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1A Student[Invite Only] Empty A Student[Invite Only] Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:02 pm



I sat in my office. It was technically my third day as Mizukage,I just having arrived early today and all ready being hassled back into my office by the elders to do paper work. Paper work, I have to do it on two different account. One for the Misora clan and the other as the Mizukage,great. I sat patiently in my seat,my hat on my desk,the symbol on the front of my hat facing the door and my cloak on my chair,which wasn't half bad. I was wearing my normal attire,except from the jacket(as shown on my profile picture) I sat in my seat,signing away on documents I approved and denied. It seemed easy enough,but then again before I even started I categorized how easy all of the paper work would be into three categories,thus on my desk laid four stacks,the three different categories then the finished pile. The easy category finished up and I begun the average weight category.

2A Student[Invite Only] Empty Re: A Student[Invite Only] Fri Jun 29, 2012 2:28 am



"Bye, Mr. Mochi! I'll come back later!" said Night as he exited the ramen stall. It was his first day as a genin. "Hmmm.....Since I asked to postpone from being a genin for one year, I guess I should keep my end of the deal and ask to be a genin. I can't go around as an academy student forever. And plus, I believe I'm super strong now, capable of dealing with anyone!" said Night.

]He then started to walk to the wonderful structure, which was the Administration building. As he entered the building, he headed to the information desk. "Excuse me, miss. May I know the directions to the Mizukage's office?" asked Night. The young and sweet secretary smiled and said, "Oh, the Mizukage just came back from his visit to Konohagakure. His office floor is the 5th floor." Night nodded his head and bid farewell. He then started to climb up the stairs.

After climbing for a few minutes, he finally arrived to the kage's office. He then cleared his throat and knocked on the door, saying, "Excuse me, Mr. Mizukage. Can I come in please?"

3A Student[Invite Only] Empty Re: A Student[Invite Only] Fri Jun 29, 2012 6:48 am



As I sat,finishing the last paper on the medium pile when I heard a knock on the door and a slight muffled noise. My doors and walls were sound proof for security measures. I stood up and walked over to the door and opened it. "Hello there." I said to see a young man standing in front of my door. "Please come in and make yourself comfortable,just to make a mess." I said as I walked back over to my desk and sat back down.

4A Student[Invite Only] Empty Re: A Student[Invite Only] Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:00 am



As the door was opened by the Mizukage, Night thought, "wow, I can't believe he's a kage at such a young age!" He did a quick bow and said, "Hello, I'm Night from the Hozuri clan, son of Nachisawa and Haruna, the ANBUS" . He took a seat in front of the kage's desk and continued, "Well, My parents negotiated with the previous Mizukage to allow me to postpone my promotion to be a genin when I graduated last year, since I only went there for a year. Now, after training hard, I've decided to fulfill my end of the agreement and become a genin. So, which squad will I be assigned to?"

5A Student[Invite Only] Empty Re: A Student[Invite Only] Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:07 am



As the boy explained his situation I remembered seeing one of the documents that I just signed off of not even ten minutes ago. I began to flip quickly through the files and found the one I was looking for. "Ah here it is. I actually not to long ago made a decision what squad you are to partake in." I pushed the paper across desk for Night to see. "As you can see, I assigned you to Kirigakure's first squad. That first squad being under my rule." I stood up and smiled at the boy. "So Night Hozuri, I Hikou Misora,Mizukage and Leader of the Misora clan,will be your squad leader. Unfortunately I haven't gathered more students so for now your practically just gonna be like an apprentice to me."

6A Student[Invite Only] Empty Re: A Student[Invite Only] Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:20 am



Hearing that he will be the kage's apprentice, he stood up, did a quick bow and said, "It's an honor having you as my sensei, sir. I bet I can excel faster with your guidance. When and where will the first mission or meeting start? Also, my name is Night. Not Night Hozuri. My parents never gave me a last name. "

7A Student[Invite Only] Empty Re: A Student[Invite Only] Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:35 am



I had laughed slightly. "Don't forget Night,Im the Mizukage. As I looked over what squad to add you to I already memorized your entire file as well as your families." As for our first little meeting. We're having it now,lets go somewhere else though." I smiled and put on my cloak. "Meet me at the village gate leading to Konoha in an hour. I have to get some stuff." I said as I opened the door and walked out. "Be there or I will remove you from this village all together,not just my squad." I said,smiling back at Night. I dissapeared as soon as I stepped outside

8A Student[Invite Only] Empty Re: A Student[Invite Only] Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:38 am



As he listens to the Mizukage speaks, he said, "Heh.....are you sure those files are real? Meh, I'll be there before you, Mr.Kage." As the kage stepped out of the room, Night rushed while following him. [Exit]

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