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A pink plus sign. That was the fourth one today. The entire week she had been testing to see whether or not she was pregnant. And the pink plus sign was there every single time. And of course, her reaction was different, depending on the active personality at the time. The first time she cried. The second time, she was ecstatic. The third time, she had almost blown a hole in the wall. The fourth time, she was resigned. The fifth, she was incredibly anxious and nervous. The sixth, she was depressed. The seventh, she was mildly happy. All in all, raging hormones and a split personality didn't mix well. And now that there was no way around the fact that she was pregnant, she had no other choice but to tell Sero. She wondered how he would react. He would probbly see the kid as a tool or something that would help continue his legacy. Ever so cold... But she was certain that he would learn to love the child. That is... if he didn't decide to leave her. And that's how she shifted quickly (and rather violently) from one mood to the other. Her eyes began to well up at the thought. Part of her tried to rationalize this whole ordeal. The other protested, saying that Sero was now the Mizukage and that therefore he was now much to busy to look after her or a small child. But she couldn't keep avoiding him as she had been doing these past few weeks. She couldn't hide the changes in her body forever. Not only that, but he was a medic-nin. He was bound to notice what was happening before most people did.

Kei got up from the bathroom floor with a sigh. She looked at herself in the mirror. She had spoken with her other half. They had both agreed that the stronger half of her would be the one to deliver the news. Sure, she was a little blunt and sarcastic, but she could handle a negative reaction better. besides, she could be kind and gentle when she wanted to be. kei placed a hand over her stomach. There was nothing there yet, but she knew that a small bulge would form soon enough. She wondered how far along with the pregnancy she was. Well, Sero would be able to tell her once he knew. Once she was at his office door, she hesitated. She stared at the wooden frame for a while before taking a deep breath and opening the door. She always came in unnanounced. Well, this side of her did, anyways. She didn't look at Sero. No, she kept her eyes fixed on the ground. She felt her words catch in her throat. She was unable to speak for a few moments, just willing herself to open her mouth to talk. "Sero," She finally began after a few secodns. She made sure to shut the door behind her. "We need to talk," She said. Those were the first words she had uttered to him in over a week.



Sero was once more staying incredibly late in the office. He was like a machine as he went through the mass of paper work that had been building up labeled as Kage's eyes only. Apparently at the time the Elders had taken the term literally and refused to let anyone know of them. The rest of the office had retired some time ago except for the newly set guard shift. Sero had designed it with the simple life sign monitoring system from the hospital. If one of the sentries went down he would be immediately alerted. If someone was able to get to his office through that they deserved a show down with him.

Still aside from a slight glance at the monitor he was concentrated on his paper work. Most of it just needed a signature for payment but he was reading every word. It took more time but it kept mistakes from happening. And with the coffers how they where already he was showing caution. Still when the door creaked open his eyes shot to the monitor. All was green. Which meant one hell of a ninja was about to step through those doors.

Still the smell of Kei that flooded into the dull room made his hand back away from the Kunai under his desk. Instead he blinked and rested his hands on top of his desk. Expecting her to be happy to stop by and spend some time with him. Instead she was staring at the floor. And demanding they talk....was she that unhappy with her squad assignment? Either way his back stiffened as he prepared himself.

"Alright? Speak then."

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