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1oh look another Conflict. D rank mission Empty oh look another Conflict. D rank mission Tue Mar 26, 2013 9:26 pm



Song quietly stared at the city from on top of her Dojo roof. She had one knee up with her elbow planted on top and her chin resting in her hand. God it was boring where there wasn't a storm tearing shit apart. Still she hated the idea that such a calm place existed. It was like a giant fortress in a city but they remained completely nuetral. At least a war would make things violent and violence was interesting. Really she blamed her twisted history and upbringing for that train of thought. She had killed a lot of people as a kid and now it was just like watching the calm from a distance before the tempest arrived. She knew she had to be prepared but had issues bringing herself to try at all. She loved fighting and the feeling of pain but she knew what was expected of her. Be a lady and learn manners and all that crap. All those things did was piss her off. She refused to be like those stuck up bitches that shit all over everyone. She growled at the idea of stuck up rich people. One had already tried to buy her Dojo and had risen a hand to her when she denied him. His own fault that people beat him up for raising his hand to a little girl.

Still perhaps she had been a tad bit disrespectful. Flipping him off when he laughed and called her a little girl might of been a bit rude but she didn't care much After all she had not raised a fist to him and no one was a witness to his beating so any charges he had tried to press on her to claim her dojo had failed. So all in all it was still a good day. Still her attention was brought back to reality as one of the neighbors came running up the street calling out to Song. Song hopped down off the wall and listened as the lady spoke of some rich kid bullying a local bum. God damn it what was a rich person even doing in this part of town? It's not like any one around the area could be considered more then middle class citizens. She frowned and shook her head before reassuring the neighbor lady she would handle it. Those trashy rich people where pissing her off again and she was damn near ready to put a stop to it.

Song moved quickly Down the street grabbing a trash can lid as she did so. It was big enough to hide most of her upper half so it would do in a pinch. Couldn't get caught beating up a rich spoiled brat after all. Still she hopped up into a tree to look down over the scene. Below the picture painted out of a young boy in fine clothing poking at a beggar on the ground with a stick. The beggar was just curled up in a ball begging to be left alone but the jabs looked kind of painful. Song snarled and jumped into the air coming down from the direction of the sun with an enraged roar. the trash clan held like a shield blocking both her view and the view of the boy as he looked up. Stumbling back as she landed next to him in a crouch. He barely had time to get out a yelp of fright before Song Spun to the noise and shield checked the guy with enough force to send him off his feet to his stomach. The startled boy rose to his feet gasping for air as he ran away not bothering to look back. But Song was not going to wait around and be identified. Instead she moved back into the tree's disappearing.

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