversation would be in order. after all, he thought, if we're all leaf genin, we should know more about each other should the need arise to fight alongside one another.

"so, how did the two of you wind up with the day off today? i'd expected everyone to be hard at work training before any team missions came up. he adjusts his hood low over his eyes as he chews a small bite. " come to mention it, i should probably be doing the same, i was assigned to the Hokage's Team One." he contemplates another mouthful of food before continuing, "I bet he'll be tough to surprise, but I'll take that challenge readily"

12Day off of training Empty Re: Day off of training Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:55 pm

Riku Aburame

Riku Aburame

" Well I personally don't really haven't had time to train my job at the shop has been important but since it's been set up completely now I can get back to my training." Riku walked onto the training field dango still in hand as he sat by the water's edge. He lifted the Dango to his mouth and it would disappear down his throat and he would twirl the clean stick in between his fingers relaxing sitting indian style by the water.

13Day off of training Empty Re: Day off of training Thu Apr 11, 2013 8:20 pm



"Team one...? " Takezo said, eating his last dango, then using the stick that it came on to give his mouth something to chew on.

"I think im on that team too..." he murmured, before his mind came to the last bit of information, the hokage bit.

"OH NO...WHAT A CRUEL TWIST OF FATE." Takezo said, dropping to his knees, holding his head with his hands while he messed up his hair at his new dilemma No wonder his parents had been so kind to him as of late, they hadnt said anything, but now it all made sense.

"ALL I WANT TO DO IS BE AN ACADEMIC, OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT~ I'M NOT CUT OUT FOR DESTRUCTION AND NINJA-ING." He continued to whine, he'd figure out what to do eventually, but for now he was lost in his sorrow.

"I..Had the day off because i ran away from my parents training today..." realizing that this particular strategy would likely not work on the village kage.

14Day off of training Empty Re: Day off of training Thu Apr 11, 2013 8:25 pm



Chesuke chuckles at Takezo's dramatics. "Relax, man. if we're in a team together, we'll just work together to skip out on training with Hokage-sama. trust me, i've been doing it for years with my training." Chesuke gets suddenly preoccupied with lowering his hood to make sure its covering his eyes.

taking a moment, he thinks to himself, man, i hope he's not ALWAYS this dramatic. though, i could have some fun with that, too...

15Day off of training Empty Re: Day off of training Sat Apr 13, 2013 8:29 am

Riku Aburame

Riku Aburame

Riku turns to Chesuke. " Why do you bother to cover your eyes? I have already seen them and I assume Takezo has as well. We know where you come from the only thing I don't know is if your from the Main or Side branch." Riku stood and walked to a very close by clearing going through a couple stances and strikes practicing his close range combat which was something he needed to work on. As he practiced he had thought to himself how if he trained more maybe he too could be on the Hokage's squad.

16Day off of training Empty Re: Day off of training Sat Apr 13, 2013 12:24 pm



The encounter with a relative of hers, Synn to be specific, still kept replaying in her mind as Misoka made her way to the training field. Well, rather to the lake by the training field as she didn't feel like practising any of her jutsus right now.
Synn had surely managed to crush parts of her optimism concerning her clan. The clan leader was indeed cruel, Synn being his son should know that much.
A small sigh escaped her lips before she told herself not to think about this anymore. At least not for now. She didn't want to worry her grand-mother so she chose going out of the house instead of sulking at home.

Good thing was the weather. A sunny, beautiful day, perfect for just hanging out with friends or dozing off in the evergreen grass.
Misoka came to the market district since she had to go past it to get to the lake.
Everything went fine until... she found herself bumping into another person.

"Ouch." She staggered back as a result of the impact, but fortunately, could keep her balance.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" That was the second thing she had to say aloud. How embarrassing!

There was a boy in front of her, wearing a hood which he had pulled far down his face. She hoped he wouldn't be too angry.

17Day off of training Empty Re: Day off of training Sat Apr 13, 2013 12:32 pm



"i cover my eyes for much the same reason you wear long sleeves and slacks even in weather like this." Chesuke says in reply to Riku. "if you want me to loose my clothes, you go first." he was about to continue saying more when someone bumped into him.

