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1Conflict[D-Rank Missoin] Empty Conflict[D-Rank Missoin] Sat Mar 09, 2013 8:04 pm

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

I had just received word on my first mission. The first mission I will be taking on since I got back into the system, after spending some years to care for my mother. Luckily it was only a D-rank mission so I knew I wouldn't have to go out and fight anyone. I was reading the information I received from the mission board and was thinking of what I could do to solve the problem at hand. There wasn't much information so I guess I would have to receive a lot of my information from the two males who seemed to not be able to get along.

2Conflict[D-Rank Missoin] Empty Re: Conflict[D-Rank Missoin] Sat Mar 09, 2013 8:11 pm

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

As I arrived to the spot I saw the two males. One was a somewhat dirty, slightly old, male with a strange beard and hair put up in even a stranger method. I then looked at the other male, younger and wore a beany on his head. The face of the younger male made me think he was no good, but that wasn't the problem I came for. I walked up to the two males, yelling at each other. The old man was yelling “Leave me alone! I've done more in my life than you will ever know!” but the boy was not hearing it and yelling back his own comments. “All you do is beg, and you stink!” As I approached I raised my hands and yelled out my little rap. “Eh yo listen here. I came from afar to bring you near!” The two stopped arguing and looked over at me and both said in union. “Who the hell are you?”

3Conflict[D-Rank Missoin] Empty Re: Conflict[D-Rank Missoin] Sat Mar 09, 2013 8:33 pm

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

I grinned to see that they were actually on the same page for at least one thing. “I’m Little T, ya see. Here to resolve your problem, not too cause one between you and me.” The two of them looked at me as if I were insane. They didn't even know how to respond to my amazing lines. “So tell me ya two, what’s the problem with you?” The two looked at each other for a moment and remembered what they were arguing about and they looked at me and began to talk simultaneously. I put my hands up and held my palm towards each of their faces, telling them to shut up for a moment. They stopped talking and I continued to smile.

4Conflict[D-Rank Missoin] Empty Re: Conflict[D-Rank Missoin] Sat Mar 09, 2013 8:55 pm

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

I looked at the older man and began to talk to him. “Tell me old man, tell me the problem and I’ll tell you the plan.” The older man looked like he was going to say something to me about mocking his age but he fought through that thought and began his explanation. “All this boy does is push me around and constantly burp in my face!” I nodded and then looked over at the boy, wanting him to now give his side of the story. “Well he stinks and sits here all day, begging for money and ALL he does is fart!” I nodded at the two of them. So it seems they both have had it up to their necks with the other person. I only see one solution. If I got them both to leave this area then they would not bother each other for some time, and if anything I would have to come back and repeat.

5Conflict[D-Rank Missoin] Empty Re: Conflict[D-Rank Missoin] Sat Mar 09, 2013 9:12 pm

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

I waved both the males to come over towards me. They slowly walked up towards me. I had continued to smile as they got close. I turned my body, so that I faced the older man and my back faced the younger male. I forced a burp out of my mouth towards the older man and then forced a fart out towards the younger one. They both looked at me in disgust, closing their noses and mouths with their hands. They quickly ran off. I raised my hands in the air and yelled “ Don’t fight with each other, we all gotta start to love another!”
[661/600 Words]

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