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1Help Around the Academy [D-Rank] Empty Help Around the Academy [D-Rank] Sun Mar 03, 2013 7:27 am

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

It was a day like any other. Strafe was tending to the duties of a Genin, which weren't much. He was recently assigned a mission to help around the academy, which was fine with him. It wasn't too long ago that he was there, so he welcomed the chance to visit his teachers.

He jumped out of bed with an unusual energy about him. Everytime he got a mission, he got unreasonably excited about it, so it was normal for him. He quickly got his clothes on, ending with putting his headband on. "I'm heading out!" He yelled to his mom, who was on the other side of the house. He then took one last look in the mirror and ran out of the house.

Strafe already knew what his task was. It was simple, watch over the class while the teacher was away. It wasn't a big mission, but kids were pretty hard to control, so he expected some problems. After all, he was still a kid himself, or so him mom liked to remind him on a daily basis. Not that he was a bad kid, it was quite the opposite. She was just a down to earth mother.

He approached the Academy with a smile, entering without pause. He immediately walked to the appropriate room, 2A, and knocked on the door. "Come in!" Strafe heard from a familar voice. He walked in the room, waving to the students as walked over to the man. "I'm here to relieve you!" Strafe said with a warm smile. The man nodded, leaving the room without hesitation. Was it that bad?

He turned to the students, doing his usual smile. He didn't recognize any of them, but then again, he didn't know that many people in his own village. "My name is Aisu, Strafe and I'm a Genin of Kirigakure." He stated proudly as he pointed to his headband. The kids all said various confirmations, making Strafe glad he could spice up their day. "While i'm here, I'm going to take a few questions." Strafe said waiting for an mass of talking to happen at once. "Please raise your hands if you have any questions." Strafe said scratching the back of his head. Maybe he should have said that first.

The questions varied very little and were all basic stuff. Strafe told the story of his trip to Iwa as well, catching the attention of all of the students. He had never heard a group of kids so quiet. He told of his squad and Sensei, which he had yet to meet. It seemed that the Kiri ninja were really overworked, as there weren't many left. He looked at their young faces and smiled. That would change in the near future.

"Will you show us a jutsu?" He heard a little boy ask in the back. He smiled as he thought about the question. He didn't really see the harm in it. "Sure." Strafe said standing back. "This is a jutsu I learned pretty recently." He said forming the tiger hand sign. "Ice Style: Ice Disk Jutsu!" He said sternly as the particles in front of him gathered into a disk of ice. "I can decrease or increase the height, depth, or width of it as well." Strafe said floating it around the room for the kids to take a look at. The Aisu clan was legendary in Kirigakure, so he figured this would be a treat for them to see an ice style jutsu.

After the disk flew around the room, it disappeared. It was about time for the teacher to return and relieve Strafe. Come to think of it, what did he have to do? It wasn't any of Strafe's business, and he needed to remember that. He smiled as he looked up at the clock, checking the time to be sure. Just as he did so, the teacher walked through the door, greeting the class. They responded with a greeting in unison, as was custom for the Academy. "Thank you for helping!" He said as he stepped back to his desk. "No problem!" Strafe said as he waved goodbye at the kids. He hoped to see them in the future as ninja of Kiri.


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