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Mission name: Fall of Yusuke - The Psycho
Mission rank: B
Objective: Assassination
Location: Suna (Endless Wasteland)
Reward: 500 Ryo +1 EP
Development: Become ANBU
Mission Description: Eliminate Tatsuda Yusuke
Mission Details: The curtain falls. The Yusuke Clan is on the run after it's shame and fall have become known. Before the clan leader can be taken down, his brothers whom act as generals in their army have to die first.

The second brother, Tatsuda Yusuke, better known as 'Joker' for his pretty much insane hobbies that not rarely include dissecting people and putting them into cruel experiments for his very own amusement, torturing people for fun, creating nasty experiments in his free time. Infiltrate his laboratory and kill him. The head or better the body needs to be retrieved as proof of execution.

Enemies: Tatsuda is protected by a series of nasty experiments of himself, including chimera-like beasts and twisted human frankensteins, which are all part of his very own well trained forces. They are to be considered as C-Rank (non-ninja) monsters and will give heavy resistance to the one trying to kill their god and creator. All at C-1 Stats. With weaponry 1 rank above them.

Tatsuda Yusuke is B-Rank (ninja). He has B-3 stats across the board but he is specialized in Medical Ninjutsu as well aside from normal Ninjutsu. He uses lightning and water elements and has access to B-Rank techniques from the library.



Verdandi had been resting at the Ozay mansion for a few days. The unrests on the streets were in their final stages. Yusuke were almost completely banished from the area. Barely any of them dared to move out of their own territory anymore. Allowing Ozay's new alliance of lower syndicates to grow in power and swallow all the trading posts that once belonged to the fearsome Yusuke. Soon the Ozay Clan called out their official merge. Instantly becoming one of the top three syndicates in the capital. Putting Ozay himself into a sudden high position of power. Verdandi was however fed up with spending time in the recovery beds of his medical ward. She only had bruises from Endo's fight anyway. No broken bones or worse. Hence, she was idly reading through the progress reports. Eventually reading up about how Yusuke's last general has seized control of the Clans army, planning to strike back at Ozay's forces. Verdandi had to prevent this. The Joker, how some called him, or the Doctor. His lab had been found by one of Ozay's men. However, the spy in question didn't live to tell the tale in detail. Verdandi was to head for his last known location and search the area for clues. Eventually also the entrance to the doctor's lair. Verd geared herself up in her usual protection layers of a leather armor. Slowly checking if she had all her misc. tools with her. Sheathing her blade and then moving out into the darkness of the night.

Eventually she arrived at the last known location of the spy. In the middle of a seemingly busy street. But also, with a dead-end corner alley. Verd couldn't imagine that this secret lair would be that obviously open on the street, so she went in to search the corner alley. Exploring the walls but not finding anything, useful yet. Then activating her sharingan to search around. Looking left and right. Until at last, she'd look down. There it was. A faint glow of chakra in the distance. Far below the streets of the alley. Knowing where here target was. It seemed but a minor task to kick away the various layers of wood and trash until she found the sewer entrance. Verd hopped in and kept her eyes, including the sharingan, wide open to use her superior sight and navigate herself through the tunnels. The glow of chakra was still at distance, indicating that her target must still be much further blow in the sewer systems. On her way there. Verd would eventually run into an absolutely disgusting looking creature. Some sort of human with a crocodile head maybe? She almost had a heart attack when she went around the corner and saw it standing basically not far from her. Since the creature had spotted her too. It was directly coming at Verd. Growling loud. Verd sneaked back around the corner and unsheathed her blade. Letting the monster basically run right into it as he passed the corner.

To her absolute horror, despite the blade sinking into his gut the creature kept moving and started to claw at Verdandi, his alligator face moving forth to try and bite her. She was internally screaming at the monster and instinctively rolled back. Leaving her blade stuck in his belly. As usual, Verdandi's primary tactic would be to make her enemy fall. Shooting two kunai at its human feet would actually make it tumble and fall forward. Another well aimed kunai to the alligator's eye would leave it screaming so Verd could move in kick it in the scaled chest and pull her blade out before slicing into its more human natured belly. Able to gut it like that, Verd instantly learned the most important lesson while dealing with those creatures. Aim for the human parts. Not for the monster part. She sighed deeply. The blood of the monster dropping down into the water of the sewage canals. Luckily it wasn't the most stinky part of the city. Verd still wanted to get to lower level quickly to escape the smell. She stabbed a few more times into the mangator, you know, just to make sure it was actually dead. Then moved off to make her way further and deeper into the floors. Verd had to pass a few corners until she found the ladder that lead further down. A lot of the sewer ways were cut off by metal fences. Making it clear that this area had been completely separated off the usual sewer grid.

