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1Clearing Out[C-Rank][Private] Empty Clearing Out[C-Rank][Private] Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:17 am

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

Well it seemed that I stepped up the ladder. I grabbed the mission details and looked at the location. It looked like I had to do a little journey to the abandoned mines of the village. I sighed as I read the location but I took off. As I ran to the mine I looked through the file. It seemed like there was a villager missing as he went into the mine to see what the...moaning, was all about. I re-read the moaning part twice. It was strange.

It got me thinking, were teenagers in the mine doing the midnight freak show? It was mainly only heard at midnight. It was somewhat strange honestly to read. I shrugged it off, either way I would have to either kill or capture what ever is inside that mine. I sighed once more, continuing to read the mission file as I ran to the mine.

2Clearing Out[C-Rank][Private] Empty Re: Clearing Out[C-Rank][Private] Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:24 am

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

As I arrived to the mine I saw three women, two children with one of the women, and five men with pitchforks and torches standing outside the dark mine. As I approached one of the men turned to look at me. "Oh finally someone has come! We have been sitting here all day calling out to see if my brother would answer us. We were already getting ready to go in and see for ourselves." One of the men explained to me. I nodded at them all and smiled. "Do not worry. I a very fairly trained shinobi. I will go in there and see what the problem seems to be." I told them. They all nodded in responds.

I took one of the men's torches and proceeded into the mine. I was following a trail of footprints, I could only assume was left by the man who entered previously. As I followed the path I had begun to hear moaning. As I listened to it though it sounded as if more than two humans were making it. That ruled out teenagers doing their funny business, but it raised the question to what the hell was happening. I had to find out what was going on and hopefully make sure the man outside could see his alive brother.

3Clearing Out[C-Rank][Private] Empty Re: Clearing Out[C-Rank][Private] Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:32 am

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

As I made my way to the end of the trail I looked up, hearing the moaning as if it were right in front of me. It was right in front of me. As I surveyed the area in front of me I noticed three things. Two of which I wish did not exist. The first was the fact that there was a recent dead corpse at the end of this mine chamber, cut up by swords, some parts of his body a few feet away from him. That would mean I would have to deliver some bad news as I finished up with the second thing I noticed. The living dead. I saw four living corpses standing in the mine chamber, standing there moaning.

The last thing I had noticed was that each and every one of them now held a dulled katanas. That was at least good for me. Easier to cut. Bad for me though if they managed to hold me down because it would then be some slow cuts through my body. I shivered a little at the idea of the torture but I knew I could handle them. I cracked my fists and held the torch tightly in my hand. They had four dull katanas between the four of them and I had three kunais and fifty feet of wire. I had confidence in the situation.

4Clearing Out[C-Rank][Private] Empty Re: Clearing Out[C-Rank][Private] Sun Mar 24, 2013 5:08 am

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

All four of the undead corpses looked at me and all raised their swords in union, a little scary how perfectly they did it too. I grinned at the four of them and decided I should make the first move, and I had the perfect move in thought. I ran towards the group of four corpses. They moaned louder as I approached but I simply looked at the one farthest from the rest, the one in the near very back.

As I began to ran past the first three corpses they swung their swords. I did a variety of side steps and finally a roll for a horizontally swung blade going for my abdomen. As I approached the fourth he swung down at me. I stepped to the left and hit did an adjacent punch to the corpse's throat, forcing its mouth to open. I then shoved the torch into the corpses's mouth, bringing him down with that motion.

5Clearing Out[C-Rank][Private] Empty Re: Clearing Out[C-Rank][Private] Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:21 pm

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

As the corpse was being brought down to the ground, torch in his mouth, I took out a kunai with my left hand and knelled down quickly and brought my left arm down into the head of the undead corpse on the ground. The kunai pierced through quite easily, which was a little surprising. I noticed all movement had stopped from this one corpse. I withdrew the kunai from his head and made sure his dead jaw was closed, so that it could hold the torch as I handled the other corpses. I stood up and faced the group of corpses, taking out another kunai and holding it in my right hand. It was time to clean-up.

All three other corpses had turned around to face me. Each raised their blade with one arm, except the one in the very middle who raise it to waist level with both of his arms. They then charged at me. Almost too perfect it seemed. I threw my two kunais at the corpse in the middle, throwing them simultaneously to make it harder to block. One Kunai was going for his head and the other towards his left leg. It was just a distraction method really though. I began to weave hand signs.

"Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique" I said as I then breathed in deeply and began to exhale blasts of fire. Some of the blasts of fire hit the two corpses on the sides and I had noticed that the middle corpse decided to block the kunai going for his head and simply took the one to the leg. He continued to walk towards me though. I saw the other two were burned to the second degree on their exposed flesh but were still twitching around. I drew my third kunai. It was time to finish this off.
235/250 Chakra:

Last edited by Tatsuya Taosu on Sun Mar 24, 2013 5:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

6Clearing Out[C-Rank][Private] Empty Re: Clearing Out[C-Rank][Private] Sun Mar 24, 2013 5:02 pm

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

I ran towards the corpses as he walked towards me. I guess we were both moving at our maximum speeds. As we approached each other he stabbed his dulled kunai at my throat, but I was smarter than that, I knew he wanted to go for the kill and with that kind of blade that was all you could do. I ducked, watching as the blade past overhead, and I stood up as his arm was over me. I stabbed my kunai at the corpse's brain, impaling it. The corpse dropped the katana and fell to the ground. It was dead, again. I took the kunai out of its leg and wiped it on the corpses ragged shirt, as well as the one I just used. I then looked at the two corpses laying on the ground.

I walked over to one and stomped on it's head a few times, killing it. I then noticed my last kunai was laying next to it, so I picked it up and stored it. I then walked to the last corpse and stomped on its head a few times. They were all dead now. I walked over to the recently dead man's body and picked it up after putting away all of my kunai.

I walked out of the mine, carrying the body.All of the villagers were horrified. "I am sorry, he lost his life when he went inside the mine." I told them as I put down the body, body flickering out of the area.
225/250 Chakra:
[Mission Complete]

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