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It was time for it all to begin. To defend and attack. That was the task set before the currently crowned Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. It seemed as if now was the time to strike, taking any advantage that would tilt the balance in favour of the Hidden Mist, doing whatever one could possibly could to hinder the Seven Bells. Anything that could possibly be done, had to be done. It was their goal, their objective, that would tilt the balance. Whomever was in possession of one of the Legendary Swords of the Mist had the same weight upon their shoulders, the same end goal. The blades that would mold the future of Kirigakure no Sato were in dire need at this particular time, however much they could get accomplished. Whether the results be a minor victory or a major victory, it would be beneficial towards the cause of the Village Hidden in the Mist regardless. The only thing they could not risk, the one thing that should be avoided at all costs, be a loss, no matter how significant of a role it would play. It was all about morale, and to keep it up, not only for the shinobi who were fighting, but for the civilians who wanted to keep their faith in their forces. One loss for them could potentially cause a downward spiral.

Yuudai had his swords prepared. His two katanas remaining sheathed and suspended from the stark white sash he wore to keep them in place. While they would certainly aid him in any which way the Aisu clan head would seek, more so from Setsura than the unnamed weapon, he knew that Serpent’s Tongue would be far more beneficial in his quest. Serpent’s Tongue steadily rested, on the opposing side of his two katanas, on his left, currently in a sheath he managed to acquire, though it was only of use when the blade would remain in it’s gladius form. The question was, was he prepared to use it in such a vital battle? Was he experienced enough with the blade whip to use in a battle? Good enough at handling to bring harm down on only his enemies' heads? Whips were tricky on their own, to add blades to it only made it more dangerous to both parties if the wielder was a novice, even more to the wielder if they couldn’t gain a grasp on the motions behind such a weapon. It was solely upon the wielder of the blade to unlock the potential of the weapon, something that would come to him in the future, though for now it continued to linger in the air, not knowing when it could possibly occur.

He stood there, letting the light wind breeze past him, carrying on it the smell of rain. The light breeze blowing against him, allowing his mane to be lightly carried by the gust. The sky was overcast and dark, it was likely to rain today. Letting out a muted sigh, he began walking. A single task fell before him and the other Swordsmen of the Mist. An objective that was fairly simple, the task itself would prove to be difficult. Assassinating the Seven Bells, a task that would clearly prove to be of the utmost difficulty, one he presumed would be hard to accomplish alone, but he needed to leave as soon as possible, time was ticking. Once the clock started, there was nothing that could be done to stop it. Thus, once Yuudai had began to make his way to the location he was given, the clock had already began. A lake, that’s where he was headed, though one caused by the numerous amounts of battles that occurred around the village. A manmade construct, not one that nature herself bestowed to the lands.

It had taken under five minutes of him receiving word that the assassination that was to take place and his arrival at the given location. By the time Yuudai had arrived, the rain already began to trickle down with no signs of it going away anytime soon. It was somewhat reminiscent of his previous battle with Mizuru, with the rain pouring down, but today was much lighter; as for now. His wound wasn’t close to being fully healed, but that wouldn’t slight his performance, as the bleeding had been blockaded by the bandages that Himitsu had applied once he found his way back home.

There was blood on the field, blood in the shallow hole in the ground. A lake of blood. His assumption had already resulted it had to do with the battles around the village, though the significance behind it was lost on the purple-haired individual. His vision quickly searched the perimeter of the area from the tree branch he was perched upon, knowing it wasn’t best to walk in blind to something that was difficult just upon hearing it. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be alone for the majority of the task, but there was nothing he could do at the moment to remedy it. It was required the task be accomplished as fast as possible, and if that meant he had to divert attention for a bit, just like his battle with Mizuru, he could do as such. As long as he walked pit alive, he’d have done something on benefit for the village and the other swordsman whom had also been given the task. Drawing out Serpent’s Tongue, Yuudai didn’t allow the blade to taste his blood just yet, the moment wasn’t the right one to do so. If anything, he needed to do it when he knew he wouldn’t be ambushed, and as of right now, they could possibly know his whereabouts. Now, it was just waiting for the opportune moment for him to strike.

