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1The Test [Invite Only] Empty The Test [Invite Only] Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:56 am



I stood outside of the gate,about 2 miles away from the gate,having instructed the gate guards to tell night to show him where to go. I sat on a rock,my mizukage cloak wrapped up and on the rock. I sat,waiting for Night to appear,having all ready sat here for about thirty minutes. I sat and waited,watching the sky. I was dressed in my normal attire(as shown on the profile picture,no sword) I began to whistle a slight melody as I sat here.

2The Test [Invite Only] Empty Re: The Test [Invite Only] Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:00 am



As Night went to the gate, he thought, "Meh, I'm faster than the Mizukage!!!" He then started laughing. Just then, two guards came and asked him, "Excuse me, are you Night?". Night nodded and said, "Yes, yes I am." The guards then told him that the Mizukage was waiting elsewhere. He then followed the guards.

After a few minutes, he came to the kage. He then said, "I've been waiting at the gate for a very long time, it felt like a year! But luckily, your guards told me you were elsewhere. You said at the gate, not outside the gate." He then laughed a bit, drank some water and continued, "So, what are we gonna do today?"

3The Test [Invite Only] Empty Re: The Test [Invite Only] Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:03 am



I looked at Night,nothing but cold emotion came off from me. "We're going to fight to the death. Kill me and not only will you be a good student but you will be made Mizukage. Don't worry though. I'm gonna be aiming to kill you as well." I stood up and faced Night. "Prepare yourself quickly. I give you Thirty seconds."

4The Test [Invite Only] Empty Re: The Test [Invite Only] Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:08 am



Hearing what the Mizukage has said, he tried to act cool, although his heart was panicking. "What the heck? Defeat the Mizukage? I thought we were gonna go on missions like best friends or something?" thought Night. He looked at the Mizukage coolly and said, "Kill you, eh? But, I'll need my katana. If not, there's no point in a battle." He then took a sip, waiting for a reply.

5The Test [Invite Only] Empty Re: The Test [Invite Only] Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:15 am



"Well unless you brought your blade,it looks like your simply screwed.Your time is up." I said before disappearing,dashing off and appear behind Night,swinging a punch at his right elbow. After throwing the punch I jumped back five feet and began to make hand signs. "Hidden Mist Jutsu" I said as the water molecules in the very wet enviorment of the Water Country began to condense into Mist. The mist took cover of the area of a 60 meter circumference. I hid in the Mist,watching for Night's reactions.

Jutsu Used:

6The Test [Invite Only] Empty Re: The Test [Invite Only] Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:22 am



After being punched, Night fell on the floor. "Ouch, that hurts....Where's that idiot?" . After saying that, mist surrounded the area. As the mist covered and surrounded him, he knew that there's nothing he can do other than to listen for a movement. He then took a drink and stood still. "Hmm.....This mist makes it really cooling. Ah, back to the situation. Hmm.....I don't know any offensive techniques, that means I'm screwed. Hmm....Let me see if I can find anything. " thought Night. He then walked around, picking up stones. "There, three stones. That should be enough. He then stood still, focusing and trying to pick up a small sound made by the Mizukage.

7The Test [Invite Only] Empty Re: The Test [Invite Only] Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:56 am



I knew the surrounding area was full of rocks,I had to take advantage of this. Over ahead of me were trees,I had to move quickly and quietly,luckily I was fast enough. I squatted down and patted the ground and found a rock. I picked it up and gripped it in my right hand. I began to dash over to the trees.The mist wasn't that thick,you could see a few feet in front of you, but it was good enough to keep the area covered in a medium thickness of mist,enough to keep away from your enemy,in my case,Night.

I got to the trees and threw a rock at a tree to my left,making it sound as if I was standing on a tree branch on a the nearby tree,about two trees over. I pulled up on a tree branch and began to quickly and quietly climb the tree to its top,on the side opposite of the battle field.

8The Test [Invite Only] Empty Re: The Test [Invite Only] Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:02 am



After collecting a total of 6 stones, Night thought, "Now, That's enough. All there's left to do is....." he stopped. He heard a sound. More like a thud. "is that him...or is it just a..." Night shook his head and thought, "That must be him! " He then ran towards the direction of the sound until he felt a tree. "Dang, I guess he was fooling me." Night then climbed the tree and broke a branch. "That should be a good substitute for a katana. " thought Night. He then walked to a tree about 4 trees away from the previous tree and stealthily climbed the tree. He then hid in the tree's dense leaves.

