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1Disappointed Swordsman[B-Rank Mission] Empty Disappointed Swordsman[B-Rank Mission] Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:57 am

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

I had received word of a new mission. As I picked up my mission scroll I read it quickly as I ran to a location, which was the first spot I looked at when I picked it up. I ran towards the battle plateau, running on the roofs of building so that I wouldn't need to climb that high to get to the top of the plateau. I wasn't going to take the usual entrance, I wanted to surprise the culprit.

I had also just bought some new equipment, so it was time to see how it would fare in real battle. If it did horribly then Id have to barge back into the store and demand a refund. The owner probably would, in fear I would set a spark and it would hit his pile of explosion tags. I chuckled a little at the idea, it seemed a little ridiculous that I would set fire to a store for some measly ryo.


Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

As I approached the area I quickly patted my lower torso down to make sure I had everything I needed. I looked at the pillar of stone on which the plateau was on. I was already halfway up since I was on a roof of the building, and as a chunnin it didn't seem I should have much trouble. I took a few steps backs, drew two kunais, one in each hand, and ran towards the pillar. I jumped and impaled the kunai into the stone pillar to reduce my speed of falling. As I held onto the kunai I turned my body and put my feet on the pillar. I focused chakra down into my feet, pulled my kunai out of the pillar and began to run up the stone pillar.

As I ran I put one kunai away and made my way to the top. I was on the opposite end of the entrance to the training ground. As I made my way up I flipped onto the edge of the plateau and pulled myself up. As I pulled myself up I noticed that two things. The first was that there was a fairly large, what I presumed was a male, covered in armor, holding a sword which seemed longer than my entire body length was. And the second thing I noticed was a little girl protecting an older male, who seemed to be bleeding. I knew I had to intervene or those two would surely die.

I pulled my arm back and threw the kunai at the back of the male's knee. As the kunai flew through the air I began to run silently. I didn't want to give away my position before that kunai played its part. As I ran though the man was beginning to raise his blade but luckily it had hit just in time. It plunged into the back of his knee and he instantly dropped his blade the way it came.

"Hey you chunk of metal! Why fight a little girl? Fight me instead! Or are you to scared!?" I yelled out at the chunk of metal. He turned around to look at me.He grabbed his sword with both of his hands and raised it to shoulder level. He was preparing.


Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

"You think that I would not fight you!? You are not Daisuke but maybe your death will bring him out!" He yelled out at me. I grinned. This was going to be fun. I was down to two kunais, I had to make them count.

I continued running at the large man in metal armor and I went into my pocket and pulled out another one of my kunai. He had begun to run at me too now, but as he ran his location was beyond obvious. Not only was he huge but every movement he made was audible because of his large armor surrounding his body. He really must not like sword fighters hitting him. I grinned though, metal simply heated up under fire. I would just burn him alive if I had too.

As I ran I saw the girl who was protecting the older male healing him. Good she was a medical ninja, that meant I didn't have to worry about rushing this battle to save his life, she would be able to help him. I then refocused my eyes on the giant who was coming closer with every step the two of us made.

As I got within six feet of him, he started to pull down his sword, letting gravity and his bulky arms do the work of forcing the blade down. I noticed him lifting it off his shoulder slightly as we approached, and the way he looked I could only assume all he did was sword fight. I had to get out of the way, and quickly.

I stepped to the left and while still at my running speed I slide on the ground, holding my right arm out, my right hand which was holding my kunai. As I was passing his legs my kunai caught his shin guard and with that I simply pushed against his shin, in order to make him lose his balance.


Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

To my luck the force carried through me as I slid on the ground and hit the man of metals leg was enough to trip his right leg and cause him to fall over. I quickly stood up but I did not lunge at my target like others would, I turned my head to face the girl. "Sorry to ask this of you but I need you to get off this plateau. I can't guarantee your safety if you stay on this plateau." I told the girl. She stopped healing and the boy stood up, being held up slightly by the girl. "Thanks for coming." The boy said as they walked away.

I then looked back at man of iron and watched him stand back up and turn around to face me. "You think your a tough guy don't you!?" He said, gripping his sword even more tightly. I shook my head slightly. "I'm not just some tough guy. I'm a tough guy who takes out bad guys like you. You tried killing a little girl and an older male. You can call yourself a swordsman but I see no real honor within you." I told him. I spun my kunai around once and then prepared for his attack.


Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

He took one step at me and swung his sword horizontally. I grinned but I wouldn't be able to dodge it by ducking, it was swinging at my lower waist. I couldn't step out of range since we were already this close and his sword was longer than I was. That left one thing left to do. As the sword approached me I bent my knees, it appeared as if I was trying to duck his sword. I could swear I saw a smile form on his face through his mask but I paid no real attention to it.

As the sword approached me I sprung upwards and tucked my knees to my gut. I managed to jump over the blade and I grinned at the swordsmen, not swearing I could see his mouth open in shock. I drew my right hand back over my left shoulder, holding my kunai still, and then pushed it forward, throwing the kunai into the open space of his helmet's visor. My goal was to take out one of his eyes and give me another upper hand. As the sword passed under me he let go of the handle and began to reach for two other swords of his. It looked like this battle was progressing.


Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

The kunai had hit his nose and he quickly shook his head and the kunai flew away from the two of us, sticking into the floor. I knew those two swords would be an annoying thing to deal with, so it was time to finish this battle. I kicked off of the sword that was still under me barely, pushing it to the ground and pushing my up. I used my hands to flip over head of the swordsman and I landed behind him, doing a few front flips to gain distance. I looked behind me and now he held two fairly large swords. I grinned and formed a hand seal. He was infuriated as soon as I did. "You weakling cheater! You dare use Ninjutsu against me!?!" He yelled out in fury towards me.

"Well yea. I don't want to risk injury all too much and waste my time dealing with you, so im cutting this short. Katon:Makikomu honō (Fire Style: Engulfing Flames)" I said and as soon as I finished flames expelled from my body at a burning temperature. Even though he was in metal he was about to feel the fury of my flames. I watched the flames consumed the mans body and armor, I watched as he screamed due to the metal he wore touching him, the metal itself was burning hot. It was like putting yourself in your own coffin.

After a little time of his screaming he dropped to the ground. He was breathing but I didn't care, my job was done. I pulled out my wire and walked over to his body. His face was in the ground, probably burned to the 3rd degree. Still the hole of my kunai was still visible so I carefully put apart of the wire through the kunais hole and pulled up. The kunai was hanging onto the wire, I didn't want to touch it really because it was exposed to the fire just like the man. I then walked over to my second kunai on the ground and did the same thing.

I had defeated the swordsman and now walked away with a wire in my hand, with two kunais attached to the wire.

175/200 Chakra:
[1672/1500 Words]
[Mission/Thread Complete]

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