Running word count: 980



Rain; normally he enjoyed the rain. The droplets of water coaxing over his skin making him feel a unique sensation every time it touched his skin. It wasn’t every droplet but once every couple his skin would react to it and a small spark of electricity would spar up silently with a faint yellow glow. He could control it but most of the time he didn’t want to. Today was a day he needed to though. He knew the second he had been called to be a seven swordsman that he would be facing an uphill battle that he didn’t know if he could climb. Not a few hours later and he was being assigned a mission to kill the main threat in the war. It was all happening so fast and his mind and body were spinning to catch up to it. A little over a month ago he had left the academy. He was a Genin for all of a month training by himself without a sensei, then out of the blue he had been assigned to Chuunin. He had been grateful for the promotion and even completed the missions he had been assigned almost faster than they could assign them.

Dameon had always been a good soldier though he never knew exactly what he had been fighting for. That all changed when he had met Toraika. Since meeting her he felt stronger and like he had a sense of purpose. Being raised alone by himself for half his life, being outcasted by the villagers in Kiri for being an outsider, not even being assigned a sensei, and overall feeling dead to the world had made him emotionally dead until he met her. It seemed like in an instant she had stripped him of all of his distrust and hate he held within him and filled it all with love and meaning. He had completely realized this after his last promotional mission, and the one that had made him one of the seven swordsmen. Having been assigned the mission directly from ANBU in what was supposed to be a suicide mission he had managed to come out alive after destroying critical enemy supplies, stealing intel, and even killing the captain who had been a jounin. The promise he had made to her to stay safe and come back to her had kept him alive, though the injuries from the battle still remained.

The injuries had healed a lot since then; his ribs were still tender but at least not broken and the hole that was in his shoulder now just had a nasty scar. Upon completing the mission he had been promoted to Jounin and soon after a seven swordsman. The sword he had been given in a sheath across his back with the hilt popping up over his right shoulder. He actually found it kind of funny he had been given The ‘Midnight Childs Blade’ and he was the youngest Jounin in the village or he at least though, compared to everyone else he was still a child. The mission he had ahead of him was going to be rough as he prepared himself and grabbed his items. After he had been assigned the mission he had to say his good byes to Toraika and Rinao, both of which were present when the letter had been assigned. After reading the mission he had found it much more difficult to part from her knowing this mission could easily be his last, he didn’t tell her though, the last thing he wanted was for her to worry.

He left soon after he grabbed a couple things from his crappy room he still lived in, despite having some money now; the war had kept him too busy to find a new place to live. His penguin Penpen had also been there to keep himself safe as the fighting continued. Now, he just had to get to the lake. According to the mission details he had been given he wouldn’t be working alone. Instead he would be working with other members of the seven swords of the mist. This was a big change of pace for him considering he was usually doing missions with those that were the same level or weaker than him, or completely alone. He raced there taking no more time as he quickly raced across the rooftops and out of the village walls. He tried to conceal his chakra and the sound of his movements as much as possible knowing that with all that had being going on the enemy could have been anywhere. As he gained sight of the lake he stopped along a thick branch within the trees. His eyes had very quickly detected the man he had seen earlier at the ceremony. Apparently the other shinobi had felt like the enemy was close if that was so chances were that Dameon could detect them. He dropped to the ground silently and touched the wet surface with his index finger. He could feel the enemies chakra way out ahead in the rough direction they had both been looking, but there was also more than one enemy. Armed with this knowledge he raced to his fellow shinobi and landed a branch behind him as to attempt to not clump out and be easier to spot.

“There are multiple enemies. I detect five but there could be more outside my range or if they are really good at stealth,” he said softly just loud enough for the other shinobi to hear. Though he didn’t actually know the purple haired ninja’s name nor did he catch it at the ceremony.