9The Test [Invite Only] Empty Re: The Test [Invite Only] Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:10 am



I stood near the top of the tree and simply sat there. "Well this kid can sure improvise." I thought as I watched Night gather a stick and climb a tree. "But he's still not good enough. I jumped back down to the ground and stood over where I was when I punched Night in the first place. "Cloud Style:Creation" I said as I formed some hand signs and began to use the Mist to form a cloud up in the sky,one thousand feet up and covering the area of forty feet. The mist was gone and I stood there,smiling up at Night,not my usual smile though,it looked more devilish.

"Are you really just gonna hide up there?"I asked,looking up towards the location of Night. "Your not making a really good ninja by just hiding up in a tree. If this were an assassination mission,you would have failed." I stated to Night.

Jutsu Used:

10The Test [Invite Only] Empty Re: The Test [Invite Only] Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:20 am



As the mist cleared, Night listens to the kage and said, "Meh, you were picking on me! But since everything has cleared..."He went inside the trees, making himself invisible from the kage and hid in there for a while. "Bunshin no Jutsu." whispered Night as he did the handseals. Two shadow clones appeared. He stick his head out and said, "Sorry, My branch got stuck, please wait a minute." He then made the Bunshin stick his butt out. He then threw 5 rocks at the kage; one directly at his torso, one at his head, one on his left, one below him and the last one on his right. After than, he jumped out of the tree and charged towards the kage and do a sweep attack at the kage. "Take that!" said Night after attacking the kage.

CP = 75/80


11The Test [Invite Only] Empty Re: The Test [Invite Only] Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:10 am



I watched the stones come flying at me. I simply stared them down as they came at me. "Really.Throwing rocks at me?" I thought as I sighed and just began to move left and right to dodge the rocks,ducking my head slightly for the one aimed for my head and lifting my legs when it was going towards my leg. "Please tell me he's better than that." I thought to myself.

I saw Night finally jump out of the tree and charge at me. "An outright attack.Can he be so foolish?" I wondered as he charged at me,neither the less it was my time to act. As Night was running towards me I began to run at him,running faster than him. I ran on his left side and then suddenly I switched my footing to run along his right side at the last second,putting my arm out,at his waist level. My arm was out so that it would hit him around the stomach and put him down.

12The Test [Invite Only] Empty Re: The Test [Invite Only] Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:22 am



As the kage came charging at him, he grinned. But then, the kage side stepped and tried to attack him. Having a plan, Night grinned. "Fail." said Night as he liquidified thr moment he was touched. He turned into a puddle and said, "Haha".

CP - 70/80


13The Test [Invite Only] Empty Re: The Test [Invite Only] Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:38 am



I smiled as Night liquefied. "Good job. You used your clan ability to transform yourself into a puddle before I connected my attack." I turned around and smiled over at Night. "So what will you do now? stay as a puddle while your entire chakra system is drained. That technique must take up some of your chakra." I said with a devilish smile. "And how do you know I don't know raiton? You've only seen me use suiton jutsu as well as my kekkei genkai of cloud style." I said,holding out my hand towards the puddle. "Maybe ill just send a nice little bolt of lighting into you."

14The Test [Invite Only] Empty Re: The Test [Invite Only] Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:47 am



He then moved right under the kage. Smiling devilishly, he turned back to nirmal, and launched upwards directly at the kage's nuts. "There goes one generation of the Misora clan!!!!"

15The Test [Invite Only] Empty Re: The Test [Invite Only] Fri Jun 29, 2012 11:57 am



"What a cheap shot." I thought to myself as I saw Night begin to re-materialize. I took a few steps back and as I did so, I began to form hand signs. "Water Prison Jutsu" I said as I extended my arm to capture Night in the water prison. "Turning into a puddle within here would just be stupid don't you think.This is water infused with my chakra." I said,holding the water prision ball.

Jutsus Used:

16The Test [Invite Only] Empty Re: The Test [Invite Only] Sat Jun 30, 2012 9:30 am



Just as Night rematerialized, he was caught in the kage's water prison. He then looked at the kage and said, "Meh, try killing me. You got me. I've got a strong will. I won't let myself die that easily." He then looked sharply into the kage's eyes.