Verdandi was impressed. Such a lair was quite a feat. But once she came to the lower level she once again had to turn back around the last corner. A spider human. Unlike Haka, this was yet neither spider nor human. A weird mix. An ugly one at that too. Verd knew the drill now. Moving in she quickly attacked before the spiderman could react. Slicing her blade in saw-mode past the many legs and into the central, more human part of the body, splitting it apart in two. Leaving the monster to sink to its many feet and do a nasty noise of dying. Verd could only assume and was instantly reward with the answer. Peeking her head down. She would see about five more of these creatures. Giant molerat face, snake arms, tiger legs, chameleon body and fox tail. While not all of them seemed equally dangerous, Verdandi wanted to make quick work out of them. Tossing a smoke bomb down and casting the certain kill ice spears to impale them before she moved in to cut into molerat's chest, snake arms legs, tiger legs arms, chameleon body's face, and fox tail… well into his chest too. Either of them flailing. Snake arms threatening to bite Verd while he was dying. Forcing her to cut those snake heads off his… arms. Kicking the dying body away. The chameleon belly changing colours as he tried to run away but died from his previous wound quickly.

Verd sighed. This was freaky. But she had to get further down. Eventually dropping to a sewer part that suddenly didn't look very sewer'ish anymore. There was a big door. Verd could only guess what was behind it. There were were two guards with what seemed like gorilla faces and arms. But to Verdandi's surprise. The bowed to her and moved out of the way. Verd didn't trust this. But was also kind of tired from slaughtering all these beasts. She wouldn't sheath her blade but move into the room. The monsters bowed once more. Closing the large door behind her. In the room itself were multiple liquid tanks with more disgusting creatures and experiments growing within. The lab itself was dark. The many shiny green liquids gave the whole room a nasty flavour. Not long after she had stepped around the place, Verd would see with her Sharingan that the chakra source she had identified, would quickly raise in levels from deep below. Until he arrived by a manual elevator into the room. Quickly he'd proceed to rub some blood off his skin. His appearance quite handsome, slender, tall and well-shaped muscles partitions. A bit of an exhibitionistic cleavage but still covering his skin with a proper doctor's coat that was equally drenched in blood. He dropped his scalpel. On the table nearby and gazed with wide eyes at Verdandi. He started to jump a little on his feet as he saw her in all her glory.

"Oh yesss. YESS. It is you, isn't it. The slayer! The monster… the puppeteer behind this whole fucking mess! Hnnn how exciting." He exhaled his absolute lunacy straight away. Ripping his blood drenched coat apart and quickly moving to the next mirror to make himself more presentable. Washing some guts and blood from his hair and then slipping into a new, clean and fresh doctors coat that one of his frankstein's idly presented to him. Verd would sheath her blade. She didn't feel any hostility from this man and she was quite good at empathically sensing when someone was her enemy. He quickly moved towards Verdandi. Circling her a few times. "Oh god yess… you are perfect… fuck look at you. Gorgeous to the core. Elegant posture. Not a drop of impurity in your skin and hair. Chakra powerfully resonating from within you. A killer intent that has yet to find its rival in this filthy country. Your palms bathed in the blood of your enemies. You are perfect. PERFECT ahhh I can't contain myself." He kept throwing a narcissist and perverse attitude. Verdandi could tell the guy had some sort of emotional boner right now. His eyes shining as he eyed her further up and down. "It was you, wasn't it, the wedding, the summit, my brother…" he added. His smile only getting thicker. "YES Yes… I knew it had to be someone exceptional. The leaders always thought it was just Ozay playing a double-sided game. But it was you… the unseeingly skilled 'wife' are you guys even betrothed? I don't think so…"