942 words
270/300 Chakra



After the ceremony of the seven swordsman Iyata was pulled aside by one of the overseeing officials of the city. The Kage having her focus split on many different fronts it was only normal to have someone assigned to oversee the general affairs of state. She was then informed that immediately after selecting her sword she was to be assigned a mission of great importance. Iyata listened to the man as he provided the details of her assignment, it was told to Iyata that she would be on an assassination assignment to take down Seven Bells directly. She blinked softly and a odd smile formed on her lips, finally she was given the opportunity to repay the man that had brought down this much pain and suffering to her village, in kind. She was further informed that she would be working together with the other swordsman on this task. She oddly wondered if they believed Seven Bells to be so powerful that it would take all Seven of the Swordsman to bring him down, but that was definitely not her call to make. The Kage deemed it so, then she would execute the mission with haste and let the man get what was coming to him as expediently as she could move the process along. Iyata thanked the man with a bow of her head and clutched Eidelweiss in her hand and stared at the blade a moment. Sure it was worn and nicked with use, but those were scars of a battle tested blade it not only added character but also showed that it could withstand a beating. She had limited practice with a hand and a half sword or also known as a bastard sword. But she had wielded one during her training and found it to be more natural for her talent which was why she selected the weapon.

She had a lot to think about on the way to gather her things, as she walked back towards her tent to gather the rest of her items she had to think about whether or not she was to wield Eidelweiss in this upcoming confrontation. She believed it would probably not be within her best interest at this current time to test out the limitations of her blade, she always remembered her instructors telling her that battle was no place to find ones limitation. She oddly enough believed at the time they were merely talking about the physical limitations of their own body, it was much later that she realized they were speaking of life in general. She looked around her room and saw her small side pack that held her smaller items, she quickly placed it on her hip and reached over grabbing Talon and attaching it to her opposite Hip. She looked at Eidelweiss a moment and realized that she would need to place that on her back, to allow her the proper mobility. She looked to the corner in which her Puppet stood, she decided to leave Gaurka behind for this confrontation. She placed Eidelweiss on her back and made sure it was secure, the weight of the weapon did not upset her balance as far as she thought it would. She smiled softly and walked over to her desk and grabbed her headband and tied it tightly around her thigh with the plate facing outward. She pushed herself out of her tent and began to walk along the row of tents and smiled as people turned and merely smiled at her bowing their head to her gently. She was not use to the attention that these people were giving her at this moment, she was typically in the way she felt.

But these people accepted her and that made her feel easier about making the choice to step up and take a sword from the Kage. She knew that time was of the essence and she needed to travel quickly. She took off like a dart moving as quickly as her feet would take her towards the general destination that the man had provided to her to be the location of the showdown with Seven Bells. She leapt up into nearest tree and began to move through the limbs at a speed that to a regular Ninja would suggest she was in a hurry however it had become the normal pace of her travel. After a short time she saw the location she was destined to head to coming up in the distance. She could make out faint signs that the area was occupied, and as she got closer she began to realize that there was a small shallow looking lake, however it did not resemble the lakes she was comfortable with that were normally in this area, it was a dark crimson in color. It was at that particular moment she realized that the lake was in fact a holding pool of blood from the dead bodies that had fought in the area prior to her arrival. The sight made her sick to her stomach with rage, she could not believe that someone would reduce themselves to provide such a display. She knew it to be a scare tactic, and that in her opinion was of poor taste. She touched down in the area quietly not allowing her presence to be heard, she quietly surveyed the area and saw movement up in the far distance but believed that to not be here fellow swordsmen. She looked around slowly and found her fellow swordsman a small distance away from her. She quietly made her way to meet up with them, she approached at a crouch keeping her form hidden and small as she approached she nodded to them, hearing Dameon provide a logistic of the situation and the numbers, she looked in the general direction in which he indicated the location.

She looked around a moment wondering if she would want to act first and attack, the logical part of her brain would argue that it was a bad idea to walk into this sort of scenario blind. There was no telling what types of traps that were laid throughout the area and if she did not have the upmost awareness of the situation she would fall victim to anything that was in the area. She knew that her comrades felt the same way.

