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Mission name: Fall of Yusuke - The Hulk
Mission rank: B
Objective: Assassination
Location: Suna (Endless Wasteland)
Reward: 500 Ryo +1 EP
Development: Become ANBU
Mission Description: Eliminate Endo Yusuke
Mission Details: The curtain falls. The Yusuke Clan is on the run after it's shame and fall have become known. Before the clan leader can be taken down, his brothers whom act as generals in their army have to die first.

The first brother, Endo Yusuke, better known as 'Hulk' for his massive size and physical strength is still in grief over the broken wedding to Kikyo. He is healing his wounds in the red light district of Suna's capital. Make your way to his private dorms and eliminate the target. The head or better the body needs to be retrieved as proof of execution.

Enemies: Endo is protected by a good dozen lusty succubus-like prostitutes which are also part of his very own well trained forces. They are to be considered as C-Rank (non-ninja) criminals and will give heavy resistance to the one trying to kill their lover. All at C-1 Stats. With weaponry 1 rank above them.

Endo Yusuke is B-Rank (ninja). He has B-3 stats in general but A-1 Strength due to his Berserk built body. He uses earth element only but has access to A-Rank techniques from the library.



It was time, the Yusuke Clan was falling. On the streets of Sasanin-Togeta, Capital of Suna. War was raging. The Clans of Suna's oh so powerful crime lords were hunting down the Yusuke for their supposed betrayal at the summit of crime lords. Whole camps, safe houses, trading spots, market influences. All torn down. The major mastermind that would organize these things? Ozay. The man that survived the summit. He had given himself a fake burn wound that now adorned the face of his fake identity. Showing off how he had suffered in this war. Claiming that Elena, his wife and Verdandi's current fake personality had too fallen in this terrorist attack of the Yusuke. Calling for revenge as he drove the well-planned fall of the Clan ahead. Everything was going according to plan. Everything would turn out the way Kiri had asked for it. But Verdandi's mission was not yet over. She still had to actually get rid of the Yusuke brothers. First off, Verd's intel would lead her to Endo. The man who's wedding she had sabotaged on her first appearance in this capital city. Rumour had it. He was spending his days and nights in the red-light district. Playing with prostitutes and drinking his pain away. No matter how many girls he toyed with, none of them could replace Kikyo in his eyes. She was the one he had wanted and yet she was also the one that betrayed him and wanted him dead. He was a failure now.

The Raijin was the first to be offered a join into Ozay's new crime syndicate. Many of the small ones joined. With their actual crime lord's dead, cousins, brothers and sisters of the former leaders inherited their relatives' armies and crimes business. But most of them weren't fit for the job. Agreeing to merge into Ozay's organization. Slowly but certainly turning Ozay's syndicate into one of the most powerful in Sasanin city. Which irony. A few simple jobs of Verdandi could twist and alter the complete powerhouse of the crime system in this huge city. Placing all the strings into the hands of people that were actually working for Kirigakure. Giving the village of Kiri a sudden deep influence into the whole of Suna's current active politics. Verdandi shuddered. If only the criminals that were currently marching onto the village camps knew what she was doing here. They would probably not just sit idly by and let her do her thing as if it was the most normal proceed of actions. Verd slowly made her way to the red-light district. She refused to dress as a working girl. That was below her. She would however not mind to dress as a saucy rich woman that was on the lookout for boys to toy with. That was more her style. She would make sure that her carriage took her to the pub Endo would be in. Having already formed a shadow clone that was, in contrary to her theatrical character, properly dressed as assassin.

The clone would continuously cause little effects from the shadows, like spilling a customer drink in their face. Pulling their pants down to shame them. All to get the silly civilians out of the pub. Until at last, Verdandi the rich cougar, would seat herself right opposite of Endo. The clone quickly persuaded the barkeeper to get the hell out of this place and then slowly closed the doors, barring them shut. Until at last, a space was created. A large enough room to fight. With no potential causalities that didn't deserve to be slain. The twelve girls layering Endo all around him. The whores dressing in little more than silks and a lot of flesh could be seen from afar. A perverse display. Endo himself barely dressed in his pants. It wouldn't take long until one of the girls tried to remove them again. But with Verdandi in the room, the man stared at the new flesh. Licking his lips. Verd didn't alter her appearance much this time. She wanted him to eventually recognize her. As the girl he met at his failed wedding. The one who hugged Kikyo right in front of him. Made him angry back then. But Endo had forgotten. The amount of liquor and the hours of sexual endeavours he had drowned himself in had completely nullified any memory of the wedding aside from Kikyo's face. He was a broken man. Verdandi had to admit, she felt a little bad for ruining his life.