Chesuke turned to whoever bumped into him, opening his mouth to apologize. as he caught sight of her, he lost track of what it was he was about to say, let alone what he was doing there. hes cheeks began to redden, and an odd gurgling sound came from his throat for a moment before he choked out, ", hi."

18Day off of training Empty Re: Day off of training Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:36 am

Riku Aburame

Riku Aburame

Riku gave a snicker to Chesuke's thoughts. " Well unlike most Aburame you encounter my dear Chesuke I don't need to hide who I am." With this Riku did something probably not many people would see with Riku's kind of Aburame he began removing his outfit starting at his outer jacket then his body suit top leaving his whole chest bare and he would remove his sunglasses as well revealing grey eyes not too far away's from Chesuke's.

Now bare chested and with his shades removed Riku gave a smirk revealing sharp teeth holding up his arm for Chesuke he would see black dots coming out of Riku's skin as hundreds of kikaichu left his body forming a small cloud. " See I have no reason to hide who I am. Other than for the comfort of others."

19Day off of training Empty Re: Day off of training Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:12 am



Seeing that Takezo and the strangely beautiful girl had wandered off to flirt, Cheskue had a challenge to live up to. unzipping the hoodie, he pulled it off along with his undershirt. "i'll see you one bare chest, and raise you pants" he says, dropping his pants, stepping out of them. he felt oddly exposed standing there in only his underwear, but he wasn't going to let it show. this was no time to back down, after all. i can't issue a challenge like this, and then loose, he thought to himself. Besides, the warm sun feels good like this.

20Day off of training Empty Re: Day off of training Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:19 am

Riku Aburame

Riku Aburame

Riku snickered and loosed his pants as well. [b]" If we are going to spar no Gentle Fist and I waon't swarm you with Kikaichu just basic taijutsu."[/b] Riku smirked for a moment then with a large backflip put a great deal of distance between them. At least 25 yards. Getting into a low stance Riku had his left arm forwards turned to the left horizontally and his right hand back by his chest setting vertical. Riku knew that his taijutsu would be no match for the Hyuuga member but this was simply training for fun. Riku began to stretch to limber up so he didn't pull anything and he cracked his neck returning to his position to begin.

21Day off of training Empty Re: Day off of training Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:24 am



Chesuke lept away from the discarded clothing. tripping over that would hardly do for a Hyuuga, he thought.
taking the low gentle fist stance that he knew so well, Chesuke assured his opponent, "i wont be using my chakra, but this is the only taijutsu i know."
making the first move, Chesuke charged in. an Aburame that knows taijutsu? this could be very interesting to see he thought, closing the gap between them.

22Day off of training Empty Re: Day off of training Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:30 am

Riku Aburame

Riku Aburame

Riku watched and waited shifting weight unseen to his back leg biding his time. As Chesuke was charging him Riku was making plans on how he was going to combat him and Riku assumed all he had was surprise on his side so that would have to do for now. Once Chesuke was much closer Riku leaned back and swung with his right arm but it was however a diversion to make him slow before getting to him as Riku spun and attempted to deliver a powerful kick to Chesuke's chest due to the forward momentum and the surprise Riku hoped it would land. Riku had put enough force behind the kick that if Chesuke wasn't prepared it would definitely knock him off his feet and maybe backwards a few feet.

23Day off of training Empty Re: Day off of training Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:36 am



Chesuke had started dodging under the feint, ducking further to avoid the kick. as he came back up, he struck at where he thought several of Riku's tenketsu would be. unused to withholding his chakra, he was sure the strikes did no damage. Damnit, he thought,i dont deal damage with restrained blows like this, and he can let loose full force

24Day off of training Empty Re: Day off of training Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:40 am

Riku Aburame

Riku Aburame

Riku smirked he figured that he would have a harder time hitting him as Chesuke came up he took the Hyuuga's two pronged stance striking towards Riku but he wouldn't have it Riku leaned back into a back bend using both of his legs to strike at Chesuke who was in a forwards upward motion but Riku was already moving backwards making this quite hard to dodge but Riku wasn't getting his hopes up. After Riku's kick attempt he would continue his backwards walk over and get into a low stance again.

25Day off of training Empty Re: Day off of training Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:43 am



Chesuke spun out of the way of the double-kick just in time, the blows missing by a hairs' breadth. continuing the spin, he put some distance between himself and Riku, forcing his opponent to make the next charge

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