Word Count: 1060



Gin felt young again, more than she had in years. She felt free, as if nothing could tie her down to anything. It was just the battlefield around her. Nothing else existed right now. She had always loved fights, even when she was just a little girl. Maybe that was the reason why she had risen to the title of Kazekage after only seven years of training as a shinobi. Quite frankly, she did not know or care right now. The adrenaline of battle gave her something to latch onto. Her survival instincts kicked in above all else. And finally… finally she could go all out. She would be able to test Soul Cutter to its full potential for the first time in years. The katana wasn’t sealed anymore. There was no need for that any longer. She had presented the sword and claimed to have killed Gin Kuroka under the pretense that she had defected from Sunagakure and was no longer protected by the law. In a way, that was true – she had killed Gin Kuroka he moment she stepped outside of the gates of Sunagakure, discarding her name and identity. There were few traces left of her former self, most buried deep down inside of her very soul.

In the eyes of the other Seven Swordsmen – loyal shinobi of Kirigakure, willing to lay down their lives for the village they loved – she was likely nothing more than a warmonger, a savage bandit, muscle for hire and an honor-less being that only thought of greed, gain and profit. Better that they think of her that way – if they did at all – than to associate her with someone that she wasn’t anymore. After all, Gin had never cared about rumors or the opinion of others regarding how she lived her life. Even while she was Kazekage, she was often spotted in strip clubs and taverns on a weekly basis. Tch. It was a cruel joke that life had played on her – that she would go from that, to falling in love three times and losing more of herself with each dead lover. Fate was immensely cruel. But she could damn that to hell. She was a free woman. She would no longer be bound by the chains that tied her to destiny. She had risen above that.

Now… now life was simple. It was a matter of survival, of risking and winning, of rebellion and chaos, and of protecting it all. Gin’s strong will shone wildly, giving the young woman an aura of destructive energy. The anxiety and anticipation of awaiting a great battle built in the pit of her stomach, wrenching it tightly. She loved the feeling. It kept her on her guard as she scouted the surrounding area. Rain dripped over her clothes and down her face. It was the perfect scenario for what was about to come: a battle that would decide the future of Kirigakure and its people. A wide smile appeared under Gin’s mask. She had forgotten how excitement felt. She would have burst out in joyous laughter right then and there, had she not spent years practicing restraint on her more impulsive thoughts. She let out a chuckle instead. She was amidst the glory of battle. This was the true representation of fate. The course history would take rode on her shoulders and those of the people around her. It was in her hands, not that of some false idol that chose what she could be. No, this was true freedom, the ability to fight for what she wanted.

The former Kazekage had decided not to draw a weapon just yet. One of them could be summoned in an instant if need be and she was well trained in taijutsu and several other ninja arts that didn’t involve a blade. Instead, her left fist clenched. She could feel the prosthetic emitting heat. It was damn near overwhelming. The instant her fist clenched tighter, the sleeve that covered the false arm went up in flames and fell onto the ground in the form of ashes, drifting in the wind and mixing with the rain. In its plays was now the arm of a devil – red and jagged with smooth and shining blue stones incrusted onto the surface of the metallic skin. The arm let out a hiss as a light cloud of smoke fumed from it and rose into the sky.

Gin looked at the others gathered around her. She knew little of them, but now wasn’t the time to bother finding out. They were all bracing themselves for the fight, scouting the surrounding area to make sure that they weren’t walking head first into an ambush. The silence was tense, as was the air around them. Their shoulders tightened, muscles clenching in anticipation, bracing themselves almost reflexively. The mood was serious. Gin kept smiling under the bandages that covered her face and head, revealing only part of her nose and one eye. “My, my, what an interesting sight,” she began, sounding entertained. She heaved a heavy sigh and looked up onto the cloudy sky for a moment. “Young people fighting to save their homes and loved ones. Personally, I think it’s cruel of Solstice to send you off without knowing what these weapons can do. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this was a test.” She was musing now, talking to no one in particular. Her tone was light, but not mocking. It was as if she were trying to start idle chatter in a bar.

