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1Help around the academy (D-rank) Empty Help around the academy (D-rank) Sun Mar 10, 2013 7:56 pm



Sadao walked towards the Academy doors with both of his hands in his pocket. He walked up to the doors, and turned the nob then pushed. The doors opened, and he walked into the academy. The temperature changed when he walked into the Academy. It became much warmer than outside. Sadao's cheeks turned red from the quick temperature change. He took a deep breath and continued walking.

He walked up to the front desk of the Academy. There sat a tall man with a bushy mustache, "I was sent here to do a mission, I was asked to help around the Academy." Sadao told the man, " Here's the keys to the janitor's closet,It's down that hall." He pointed, " I also want you to clean out the boys restroom, and It's not pretty." The man started to laugh, and then cough. He handed Sadao the keys, and told him to go do work.

Sadao grabbed the keys, and started walking towards where the man sent him. He finally reached the janitors closet, and took the key out from his pocket. Sadao then put the key into the lock, and twisted. He opened the door, and a stench hit his face, like how a women would slap him. All Sadao could smell was chemicals used for cleaning things. Sadao looked around for a light switch, because it was pitch black inside the closet. Sadao was touching the walls with his hands, trying to feel a light switch. He finally felt it, and flipped on the switch.

The lights came on, like he had just woken up. There was piles of detergent stacking up in a corner of the closet. Sadao started grabbing random items that he didn't know were used for. He then walked out of the closet with his hands full of foreign items. He continued walking, until he saw a sign next to a door that said "Boys." Sadao with one foot pushed open the door. He walked into the restroom, and felt water under his feet. Sadao grabbed the mop he had tooken with him and started to collect the water.

After a while, the floor was dry but not yet shiny, and Sadao wanted to Impress them. He looked at the detergents that he had grabbed, and saw one called tile cleaner. Sadao was pretty sure that the floor he was standing on was tile. He took the spray bottle, and started to squirt the floor with it. He waited a while for the tile cleaner to do it's job, and then took the mop, and started to collect the tile cleaner. Finally the floor looked clean, and shiny, but it was not over yet.

Sadao still had the stalls to do, and an terrible smell was coming from there. He walked up to the first stall. The stall door was covered in graffiti, and markers. He pushed open the stall door, and found laying in the toilet bowl, a dead rat. He looked at it in disgust, and then held his breath. He slipped on plastic gloves to stay sanitary, because Sadao wasn't planning on touching dead rats today. He bent over, and grabbed the rat out of the bowl. He walked slowly out of the stall holding his breath, and walked over to the trash bin, and dropped the rat into it.

Sadao continued washing the boys restroom, until it was sparkling clean, and looked brand new. He put back all the items into the janitors closet, and walked back to the front desk of the Academy, "I cleaned the boys bathroom." Sadao told the man. "I can tell, I smell the detergent right off of ya, and I advise ya to go take a shower, or the ladies will be flying away from ya." Sadao reached down into his pocket, and pulled out the key to the janitors closet. He smacked them on the man's desk, and turned around.

Sadao pushed the academy doors, and left. He continued walking
towards his home, "Why must I always be sent on missions to do the dirty work?' Sadao questioned himself. He walked to his home ready to get rid of the detergent smell.

[TWC: 716/700]

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