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1Help around the Academy no.2 [D rank] Empty Help around the Academy no.2 [D rank] Sat Mar 09, 2013 6:09 pm


It'd been an interesting week so far, aside from the study and practise which was fairly normal, she'd been marking papers for the academy, taking on seemingly a part time job as their official 'clerk' but also engaged in full form combat with another Genin who was able to transform their body into water. A strange jutsu, but one which was undoubtedly useful as proven by the fight. Physical combat became almost impossible regardless of how many strikes were achieved against the target little of them did any damage.

Solstice lay in bed looking at the ceiling, another early day, but she could hear the fizzle of the pan downstairs as her mother was already cooking them breakfast. Sitting up, and moving to a mirror in her underwear she could see the bruises and marking from the fight... they were a little sore, but they dotted her fair skinned body. Slipping her clothing on carefully so not to hurt herself she headed downstairs for wanton soup.

She ate in silence, she knew full well her mother had seen her bruises from the fight, but neither of them talked about it. Her husband was a Ninja, no doubt it bought back a couple of memories of him returning home beaten up from missions and his sparring. The silence was awkward, but ultimately broken when solstice opened her mouth to finally speak. The words exiting her mouth were soft and well thought out as she moved to kiss her mother softly on the cheek.

Well, i'm off to work mum, thank you for the breakfast. I love you.

Walking for the door, she flipped the open sign and turned back to meet her mother's gaze as well as her wave. Wishing her luck and care. Solstice smiled, one hand clasping her other arms elbow behind her back she walked out onto the street. Looking up at the mist formations trying to pick out patterns and shapes which may resemble other things. Though to little avail, soon she was at the academy and the open sky was replaced with the wood and stone of the learning centre. Class 4b, seemed to be the group she was playing clerk for this time.

Walking down the hall before turning to face the door and knocking, Solstice slid the opening to one side, bowing to the Sensei of the class before stepping into the room. The kids here seemed to be learning about chakra, and all the different kinds.

"Ah, Solstice, excellent for you to come and join us, now listen class, one of the Tutors is still sick, so I want you to listen to her for the next little while. She's a Genin Ninja and will be able to explain the topic quite well. So I'll see you tomorrow kids."

All of the children bid goodbye as the Tutor quickly hurried out of the room. Leaving solstice standing there facing the class. She smiled awkwardly at first not knowing where to begin... after a couple of moments of thinking and looking over the class of ages about 10-12 she finally opened her mouth to speak, steeling herself for their response.

Hello class, as the Tutor said before my name is Solstice, and I'm a Genin here in the villaige. I am a part of the Aisu clan, and I'm adept at chakra flow. But lets get back to this lesson shall we, who here knows what chakra is?

A couple of kids raised their hands, pointing to one of them he began to speak. "Chakra is essential to even the most basic technique; it is the moulding of the physical energy or shintai, present in the body and the spiritual energy or seishin gained from exercise and experience. When combined, it can be channelled through the chakra circulatory system, which is like what blood goes through, to any of the 360 chakra points or tenketsu in the body."

As the child finished speaking Solstice was impressed. Looking to the child and congratulating him for his answer.

Now, for all of you that didn't know, Chakra has 5 core elements, and then there are combinations for each of them in sets of 2. The elements are Fire, Water, Earth, Wind and Lightning. What I don't think your teacher has told you, is each ninja has a special aptitude for one of these elements. Which means that each of you, will probably have a type of Jutsu that you're better at than other people. Most of you will have an affinity for water, being a part of Kiri. But some of you, like me, might have an affinity for ice. Or maybe wind, or fire.

The kids got excited, bringing the lesson to them, they all wanted to be ninja so badly. Any drop of them getting closer to becoming regular Genin was like a gift. Solstice continued to explain the differences between each of the elemental chakra to them, not going into things like jutsu, but more-so how they are defined in the body. As the class ended, the Tutor returned, asking how the kids were and how the class went, looking up on the board at the diagrams Solstice had drawn.

They were good sir, it was a lot of fun. She said with a smile. Though now i have to go and help Mother with the shop, so I'll be seeing you later i assume?

The tutor nodded and bid his goodbyes as Solstice walked out of the classroom toward home, breathing her own sigh of freedom. the academy seemed a little understaffed, though this was the hidden mist village, the cold temperatures here as well as the moisture could easily lead to someone getting quite sick. But for her, another day was done, the rest of it would be spent helping out around her mother's shop and making Kunai and throwing stars which even she would have to pay for one day...

As family discounts were not a policy in their household.

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