Well, she couldn’t help it, despite it all. Heavy and overbearing seriousness often led to fear and loss of morale. They would likely think she was making fun of them or ignore her entirely – most likely the latter. Maybe they would even scold her for not paying attention, when in reality, she surveyed their surroundings closely, bracing herself as much as they were for what was to come. And what an amazing sight it was, really.

[WC: 1000]

Seven Bells

Seven Bells

"A test you say...?"

A musing psychopathic voice spoke out loudly from behind them as the shadow of seven bells wavered into light, his sheer form was enough to chill those who stared at him to the bone, the weight of his voice equivalent to the combined sum of blood which he had spilt bearing down on those who surrounded him. His arms folded and his posture perfect, his devilish cold tongue spinning webs with his slick, calm, baritone voice. Looking upon each of the ninja who had gathered before him, recognising one or two, but otherwise none... Were these what passed as the legendary Seven Swordsman of the mist these days? This motley crew of deranged children who dared to front up to him!?

Bu his hands Utau was slain, and the village had not muttered a hint of thanks to the long time loyalty of this man, and so, he would slaughter every man, woman, and child who did not kneel before him, prostrate, and beg for their lives. But, such was the opportunity here. He looked upon each of them, his malice and cunning running wild with strategies as he saw the fingers of one of them, recognising instantly, solely from the toned construction and build of their hands, they were either an engineer of capable skill, a knitter, or a puppeteer. It would be such the shame if they did not witness their ally turn against them, but it seemed she did not bring the target-able minion to the battle with them. Exhaling, a hot breath of air met the cold and uncaring atmosphere, generating a small shroud of fog from his lips which coiled like a dragon breathing smoke.

"If this is a test, then you all have already failed it... this rabble bunch, do not think I did not see your bony fingers coil around the seven relics if MY Kirigakure... NONE of you are worthy of their steel, and none of you know the true power you wield with any of them!!! So, I guess it falls to me, to prove it so... ... ...

Kneel before me, prostrate and plea for my mercy and forgiveness, denounce the weak woman you worship as Mizukage, beg for your lives as a child would and swear absolute fealty to me, and perhaps, I will be so gracious as to spare your existence."

Seven Bells smiled a wicked smile, expecting them all to fall at their knees, he could picture it, foresee it, he could foresee all of this country bowing before him, begging for his forgiveness. And he would not give it, they would be only bowing so low as to expose their necks to his blades. Drawing each of the lethal short swords from his back, the curved wicked ritual like implements were so easy to draw, and even with the slightest of movements or breezes the wind sung as it was being cut by the blade, hewed in two parts playing a chiming monotonous tune.

"I am the only man here who is worthy to hold those swords, I am the true metal of a swordsman... Come at me and prove yourselves, and meet your fate. Men, hold back... I have these wretches!"

The elites of Seven bells held back, as the madman moved forward, to all those here who did not have the strong willed special characteristic, they would be hitting him with -1 rank of strength out of sheer fear. His eyes gazed on the two here which were obviously more experienced, they held their weapons with better poise, their bodies more toned and weathered with experience, he was able to spot skill a mile away, but he would still cut through them like a hurricane. To those who could sense it, like a blast furnace Seven Bell's chakra lit up like the sun, preparing for the fight, his chakra pathways became alive with more chakra than even the Mizukage and her mastery of Senjutsu.

"Come... Said the spider to the flies."

He spoke in finale' knowing none of them would surrender, or at least not all of them. Outstretching his arms and welcoming their attack. None of these men would match him...



One by one they would gather in the area, though it could basically be considered an arena due to the events that would likely occur, after all they had only one true purpose to serve here. Many aspects were in play, many things were to be considered, especially the choices in individuals whom had assembled. While it wasn’t his place to question certain decisions made by the Water Shadow, the inner musings would continue to remain for the wielder of the Serpent’s Tongue.  Recalling the crowning of the Seven Swordsmen, the swords that had been assigned to each individual, Yuudai wondered what could have possibly sparked a person to make a decision. If memory served correctly, as he knew most of the workings around his village, the first to arrive had been shot through the ranks... which was a rise for concern as far as this Aisu would be concerned. While he had been in a similar situation, it had been five years since then, he had time to mature, to actual realize the effects that could take place. Keeping an eye about, Yuudai wouldn’t hear what this… Daemon individual, that their Mizukage had entrusted with one of the legendary blades of the Mist, was saying.