17The Test [Invite Only] Empty Re: The Test [Invite Only] Sat Jun 30, 2012 9:53 am



I smiled at Night. "Well you passed. You shown me that you are capable of taking my training and maybe even further enhance your own skills. For now your skills are good enough. Just don't always rely on all of your cheap tricks to win a real battle. Never under estimate you opponent. By turning into your puddle you would easily give a raiton user a certain victory." I said as I then deactivated the jutsu. "This was a small test. Also,the easiest of all the tests I will give you." I put my hands behind my head. "Trust me. If I wanted to kill you Night,you wouldn't even have batted an eye lash. I said with a kind smile.

18The Test [Invite Only] Empty Re: The Test [Invite Only] Sat Jun 30, 2012 9:58 am



After listening to him, the kage deactivated the jutsu."Well, I'm glad that that was just a test. Well, im feeling tired and even thirsty." said night as he drank some water. "Well, Mr.kage, I hope I'll be able to catch up with you and your training. I hope I'll be stronger than you! When will our next meeting be?" Asked night.

19The Test [Invite Only] Empty Re: The Test [Invite Only] Sat Jun 30, 2012 10:23 am



"Our next meeting?" I looked up at the sky and began to think. "It will be whenever I decide we really need one." I sat back down on a rock. "Realize that I too must still hone my strength. For I am great in Ninjutsu I lack skill in Kenjutsu. For what I am great in Wind techniques,I lack in water. I must continue to train just as you must train." I say as I sit upon the rock,watching the sky. "Those clouds are still up there." I said quietly to myself before casting another jutsu. "Cloud Style:Movement." I spoke as I held the dragon hand sign,watching the clouds begin to move slowly away."


20The Test [Invite Only] Empty Re: The Test [Invite Only] Sat Jun 30, 2012 10:28 am



Night looked at the kage and said, "We're opposites! I'm an expert in kenjutsu, but weak in Ninjutsu. I'm strong in water, but I want to learn the wind element. " He then looked up as the clouds separated. "Mr. kage! I'll not disappoint you. I'll be a sannin . Mark my words!"

21The Test [Invite Only] Empty Re: The Test [Invite Only] Sat Jun 30, 2012 10:34 am



I continued to hold the dragon hand sign,watching the cloud move away from my view of the sky. "Sannin eh? Well keep training and maybe one day I will teach you wind style,if I see it is right for you." The clouds were finally out of the way and I released the hand sign. "Do you know who the Misora clan are Night?" I asked my new student.


Last edited by Hikou on Sat Jun 30, 2012 10:38 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added chakra used)

22The Test [Invite Only] Empty Re: The Test [Invite Only] Sat Jun 30, 2012 9:29 pm



Night then replied, "Heh, I train on my kenjutsu 5 hours a day and for ninjutsu, I train for 4 hours. Hope you teach me wind soon! The Misora clan? I read about them in my parents' file. It's the cloud clan lead by you, right? It's a powerful and influencial clan, unlike my almost extinct clan. I might even be the last member!"

23The Test [Invite Only] Empty Re: The Test [Invite Only] Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:42 am



"Trust me,your not the last member. And you're right as are powerful and influential but we are a clan of people who grow crops. 75% of the fruits and vegetables we get is from the Misora clan for a cheap cost. We use every piece of land we can get to continue growing our crops. We're nothing big like the Hyuuga and Uchihas are in the Hidden Leaf village but we are capable of currently sending our crops to Konoha as we speak." I continued to watch the sky,I just don't know why but the sky always sucked me into a different part of my mind.

24The Test [Invite Only] Empty Re: The Test [Invite Only] Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:49 am



He then looked at the kage and said, "So, Mr.Kage, Your clan uses their kekkei genkei for farming? Why don't they go around using their powers like the Uchiha, drilling fear into the heart of others? Mr.Kage, speaking of fruits, I'm getting thirsty and hungry." He then showed the kage that his bottle is empty. "You do know of how the people in my clan gets hungry and thirsty really quickly, right?"

25The Test [Invite Only] Empty Re: The Test [Invite Only] Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:54 am



"Why strike fear. We're peaceful people." I stood up at Night's next statement. "All righty then lets head back to the village and get some food before you become apart of the air I bend." I said with a chuckle as I began to walk back to the village.

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