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The first and hopefully last day.

Unfortunately for Ryo, it was that time again. He wasn't necessarily a fan of being a shinobi, and only became one because it was what was expected of him. Although, he was even less of a fan of doing his responsibility as a shinobi: missions. It seemed like he had to do them, though, especially if he wants his parents to believe that making him a genin had a positive outcome. To make this less insufferable, Ryo typically leaned towards the easier ones of the bunch. These usually included things like walking someone’s dog, cleaning a window, or rescuing a cat. Standard everyday issues, no bloodshed or knowledge needed. The one he was going to do today interested him, to say the least. Given he had to dig through the pile of possible assignments to find it, other people did really think the same. Ryo’s objective of the day was simple, he was to volunteer and help out at a library. Seeing how he has a deep love for books, this day should be worth remembering.

Ryo woke up early, as most people did when they were preparing for a day of work. This morning wasn't very eventful. While he would like to sleep longer, waking up like this didn't bother him. After all, it's what's required of him. He got out of his bed, leaving his blankets disheveled and headed straight for the shower. After washing himself, he went back to his room to get dressed. He wore what he always wore, a white button up accompanied by a simple white undershirt and black trousers. Today, he'd also have his headband strapped tightly on his forehead. As much as he didn't want to wear it, today was a day where he had to show his career choice.

He quickly left the house after grabbing some toast for breakfast. It wasn't much, but it was simple and fast. He also didn't really require a huge breakfast that'd last him the whole day, since his shift was only a hand full of hours. While walking down the street he thought about simple things, such as what he was going to do after his mission was officially completed. He decided that since the mission would sap him of all of his energy, that he'd probably go back home for a nap. He also thought about something slightly important: finding the place he was supposed to go.

It turned out that Ryo was set to help at the library within Diamond Heights, which was the largest and most respectable place of learning in the whole village. Besides being flabbergasted, Ryo officially couldn't wait to start working. He didn't enjoy work, but he did enjoy learning, and when one works within the largest archive of knowledge there is, they were sure to learn something new.

He arrived only a couple minutes late than when he was scheduled to, making his decision to wake up earlier worth it. He went to the front desk, which was occupied by a man who Ryo guessed was in his late fifties. He didn't seem to mind or notice that Ryo was late and simply greeted him with "Ah, you must be the volunteer for today. Ryo, right? Well, there's not much for you to do today besides shelving those, so I suggest you get to work." Ryo followed the man's eyes to a cart that was off to the side which seemed to be loaded with a variety of books. Following the man's advice, Ryo quickly and excitedly made his way over to the cart and started his assigned job.

Ryo was no stranger to libraries, having spent so much time in them before. He got used to the shelving process quickly, looking at the label on the book's spine and making his way to where it went. He got into a good flow quickly, and the only thing that seemed to slow him down was the sheer vastness of the library. Composed of several floors containing ten to twenty foot high shelves, anyone would get lost. Even though he managed to avoid something that embarrassing, it as still rather time-consuming. However, he didn't mind. He was happy with the fact that he was able to go through multiple shelves of books, absorbing the titles listed on the exposed spines. While he was doing this, something managed to catch his eye. He stopped pushing the cart along and practically froze at the sight of a book titled Senchō Haishi and the Return of Jinton. The titled seemed familiar to him, causing him to pull it from its shelf and have a gander. Jinton was mentioned in other literary works he's read, namely ones that talked of the historic Ōnoki, but they never explained it in this scale. Ryo read of a release known for its ability to break apart, manipulate, and reassemble molecules, and almost got sucked in before roughly shutting the book and putting it back where it belonged.

He got back to the job he was supposed to do, trying his best to forget the book that he found. He finished shelving quickly after that and brought the cart back to the front desk. After Ryo explained that his job was finished, the old man replied with "Fantastic! You managed to do that faster than other volunteers, can I expect you to sign up to help again?" These words instantly made Ryo think back to the book about Senchō Haishi. His mind hungered for more information, practically punching Ryo deep in his brain. He decided that he needed more and quickly gave his answer.

"Yeah, I think you can."

Word count: 972/750 words


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