Moments later, quiet minutes that Yuudai was certainly used to, another individual would be entering the area, this one would be of some familiarity to the Aisu Sannin, though at the same time completely unfamiliar. It was another Aisu, the one that had been bestowed Eidleweiss, given the stature of being the fifth sword. The weapon’s abilities didn’t particularly concern him as far as the person did. He had come into contact with most, if not all, the members of the Aisu clan, though from his recollections none involved this person. It was just a realization, one that at the end of the day would mean little to Yuudai to resolve, since there were far too many things preoccupying him between his duties and his personal life for him to formally meet every single person in his clan. It was for these same reasons that recalling the other’s name wouldn’t be of importance for the Sannin at this particular moment in time.

The last individual to enter the area of their own allies was someone completely unfamiliar to Yuudai as his eyes had never seen this person as far as he could recall. From his assumption, they weren’t a shinobi of the mist either. Her choice of words were peculiar to the Sannin of Kirigakure no Sato whom was the only one present out of the three. Assuming the age comment was mainly directed to the younger two of the group, he was in agreeance of sorts, though it somewhat applied to his own person. He was still young, though considering the life of Shinobi and the average life span being shortened compared to civilians, Yuudai was convinced he had seen his fair share of blood over the past few years. As for learning about his new weapon, that was entirely true, but he hadn’t come empty handed for this occasion. The Seventh Sword of the Mist was added to his arsenal, a catalogue that held two katanas, one far superior than the other. Setsura could hold it’s own against other similar weapons, though these blades of the mist were still to be tested compared to his comfort with the blade he was in possession of for over five years. He had wondered where the two other Sannin were, as he assumed they would be assisting in this effort, but apparently not.

Steely eyes wandered off to their opposition. He was here. Yuudai’s eyes not intimidated by the opposing one’s that had scanned his person. Pointless words had entered the Aisu’s ears, talking seemed to be a common theme among the members of the Seven Bells that he had come across. His words wouldn’t sway him, though the aura from the man could easily be felt, one that wouldn’t be forgotten until it was gone from the face of the planet.

As the leader of the Seven Bells clan welcomed an attack, Yuudai had already positioned Serpent’s Tongue in a manner that would allow it to take his blood. With a bit of force, the blade began to feed off the wielder's plasma. As this was being accomplished, Yuudai’s eyes scanned the vicinity, mainly looking towards the Elite’s of the Seven Bells Clan to see if they would truly be holding back for the time being. Knowing it would be foolish to charge the the leader of the clan at the particular moment, Yuudai went to use the ability of Serpent’s Tongue after it had drawn the chilled blood of Yuudai, the blade breaking into twenty fragments, each wielding the same amount of power. The target objective at the moment would be simple, distract the Seven Bells in hopes of someone finding the correct moment to strike. He knew he’d be best fit for this role, as he wasn’t completely sure about the last individuals skills.

Running word count: 1844



Dameon looked around at everyone that had gathered to do the mission. He recognized most from the sword ceremony but there was one individual he had never seen before. He quickly dismissed it though knowing that if they were here they were likely all on the same team anyways. He realized though that he wasn’t just the youngest but in terms of power probably the weakest, or at least the second weakest. Perhaps that could be used to their advantage. If he could make himself seem like the reckless bad ass perhaps it would become a great distraction for the stronger shinobi to sneak in for a lethal blow. To him at least that seemed like a decent plan and at the very least it would buy them some time. He activated his electrolocation jutsu that gave him active sensing all around him. As he did so he turned around realizing the enemy had moved from his original spot and was now getting into position behind them but not so fast that it was in a threatening manner, more or less an act of showing dominance. Surely enough as Dameon turned around he saw the man there amongst the trees a good fifty or so meters from them. He swore to himself silently the man had effectively surrounded them quietly. Not only was he in the front but all the forces he had with them were on the opposite end of him, and behind the mist shinobi.