But then again. Endo was a monster. Well known for his strength and his ability to rip men apart with his brute force and intense hatred. This man had seen more blood on his half naked skin than most humans of the capital combined. Which also indicated that he was dangerous. Which is why Verdandi's clone was currently busty setting traps within the building. Trip wire. Makibishi. Stink bombs. Anything she could find basically. But first, they would have to chat. Verdandi gazed at Endo. The large man looking at her with eyes that could consume her. "What do you want. Stranger? Came to see if the legend is true?" he would speak, a bit cliché for Verdandi's taste. The girls surrounding him giving her all the jealous looks and stares. Some of the screeching at her like angry cats that were trying to mark their territory. But Verdandi wasn't going to try and seduce him. Her outfit was but a means to get into the red-light district. Now that she was here, it wasn't needed anymore. She'd stand and start to shed her clothes. For a moment Endo's eyes widened. Hoping to see more of the snow-white skin he had already lusted for. But eventually it was just Verdandi's actual leather armor being revealed below. She slid the Katana from the fabrics, inhaled a few times and unsheathed it. "I came to put an end to your misery." She spoke with little more than a cold gaze in her Hyouton gushing eye.

Endo laughed. He hadn't heard anything more ridiculous in ages. The last bar fights he had was just hours ago and he was pretty sure he killed those bastards. "Who are you? Why do you come for me, did I defile your sister? I can assure you… all I do is consensual…" he laughs. Still trying to show off that he is the big player that gets all the girls. Verdandi spit on the floor in disgust. "Hmm tell that to Kikyo you bastard…" she spoke with a crooked smile, seeing his anger instantly raise veins all over his body. He spit as he screamed. "Don't you dare use her name your filthy whore. KILL THE BITCH" he spit and commanded his guardian angels to go and take Verdandi's head for him. Verd inhaled. Unsheathing her blade as the monstrous demon girls would launch for her. Kicking the first one right in the tits just to make clear from the start that she didn't give a crap how they were dressed like whores. Turning in a circle to cut into the second one's arm. The first blood would spill as dao blades, knives, swords and spears would be moved in Verdandi's direction. Under the use of her insane reflexes. She would dodge them easily. The C-Rank enemies barely a match for her refined movements. Verd would feel that most enemy attacks were launched ad mid-riff, hence slowly sliding down to move her body along the floor.

Kicking her leg into the first one's feet. Making her fall back against one of her own friends. Verd watch in amusement how her dagger ended up stuck in her back. Forcing the enemy to wound each other was one of her biggest joys. Verd got back up while slicing her sword in saw-mode from the bottom to the top. Basically, ripping a huge vertical line straight into a girl from crotch to face. Leaving her to fall back and bleed out. Kicking another two back. Then tossing her sword in katana form forward so it'd get stuck in one of the guards' bellies. Leaving her to scream and cry at the pain of the weapon burying itself into her flesh. Verd moved in to grab the spear wielders spear. Punching her five times in the face until she stole hear weapon. Swinging it around in circles to defend against incoming weapon slices and punched. Then hitting one on the neck. One on the crotch. One on the face and one in the bell with the spear, before she shoved the sharp end into the next one's chest. Leaving her to drop to her knees and bleed out. Verd tossed a kunai at the one's throat whom was struggling with Verdandi's blade in her chest. Allowing her a quicker death so Dandi could retrieve her weapon. Pushing her feet into her belly to pull it out. She glared around, six wounded, six dead. It was time to finish up.

