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Dākuchairudo Jishin


People where inherently stupid, or so she thought as she entered the Tethys ground to squash a quarrel between a bum and an ass. She was of course bringing with her the usual bias, as she wasn't a fan of bums in the least. Still it was her job to mediate to quarrel and to disregard her biases, she intended to at least attempt to do such a thing, probably to little effect. It didn't take long for her to reach the two, the bully looked to be roughly fiftheen, the beggar in his late fourties or so. The kid was flinging obsenities at the bum who simply stood there with a stupid look upon his face taking the insults.

It seemed the main point of his argument was just that he seemed to be stinking the place up, which was quite true the bum was indeed 'stinking the place up' his odor was something to behold in it's magnificently horrid smell. Immediately she mentally sided with the young man, and of course the prattling of the Bum stating that he wished for the bully to leave was quite aggravating adding to her dislike of him. Still, the bully was irritating as well, in fact she would go as far as to say he was a bit of an ass. Staring at the two she contemplated her course of action, thinking of who she should side with. Within moments her mind was decided, and her plan was formed.

Without further thought she grabbed the collar of the young lad, her cold eyes staring him down "Leave or I will make you bleed.", releasing him the boy then aptly ran off sobbing as he did. Of course, this was only the first portion of her plan, she then turned to the bum to give him a thorough tongue lashing, "Begone you disgusting bum!" with the tone of pompous authority that only she possesed. The bum then argued his case of how he wished to be left alone leading her to once again yell at the man, "And I wish for you to leave as well, you damnable fool!" poking him in the chest as she did so. Of course the idiotic fellow did not budge, forcing her to exercise violence, well sort of anyway, "How about we make a deal, a competition, I win you leave, you win I leave you alone and make sure no one else bothers you. to which the bum retorted with: " I'm listenin' ". " Greco-roman, one bout." a sly smile crossed her face, the old adventurer immediately accepted obviously thinking himself the physically superior of the two.

Without further words the two moved into wrestling posture, the adventurer moved first moving low and attempting to wrap his hands about her waist, which she deftly avoided circling away causing the man to stumble, moving behind him afterward. Quickly she grabbed the man by his chest lifting him up in the air before slamming him forward forcing him onto his face, holding him down she managed a fall (pin), successfully ending the match and securing her victory. Not to mention the man leaving. Letting the man go and standing she brushed herself off extending a hand to the older man who had by this point sat up, he accepted the gesture allowing her to pick him up, "Lordy lass, you've got some power in you." she nodded thankfully, now waiting for the man to leave for greener pastures. Moments later, after catching his breath, the older homeless gent strolled off. Hopefully out of Kumogakure, not that it really mattered. Her mission was complete, much more than complete actually as she surpassed the perameters of the mission itself. A job well done she thought making her way back toward the village.



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