"If this is a test, then you all have already failed it... this rabble bunch, do not think I did not see your bony fingers coil around the seven relics if MY Kirigakure... NONE of you are worthy of their steel, and none of you know the true power you wield with any of them!!! So, I guess it falls to me, to prove it so... ... ...

Kneel before me, prostrate and plea for my mercy and forgiveness, denounce the weak woman you worship as Mizukage, beg for your lives as a child would and swear absolute fealty to me, and perhaps, I will be so gracious as to spare your existence."

‘What a joke’, Dameon thought to himself silently. Obviously if they were now face to face it wouldn’t be to give up and denounce the village so easily. On top of that even if one of them was so weak and cowardly to give up in front of the man it’s not like Seven Bells would actually spare them. He could easily read the man as Dameon stared into his eyes and over his face. Dameon had been sent as support for purposes just like this, even in his young age Dameon was a tactical genius but more importantly was good at reading the enemy and psychologically evaluating them and their plans. Perhaps by making Dameon a Seven Swordsman the Mizukage had hopes for a chance at this encounter for him to gather intel. Thinking back on his idea that he had leading up to the man talking he decided getting closer and stalling the man with words seemed like a decent enough plan to work, but it relied heavily on the shinobi around them being as good as he had been lead to believe, and on top of that trusting them immensely.

"I am the only man here who is worthy to hold those swords, I am the true metal of a swordsman... Come at me and prove yourselves, and meet your fate. Men, hold back... I have these wretches!"

‘He means it,’ he thought to himself not blinking even once as he gazed at the man watching his body language and deciphering his words as they spoke them. If it was indeed the case that Seven Bells wanted to fight them alone it meant a bunch of different things. It meant he had overconfidence in himself, or rather a god complex. He treasured his words as words of absolute power and because of the way he spoke it any fear or doubt he would have was immediately turned into anger or good laugh. It made sense the more Dameon thought about it, a man’s war on an entire village would have to be backed by some sort of god complex as well as reasoning on their own part do such a thing. Dameon continued to stare reading the man like an open book. Dameon himself did have something in common with the man however. He didn’t fear death and though what Dameon could feel a sense of fear entering him it wasn’t a fear of death. It was the fear of letting down everyone he knew, Dameon often said he never felt fear, but more accurately, he never succumbed to the paralyzation fear could present but rather turned it into power and motivation for himself. He needed to make the man realize this and more importantly create an opening for his allies. Dameon leapt from the tree branch so that he was roughly twenty meters from Seven Bells himself.

Now that he was closer he could read the man’s face even better as well as his overall appearance. If Dameon had to describe the man in one word it would have been primal. His appearance, his words, motivation, and acts toward the village and of men in general made him come to this conclusion. He thought about what he would say to the enemy leader as he relaxed himself calming down and simply focusing on the man watching every part of his body and how it would react to what he said next.

“I respect you but do you really think us so foolish as to believe your luring words to a weak and cowardly? Sure a coward that feared for his life would run forward to beg for their life only to be met by the end of your blade, but give us some credit. You may despise humanity and actively seek to fulfill your primal satisfaction for killing in order to complete your end goal, but we are here willingly to stand in front of you. Sure we all stand here for different reasons, but my reasoning is simply. Honor is for the weak and I have never had a taste for such incompetence but I have my own goals I must accomplish and you are standing in the way of them; and the simple joy of fighting with no certainty to how it ends is intoxicating. No hard feelings,” Dameon spoke carefully choosing his words. Typically those that had god complexes were prone to anger and lashing out at the first sign of disrespect or even being slightly rude in some shape or form. So instead he had done the exact opposite and rather tried to relate to the man’s own personality. His response to his words would give Dameon all the intel needed to complete his psychological profile of Seven Bells.

2,099 wc total.

245/300 Chakra


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