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1Conflict D-rank Mission, {Private} Empty Conflict D-rank Mission, {Private} Thu Mar 21, 2013 2:44 pm



Haru walked just outside of his home, his hands placed in his pockets as he skipped. He could feel his hair jolt around as he bounced from foot to foot. He was dressed with a single blue shirt to his chest, being covered by a black coat. He would stop skipping, just to dig into his pockets pulling out a sheet of paper. He would flip it over and read the words. Apparently there was a bully in the village picking on an old man. 'Well that's not nice at all.' Haru would think as he walked towards the location where the two were most likely stil arguing at. Haru never did like bullies, though he was never bullied due to his heritage. he had still seen many people become the victim of a bully. He was sure to do everything he could to help the old man.

Haru would finally arive near the grounds. he could see the two from where he stood, he would sigh and begin to walk over. He was nervous and his heart was punding. He could swear that he could hear it beating. He would stop a few meters away from the altercation.

"W-what's going on here." Haru would say stuttering. Him being nervous was now obvious.

The bully would look towards Haru with a mug on his face and then say, "Tell this old fart to go back where he came from, before I make him." The bully would then begin to make an irritating popping sound with his knuckles.

The old man would grab onto the shoulder of Haru and begin to plead, "Please tell him to let me be, I have done nothing wrong.I'm just an adventuring doing what i do best."

Haru would remain quiet as he thought out the situation. It did not taske much thinking the bully was obviously in the wrong. Haru would begin to clear his throat, his mind was made. "Leave the old man alone." Haru would say clearly, there was not an ounce of nervousness in his body now.

The old man would smile, "Thanks young man." He appeared to be slightly relieved. Now all there was left was to see what the bully would do. Would he obey orders or would he be defiant. Haru was prepared for the later of the two. He felt that he could take the boy in a ohysical match. Though they were both the same height, the bully clearly outclassed Haru in weight.

The bully would sneer, he would then grab onto both of the shoulders of Haru and begin to yell. "Why are you taking this old farts side and not mine!!What's wrong with you?!" He would then chunk Haru backwards into the air. Haru would flip mid air, his feet pressing against a tree, he would then push forwards to the bully. Haru would now begin to turn his body, slamming his right heel into the temple of the bully. The bully would be sent spiraling backwards. Although Haru was not very strong, he was very precise in his blows. Haru would land onto the ground, his feet shooting dirt a few inches in the air. He would now charge towards the bully, raising his right fist as he did so.

The bully would look up from the ground, he would sneer standing onto his feet. Though his movements were too slow, it was obvious he was not an experienced fighter. Haru's fist would connect to the jaw of the bully knocking him back onto the ground. Embarassed the bully would look towards Haru, his eyes watery. 'Is he going to cry?' Haru would think to himself as he laughed mentally. The bully would then run away while sobbing wildly. Haru would wak towards the old man and smile. "I don't think he will be bothering you or anyone else anymore." Haru would then walk away proudly. 'Only an Uzumaki can do something like that.' Haru would say to himself mentally.


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