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1Conflict[D rank mission] Empty Conflict[D rank mission] Fri Mar 08, 2013 5:49 am

Norokami Sakuko

Norokami Sakuko

Midnight wrote:Mission name: Conflict
Mission rank: D
Objective: Resolve the conflict.
Location: Tethys Grounds
Reward: 50
Mission description: It seems two people are arguing over by Tethys Grounds. Go resolve the conflict however you deem necessary.
Mission details: Once you arrive you will find an old adventurer and a bully arguing. The old adventurer will tell you that he used to be an adventurer like you and just wants to be left alone, if only he could get rid of the bully. The bully will say that the dirty beggar should just leave the place since he's filthy. To help the beggar, fart in front of the bully and then he will run off. If you help the bully, you need to belch in the face of the beggar. You may also beat either of them up to make them run away. Return once one of them has left.

Name: Old Adventurer
Age: Old
General Appearance:
Personality: -
Motivations: To get the bully to leave him alone
Fears: -
Other: Hates when people burp in his face.

Name: Bully
Age: Young
General Appearance:
Personality: Rude.
Motivations: To get the dirty beggar to leave.
Fears: -
Other: Hates when people fart near him.

Sakumo breathes a sigh of relieve as he rests against a tree, the wind caressing his face and easing away all the stress he had build up throughout the day. He had completed his fourth mission and was planning to take a break, nap for a bit and then make Bento. But one whisper of a mission soon got the boy back on his feet.

Apparently his next mission consists of a ruckus in Tethys grounds, he sighs once more as he reached the grounds. From where he is standing he can see with his sharp chestnut eyes that there is a pit of constant larva. He recalled that he used to hate this place as a youth, far too hot for his taste. He grew up in the mountains after all, where the climate high in the mountains and it is reasonably cold with little oxygen the higher up you are so being from kumogakure, high cold temperatures doesn’t bother him. Extremely hot temperature does to some degree however.

The kumogakure nin rubbed the back of his head, he can also feel sweat gathering to his arm pits and the back of his neck. However his body will certainly alter itself to fit the temperature of the external setting just like other normal human beings.

Sakumo’s light brunette brows frowns as the sound of two annoying people shouting and screaming heated words reached his ears. No wonder this is a mission, the people are loud. He gave his mission brief a one over once more and read that one of them is a bully, another a elderly old man who probably seen his share of adventure. A smile tugs at the corners of his lips at their lack of names, oh well. He will have to resolve the conflict with the least problems possible as he descended down from his location to his destination, the shadowy and blurry figures becoming clearer the closer he got.

Last edited by Sakumo on Sun Mar 10, 2013 6:12 am; edited 1 time in total

2Conflict[D rank mission] Empty Re: Conflict[D rank mission] Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:12 am

Norokami Sakuko

Norokami Sakuko

When the kumo nin finally arrived, he lifted up a hand and gave a small greeting to the two “Yo.” A smile extending across his face. He just stood there, observing the two as they continued to bicker, apparently unaware of the presence of a third party.

His brown eyes settle on the bully, who somewhat looks like a girl but his deep voice says otherwise. His attire consists of a simple shirt, trousers and some kind of wooly hat. Not really suitable for this place thought Sakumo. His shifts his gaze to the beggar, who seems to be wearing leather armour and not very well crafted one. Surprising really, if the beggar is truly a adventurer he should already know how to make spectacular armour.

He coughed loudly, bring the attention of both “So what’s up? You’re kinda getting on people nerves.” Said Sakumo, his voice light, honestly he couldn’t give a toss since he could’ve just go to a high place and do his own stuff there. The bully was the first to speak up “This twit been hanging around for days now!” growled the bully as he folded his arms “I’m here to train, not to tolerate his BS.” Hissed the bully, his face twisted in anger. Sakumo could only sigh at his response. “But technically he isn’t breaching any laws. He have as much right as anyone else to be here.” Counted Sakumo, the Bully looked at him in shock “But look at him!” shouted the local bully as he pointed at the beggar “He stinks!” exclaimed the bully, Sakumo couldn’t say otherwise. The beggar does stink to high heavens.

Last edited by Sakumo on Sun Mar 10, 2013 6:24 am; edited 1 time in total

3Conflict[D rank mission] Empty Re: Conflict[D rank mission] Sat Mar 09, 2013 6:31 am

Norokami Sakuko

Norokami Sakuko

The beggar, appalled by the other spoke up, “How dare you?!” snapped the old man as he grabbed what left of his sack of rags, the old man’s face twisted into a scowl “You’re a ungraceful little mutt! Maybe I should beat some manners into you!” warned the old man, his gum less mouth clear as the sun. The bully scoffed in reply “I like you see you try old timer!” truanted the youngster as they both glared at each other.

Sakumo sighs, somewhat annoyed by these two people. He can take the side of either of them if he wanted to, but the old man has told him he is only here temporally for mediation and begging for money as the city is too hostile for ryo-less people. A good reason like any other. Plus it is well within the beggar’s rights to do what he please, but then again people do train here and it might be a bit too unhygienic to have a beggar sneaking around...but he is still human.

To stop them coming to blows Sakumo stepped in between the two and placed a hand on both “Now...” began Sakumo as he grinned at the two rather troublesome people. “I love training, just as the next guy but this man isn’t breaching any rules like I said. It is you that is making things worse, both for the village and moi.” Said Sakumo before he shifts his attention to the old man “And you, while you have rights and such you need to be more considerate of others. This is a training area and not really a place for you to beg.” Said Sakumo “You’re a grown man, you shouldn’t rise to the taunt of a kid.” Scolded Sakumo as the Beggar looked down in shame. “And you Mr Bully, should be ashamed of yourself. Harassing a old man on the grounds of training?” said Sakumo as he shook his head.

Now he could easily follow the mission’s brief regarding the fart and burp, but he would rather not do that as it seems to be beneath him. Not to mention it is horribly disgusting. Instead he went the more peaceful route, where both get what they want. “Sir, there are hostels you can go to in Kumogakure. There is also a homeless shelter and a soup kitchen, please check yourself in there.” Said Sakumo as he gave the directions to the old man. “And now you Mr Bully, there are plenty of other training areas, also wouldn’t you be better off training in a location where it isn’t extremely hot? You perspire quicker here and can’t really concentrate due to the heat.” pointed out Sakumo, and both of them looked at each other and complied. Both thanked Sakumo and went on their way, and Sakumo smiled once again. Another mission complete.

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