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Mission name: Fall of Yusuke - The Newbie
Mission rank: B
Objective: Infiltration
Location: Suna (Endless Wasteland)
Reward: 500 Ryo +1 EP
Development: Become ANBU
Mission Description: Become Double Agent
Mission Details: After the confusion over what happened at the wedding. Your identity has become of interest to the Yasuke Clan. You are now a double agent that will be tested by their mercenary Squad Leader to see if you got what it takes to be a cold hearted killer for the Yusuke Clan. Find a way to complete your assignment without actually killing the assigned target in question. Gain the trust of the Squad Leader. Become part of Yusuke Clan's forces.

Enemies: The Squad leader tasked you to infiltrate a trading outpost that is in good terms with the village invaders. He wishes for his new agent to steal an item in the traders possession and having him killed. Overpower the guards numbering at around 50 C-Ranked Guards (non-ninja) and overpower the trader, B-Ranked (non-ninja). All at X-0 Stats. With weaponry 1 rank above them.



It had but been a few weeks since the wedding. Verdandi's orders were to stay low and not attract any attention too much. Ozay has spent these weeks trying to show his open support for the Yusuke Clan. While many other have shunned and judged their supposed actions at the bloody wedding. Not many believe that it was all a ruse of a rival Clan to damage the Yusuke's influence. Suffering under the after effects of the bloody wedding, the Yusuke have invited Verd and her supposed husband many times over for dinner. Dining at the same table with the very suspects Verd was supposed to take out, save for their secretive leader Yanase. Verd could often see Endo sulk about his lost potential wife. He must have had a great interest in the daughter of Raijin. However, not to Verdandi's surprise but positive amusement. Kikyo has announced that the Yusuke Clan's attack was true and that this hereby and officially removes any bond she was supposed to have with Endo. Kikyo now being the Raijin's leader would come in handy in future, her actually despising the arranged marriage and the Yusuke Clan anyhow was of absolute and utter benefit to Verdandi's plans. During Ozay's visits at the Yusuke compound, Verdandi has not only been introduced as his wife. But also, as a skilled assassin. However, he skills were majorly toned down since connecting Verd with the wedding and the potential of her being the secret third party would raise too many suspicions.

For the amusement of her husband and hosts, Verd did some of her famed blade dances and showed the people of the Yusuke Clan what a truly bendable and flexible body can do. Not rarely playing with blades and knifes at arm's length near the Yusuke siblings. But it wasn't the time yet to slaughter them. Not to mention that defeating both or potentially even the clan leader in one attempt would certainly fail. Not to thing about the hundreds of loyal soldiers between her and the exit. No, everything had its moment. For now, Verdandi would play the beautiful dancer and skilled seductress and potential assassin. Getting some free training lessons by the Yusuke captain, slowly being introduced to the ways of the Yusuke Clan. Another few days would go by until the Clan, whom seems short on allies, would be offered by Ozay to make use of Verdandi's unique abilities. The Yusuke, still in belief that Verdandi is but a skilled martial artist with a twist to herself, agree but require her to do a test not unlike anyone else that wishes to join the ranks of their Clan and proof their loyalty, intent and worth to them. Whilst the leaders themselves have little faith Verdandi, or well 'Elena' would pass the test. The Squad Leader puts high faith in her after having her seen take out the soldiers and guards from his squad with finesse and skill in her own martial arts techniques.

Verdandi is supposed to steal the Jade Icon that once belonged to the Yusuke Clan. A family heirloom they once wished to inherit to their next generation. Despite their plans being foiled with Endo's marriage being put to a disaster and the other two in desperate lack of an actual partner, the item still holds great value to the clan and hence, Verdandi is to be tasked to retrieve it none the less. Verd spends a few hours together with the Yusuke Squad leader, listening to his clear instruction on how she is to infiltrate the base and make her way to the storage room of the trading outpost. Due to their affiliation with the village nin. Verdandi's actual Mission HQ has organized that no ninja will be protecting the place. As well as the leaders being informed of what will happen. Since the Jade Icon is of not much value to themselves they were quite open in staging a situation where Verdandi would be able to heroically invade the scene and show off her impressive worth to the Yusuke Clan. The Squad leader himself is tasked to come and observe Verdandi's advance while he is also tasked to rescue her if things go badly. Since, despite their wishes to try and obtain their heirloom, this all is also but a test for the Yusuke Clan and Verdandi, or rather 'Elena' is after all the spouse of a valued partner in crime for the Yusuke Clan, they wouldn't want her to come to any deeper harm.