Verd used her shuriken to shoot one into each of the wounded guardians throats. One of them defended with her knife. Verd moved in to kick her face. Take away the knife and shove it down straight into the guard's forehead. Playtime was over. The girls laying dead to her feet. Endo growling to himself. The incompetence of his guards disgusting him. Not having the slightest bit of mercy for their death. Seeing them all as tools that he deserved to toy with anyway. Spitting down on the floor he'd get up. Lifting a large hammer from behind his throne like chair. Flexing his massive muscles. "You're going down bitch…" he spoke as he moved in. The swing of his hammer was fast. Verd was barely able to dodge it. When it hit a pillar next to her it crushed the pillar to pieces. Verd's eyes quickly took in her surroundings. She moved about. His large hammer hitting the floor. Crashing a huge hole where Verd was just standing. Dandi dodging. Tossing shuriken at his ripped arms. Letting the muscles be strained by the wounds. But he didn't care. He kicked Verdandi straight in the gut and sent her flying across the room. Verd impacted with her back against the wall behind her. Blood coughing up from her lips. Another one of these and she might be dead. He didn't sleep either or wait. Charging for the wounded Verdandi with his hammer ready to strike her face.

Verdandi slipping away between his legs. Using her sword to cut into his thighs as she did so. Sheathing her blade to pull forth two daggers. Moving back in to cut about a dozen strikes into his back while he was coping with the thigh slices. Kicking into his back. But he turned around. His palm catching Verdandi's ankle. Punching her in the belly. Starting to twirl her around as he moved around his own axis and intended to throw Verd into the ceiling. Verdandi's reflexes coming into play. She could see his fat grin on his face despite his massive wounds. She twirled and turned around in the last second before impact. Allowing her arms and legs to pressure against ceiling. Before using her momentum to launch at him. Grab his face, press his face to the floor and drag it along with his whole giant body. Lifting him up before tossing him to a corner. Verdandi almost thought she had beaten him for a second before he just crushed away all the furniture mess he had been tossed at. Standing up. Hitting his own head a few times before launching another offensive attack. Swinging his hammer again. Verd could barely dodge it at the last second. If it had hit it'd have crushed her bones. His hammer once again dropping against a pillar. Trashing it to dust as if it were nothing. Verd using her position to shoot kunai to his feet, belly, chest, arms. Most of them hit. But he just screamed and the kunai would exhale from his skin.

He was bleeding from all these wounds. He wasn't immortal. He was just one though asshole. His face still showing the same nasty grin. It was time for the trap. Verdandi ran in direction where her clone had prepared everything. Endo walking after her. The rope net that was supposed to catch him ripped apart as he just walked through it. Makibishi had more effect, his bare feet bleeding open as he cursed. But it didn't stop him. Smoke bombs eventually obscured his sight. Flash bomb too. Stink bomb was tossed by Verdandi straight at his face. She gazed at him. Breathing one of her Hyouton breeze techniques to make it worse. Cutting his lungs off air. The clone moving in from behind. Verdandi launching forward. Both of them starting to cut their blades down his arms. Aiming specifically at his nerves and muscles. Until he dropped the hammer. Another series of slices to his thighs and leg muscles. Until he dropped to his knees. The smoke would disperse slowly. The face of Endo, tears in his eyes. The stink bomb driving his senses crazy. The Hyouton making him gasp for air. He was at his end. Verdandi asked her clone for her sword. Catching it with her left. Forming an X-shape around Endo's throat and without wait or without mercy, she'd cut his head off to fall to the ground. Watching his headless body spill blood heavily from the open throat hole.

It eventually dropped to the side. Leaving Verdandi to sigh. Her face, her belly, her back. Everything was in pain. That battle was though. This bastard had way more power in him than she had anticipated. She coughed a few times. The clone dispersing as Verd leaned back against a pillar. Taking a few moments time to get a breather and deal with the pain in her body. She'd proceed to grab Endo's head and seal it in a scroll quickly. Leaving his body and the corpses of his prostitutes behind. Slapping an explosive tag at the last pillar of the building before leaving into the darkness. The explosion would rip the last pillar apart. The building would come crumbling down upon the corpses. Burying them and especially killing the prostitutes that might have only been gravely injured. The mission was complete. One down. Two Yusuke still alive. Verd would make her way home to Ozay's place. She needed a bath and a medic. One of his doctors would have to use some chakra to heal her back into shape. He was surprised seeing Verd that exhausted and bruised. But eventually as he heard that she had taken down the beast. He understood. Verd showing him the scroll with Endo's head. Explaining that the battle was about to come to its end. Ozay would have to push forth his forces. Make sure the Yusuke army would fall in time when Verdandi got rid off their leaders. Soon, it would be all done.



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