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1Conflict [D-rank mission] Empty Conflict [D-rank mission] Sun Mar 24, 2013 5:17 am




Binsu had woken up that day, knowing he had a few missions to complete that day and that his time in which to do them was limited. Today, he had to take on a mission called, ‘Conflict’. Apparently, a pair of random people at Tethys grounds, having issues with each other and needed help. Why the Raikage would make such a task a noteworthy mission was beyond Binsu, but he believed that a mission was a mission. He had a goal, one he had set for himself, by himself, that required him to complete a certain number of missions. He was a chuunin, yes, but he wasn’t as strong as a true, Chuunin ranked Shinobi. He lacked the combat experience and lacked to resources in order to be a be a successful aspect of his village. He was determined in fulfilling his dreams of one day serving his village with great importance, but in order to get to the top, we all must start at the bottom. Binsu, was at the bottom, but he had so much hope that he could almost taste his dreams. His future was shining bright, and he hoped it’d stay that way. One way of making sure that that happens was getting stronger, and getting stronger included doing missions, such as the one he was going to tackle on today.

Now making his way towards Tethys ground, Binsu went over the details of the mission in his head. He firstly needed to find these two men and the mission scroll stated that he would find her standing right near the large volcano there. Binsu, as he got closer towards theplace, noticed two figures, standing near the volcano. One, was a rather slim man, the other, a muscular, poorly groomed man. Binsu approached the two, whilst they were bickering and asked, ”Excuse me guys, what seems to be the problem here?” The slim one eyed Binsu for sec, before sying, ”I used to be a traveller like you, and just want to be left alone, but this bully here has other plans. He thinks it’d be funny to just interrupt my daily routines with his shenanigans.” When the poor traveller had finished talking, the bully was quick to respond, saying, ”The dirty beggar should just leave this place, after all, he is filthy.” Binsu hated taking on missions that included him persuading one of the parties and helping them win against the other party, but a mission was a mission. He decided to get some background information first, about what exactly had gone on between the two, before finally resolving it. He turned to the traveller and asked him, ”So, what’s your side of the story?” and without repeating the question again, the guy answered back saying, ”Didn’t you just hear what I said? This bully insist on disrupting my normal ways, for no legit reason.” Binsu didn’t like the guy’s attitude towards him, but decided to go along with his story, nevertheless. He then turned over to the bully and asked for his side of the story.

”He’s filthy, we don’t need his kind here,” so Binsu asked him in response, ”So, you don’t want him here because of his race?” The bully nodded with confidence, letting Binsu know who he should help out of the two. He turned to the bully: he didn’t like what he was about to do to the guy, but he just hated racist people. He pulled back his right fist, before launching it towards the guy’s face. The hit connected, and the guy fell backwards and onto his butt. He then quickly got up from his spot and took off. Binsu turned back around to face the traveller, and the guy said to him, ”Oh thank your kind heart, I don’t know what i would’ve done without you.” Binsu gave him a quick nod, before heading back to the Raikage’s office to claim his reward.


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