Verdandi is given her very own disguise, mostly of black skin-tight leather. She isn't ignorant to the way it defines her curves and pretty sure that whomever designs those outfits for the Yusuke clan's female infiltration forces is quite the pervert. That being said, Verdandi has no specific problem with dressing a bit saucy, as long as the fabrics are dark and together with a suitable face protection would proof as proper disguise for her actual task at hand. Once she is dressed. The captain supplies Verdandi with a basic tanto and some smoke bombs. Then slowly and casually extracts her with his own transport vehicles, a Yusuke carriage, nearby their target to a supposed restaurant. Of course, they enter but instantly leave said location backdoors. Slowly making their way into the darkness of the night and heading towards the outpost in question. Kiri administration had ensured that multiple security measures were lowered for this incident. For example, a lot of protective spotlights were turned off and just basic lightning was available. Whilst the standard guard had specifically not been informed about Verdandi's soon to be appearance on the scene, they would most likely give not much resistance to the skilled kunoichi. Verdandi would examine the camp as if she had no clue about the building itself. Leaving the captain to follow her. Not rarely acting a tad bit clumsy to hide her actual refines shinobi skills as to not raise too much awareness of whom she could be.

The guards had been left ignorant to the information of Verdandi's double agent job, as they should immersively react to her as an intruder. Once Verdandi found the spot she was supposed to enter the camp from. She uses her tanto to break a few already pre-existing holes in the backyard of the camp's walls and allows the two of them to enter. The captain usually stays at quite a distance as to make sure he won't be actual part of the mission except for observation means. Once Verdandi enters the backyard, she slowly makes herself to the open field and starts to skilfully tackle the guards from behind, keeping their mouth shut with her palm and knocking them out. The C-Ranked guards were basically hand picked by the camps administration. Supposed to give little resistance to Verdandi in the first place. Instantly impressed by Verdandi's way of dealing with the first guards. The Captain too enters the backyard and stays at the entrance. Verdandi moves forward and directly approaches the guard barracks. The captain heavily protests against such path of action as he immediately expects Verdandi to be caught in there. However, once she entered the building, the light goes off and a series of loud thuds, a few muffled screams and a lot of heavy beating can be heard. Inside, unseen by the captain, Verdandi has taken great pleasure in swinging herself against her first target and stunning him with the next best item, in this case a shoe.

She then moved on to toss a pillow in her next enemy's face and started to suffocate him lightly while using her high heels to kick the incoming guard behind her away and into the wall behind him. Kicking the next to his face and the third to his balls. Another spiral would launch her against the last three, whom she would deal with in a quick succession of kicks to the chest to cut off their breath as well as a lot of punches to the face to knock them out for good. Verdandi was quite content with the result and left the barracks. Instantly capping the alarm before she returned to the Captain to explain what she did and that they won't have to worry about the primary alarm anymore. With that being done and the captain once more impressed. Verd would move on to the main complex. Using a bag, she found in the barracks to pull it over the next best guards head, pulling them back, noises muffled by the bag while he hit them on the neck until passed out for good. Verdandi hissed to herself. This was giving her much more pleasure than she originally intended and moved on to the next guard. Kicking him off his footing before straddling his face to the dirt and hitting her elbow into his neck to give him a good night's sleep. With them all being taken care of, Verd could casually move around the main complex outside area and the captain could catch up at last.