He had it all figured out. Everything. But it didn't seem to bother him. Not even the fact Verd had killed and beheaded his brother. The idea of him being intensely into Verdandi's skill that he had no emotional attachment to the Yusuke's downfall at all. For a moment there Verd saw it almost unnecessary to get rid of him. If it weren't for all these nasty experiments. "Oh don't worry. I will make sure your talents will remain IMMORTAL, yes, YES you will be my ultimate creation…" he added. His insanity was as it was rumoured after all. Verd sighed. But before she could help it. She could feel a sudden sting in her neck and the world would go suddenly… dark. As Verdandi woke. She was already in one of those fish tanks. To her surprise she wasn't completely naked. Going by the pure perversity of the guy she would have expected him to take advantage of her knock out. However, she could see him preparing some genetic material, DNA. He would soon inject it into her. What was it? Verd gazed at him. Past the fluid. Her body still quite numb from the injection he had given her. Not long until a multitude of syringes stuffed themselves into her arms and started to pump weird fluids into her skin. Verd shivered. But something would happen that was not very much expected by the doctor.

Verdandi was a shinobi. A ninja. With chakra. He didn't know that. No one knew that. They had all since long expected her to be but a perfect human assassin. A martial arts specialist. A killer. But never had she publicly exposed her powers as a ninja. No evidence of such had ever been left behind. Verdandi's ways of cleaning up her mess whenever she was finished with a job. Usually ended in explosions. As the tank began to slowly freeze. The water around Verdandi did so too. The syringes in her body broke. The eyes of the scientist would widen and the tank exploded at last. Verdandi's eyes glowing hard. Her skin shortly adorned in some scales and she could swear she had felt some horns on her forehead. Just a moment ago. With quick steps she walked forth, gripping the lunatic by his throat. Frost starting to grow on his body. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME YOU FREAK". She screamed as she punched her palm once straight into his chest. "I didn’t…" he coughed up blood. "I just raised… what was… inside you… in your nature… in your body… in your…" he couldn't finish. Verdandi's rage exploded. The Hyouton chakra grew over his body and confined him before he got instantly crushed and burned to ashes within the corrosive nature of the frostbite within the ice prison. He was dead. His head was the only thing that didn't fully got covered in her ice. This time she didn't decapitates her enemy. She just burned the whole body below away.

Verd was furious. She could feel a nasty new power inside her. The freak had injected her with something nasty. She would move in her barely clothed fabrics to the other rooms. Spears of ice would raise and instantly impale the remaining monster within. Verd found her blade and clothes. Picked up the Katana and moved to the next room to slaughter the remaining experiments one by one. Slice to chest. Cut off an arm. Slice through the through. Stab inside the eye. Cut off a foot. Slice past the legs. Crush the crotch. Impale the face. Cut them to pieces. When her rage finally stopped. She would move in front of a mirror, seeing how soft scaled adorned her skin beautifully. Thick horns on her forehead. Then she passed out. Many hours went by and Verdandi woke alone in the lab again. Calm. Seeing herself in the mirror. The body changes were gone. She picked up her clothes and lifted the research data from the many tables. Loaded all useful information up. Then started to spread flammable materials on the floor. She sealed the 'doctor's head in a scroll and set the lab afire. Soon, it would burn to the ground as supposed to. Verdandi moved. There were no creatures left. She either had killed them all or they escaped after she had killed their master. However. An exploding tag placed in the central lab would take care of the rest. The structure quickly falling down to ashes.

Back at Ozay's place. Verdandi would continuously ask for medical examinations. But none of the doctors found anything wrong with her. She would read through the research papers. Whenever she finished her studies on a subject she'd burn the papers. Until at last. She found what she was searching for. He had injected her with… adrenaline? Verdandi was confused. For a moment there she believed he had injected some weird experimental juices into her body. Why else would she suddenly turn into a horned beast? She would not find out. Not today. She couldn't know about the powers that were already luring in her veins. About the future she'd face soon. About the blood of dragons that she possessed. About the way the adrenaline had shot into her and raised her Senjutsu for a moment. For a blink of an eye it was a window into the future, of what will become of her. But she couldn't know that. She was tired. She needed sleep. This was too… confusing and taxing on her. Verdandi would sleep. For a whole day. Probably more. Until she had to accept. Whatever she had seen her become in that weird lab down there. It was already within her, had been within her and would eventually surface again. That power she had felt. That rage she had endured. That moment of loss in control. Where she slaughtered a man in a blink of an eye. It was all but her.



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