Verdandi still had to deal with the actual main part of the forces. They were all in the dining area, specifically there to enjoy their dinner. Verdandi moved in while captain remained outside again. If he wasn't worried at her take to the barracks before, he was certainly now, considering there were about thirty guards inside. First comes first, Verdandi moved in slowly and in the shadows of the entrance to find the alarm, rig it with a simple tug off the connection wire. She then used a few forks on the first table near the entrance to toss them to the lamps and make the room go dark. Additionally, tossing the smoke bombs into the room before she jumped in. Lifting one of the batting wood weapons from the guards, she'd start playing ball. Literally. Hitting the wooden device onto the first one's nuts, kicking him away, swinging around to hit number two in the face, lifting a chair with her foot to push it with heavy momentum to number three. Four would serve as a handle and pole for her to hold on while the men surrounded her. Verd lifted her body above the ground and could literally walk on the surrounding people's body while as well kicking them in quick succession. The guy in the middle getting twirled and turned around with Verdandi's movements until she stopped at last.

Twelve went down in the process. Number four would sink to the feet allowing Verd to kick his face. Half the room being dealt with. The smokescreen certainly helped. Verdandi lifted a few foot plates to the next two guys on the face with it. Kicked another two in the guts and jumped below the tables to slide her way to the guy trying desperately to sound the alarm. She didn't want him to figure out that he'd just have to re install the cable so he had to go down. Verd casually used her momentum from her slide to kick into his legs and letting him fall with his face hitting a table. Getting up she noticed that two had followed her, forcing her to hide below a table as they hit down on it to crush the surface. Verd leaning forward from below to grab a leg each and pull to make them fall, just to jump to her feet giving each of them a short kick to the neck. Around eight were left. Verd moved deeper into the room again and made sure to punch the shit out of the first guys stomach, tossing him backwards against the next. Flipping another table to fall on a guy's foot, before kicking the flipped table to send him flying backwards along with the table. Five left. Dandi jumped into the mass of four, they all coming for her now that the smoke screen dispersed, launching a somersault from above to hit the first two with her thighs to the neck, the second two with her extended feet and heels and the last one would get to feel the momentum of her crotch pressing to his face until they crashed all together to the ground. K.O.

Verdandi wasn't necessarily perfect at keeping track of numbers but she could bet she was missing one. Quickly she made her way to the door and almost died from being scared as her captain was standing in the doorway. She just wanted to kick his nuts when she realized it was him. Verd started to laugh to herself, seeing he had taken care of the run-away guy. "I thought you weren't supposed to help me?" she said. "He just walked into me, it was self defense." He replied. Leaving Verd whom was quite out of breath to laugh again. "Alright, that should have been it." She said and grabbed the captain by the palm and tugged him with her. Not asking or waiting for him to stick around or not. She would move to the head office and kick the door in without questions. Still panting as she had pulled the captain with her. The trader and leader looking slightly confused at their entrance. Verd lifted her finger, still out of breath, too much to talk just yet. "Give me a minute…" she said while taking a few deep breaths. "Alright boy. I just trashed your whole garrison, just give me the fucking jade figure and I'll be gone with it."

To Verdandi's surprise, the trader was supposed to abide and help her. But he did not. He refused and started to charge Verd. His speed quite remarkable but his execution still lacking. She only had to lift the nearest object, which was a ball probably used for some odd sport and tossed it at his face, disturbing his path and allowing her to move in and kick his balls hard. He sank to his knees and Verd tugged him behind his desk. Making sure to lift her tanto and stick it into a rotten tomato next to his head. Making some red fluids squish around for an immersive fake kill. She then turned his face around to make sure the captain wouldn't notice and grabbed the jade figure from his desk. It had been neatly placed here earlies by the administration to make sure Verd didn't have to search for it for a long time. That being said and to make sure the captain didn't bother checking with the supposed 'kill' she made, Dandi tugged him by the arm again still hyped by all of it. "Let's bust!" she screamed and giggled as she ran out with him and off into the distance. Escaping from the backdoor of the camp and off into the darkness of the night. It goes without saying, that despite the massive fun she had in this mission, the objective was successful and Verdandi would hence be officially put into the ranks of the Yusuke Clan. As a mercenary killer.



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