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Mission name: Fall of Yusuke - The Army
Mission rank: B
Objective: Assassination
Location: Suna (Endless Wasteland)
Reward: 500 Ryo +1 EP
Development: Become ANBU
Mission Description: Eradicate the Forces
Mission Details: The generals are dead. The Clan is in unrest. The enemies of the Yusuke have heard about the Clan's misfortune. This information was neatly placed by other ANBU to find their way into the right rooms to be talked about. Many of the lower Clan's are openly attacking the Yusuke's fortress to claim their position as crime lords in Suna's capital. Your task is to primary destroy the remaining forces of the Yusuke Clan. However, Mission HQ will reward if the other clan's forces could be eliminated as well.

Enemies: Around 200 Yusuke soldiers clashing with a good 400 criminals from other clans. Most of them are to be considered E / D Rank (non-ninja) but there's a few C-Ranks in there, potentially around 12 in total. All at X-1 Stats. With weaponry 1 rank above them.



Verdandi had a good rest. The weird experiment of the doctor had left no mark on her other than the emotionally taxing nights that eventually led to hear to wake up, bathed in sweat as she remembered the horned version of herself staring at her from the mirror. She still couldn't figure out what this was all about. For a moment she would just swear to herself that it was but a figment of her mind that creeped up on her down there, that she had seen mirages, caused by the drugs and the adrenaline she was exposed to. Little could she know about the truth. About the dragon within her. Verdandi sighed to herself. It was time to put the chess board together. The generals were dead. Now the pawns had to be eradicated. Ozay clearly informed Verdandi when the assault would happen. That she was to be there and do her job. That his trusted soldiers would be there to secretly help her achieve her goal. Ozay's actual army wouldn't even take part of this. Knowing well, that Verdandi would cause a massacre unheard of yet. That no one that would enter this battlefield would return from it except herself. Ozay's men had a simple job. Dress as Yusuke. Get into the compound. Place the explosives. Leave again. But this couldn't just casually happen during the day. They would have to be sneaky about it. The best moment would be, already during the clash. However, if they were dressed as Yusuke, the other Clans would potentially attack them as well.

It was a risky job. They knew it. But it'd work out. But to be fair. Verdandi didn't really care if some of Ozay's pawns had to be sacrificed for this battle. She watched him hold his meeting with the crime lords. Even the ones from the bigger clans had appeared. For a moment there, Verdandi wondered what would happen if she just went down there and killed them all. But her Sharingan told here, there were skilled shinobi in the room. To the point she even had to hide and move away. Unsure if there was a sensory beneath them. That could proof somewhat inconvenient if they were able to connect her with anything that Ozay planned. Verd moved to her room. Preparing her gear. Cleaning her blade. Stuffing her side arm pockets and eventually awaiting Ozay to enter her room. He glared at her. "Is it time?" she asked. He nodded. Verd knew it was her cue and she moved out. Out into the night. The final night of Yusuke's army to become. The display in the streets was insane. Over four hundred men from the cartels, the syndicates and the clans had united their strength for a march. Moving on directly to the Yusuke compound. Where the one man, Verdandi had been trying to get to his downfall for all these weeks if not months. Was sitting on the throne. His captain next to him. Glaring through the window. His two hundred men armed to the teeth in the alley of his home.

They were ready. Yanase knew it was to be the last battle for his Clan. His brothers were dead. His political powers were gone. But he still had a chance. If he used his skills wisely in this battle. He could overpower the enemy. Eradicate their forces and reclaim the throne as the most powerful Clan and would be able to make the other clans bend, by force to his new rule as the dictator over the suna capital. And so, it would begin. Explosives were placed at the gates. And with a sudden boom, the four hundred men of the combined clans would try to squeeze themselves in. But the Yusuke weren't fools. The two hundred of the Clansmen all donning arrows and bows. Already having them in their stances, arrows pulled. When the first fifty men stormed into the courtyard of the mansion, the arrows would shoot and bring down a hail of death upon the invaders. Good. Verdandi wanted them dead. All of them. She slipped in past the walls and made her way into a watchtower. Silently killing one of the guards up there by slicing into his throat with a kunai. Remaining low. Watching. Then giving the signal once the third row of men had breached into a side gate. Confusing the archers. Giving them suddenly two entrances to shoot at. Then a third. A fourth. A fifth. All gates were breached.

The armies would storm inside. The arrows would no longer work. But it had taken down over one hundred forces, almost equalizing the field. Verd's signal would make Ozay's special troops move in. Their Yusuke disguise working in the mess. They would neatly place the explosives. One at each wall. Moving further inside. One at each pillars top. Further inside. One into each room of the mansion's ground floor. Then fleeing. It was done. Quick and easy. But they wouldn't make it out alive. They special guards of Yusuke would find them. On their retreat they would be shot down by arrows. Throats sliced. Poor men. Ozay lost some capable hands that day. But as thought before. A miniscule price for what was going to happen. Verdandi waited. Letting the masses kill themselves for a bit. Letting the criminals cut down criminals. But she had to do something as well. So, she sneaked her way among the walls. Tossing down the archers in the watch towers. Slicing into their legs then knocking their heads to the floor until their skulls would give way. Moving silently from one tower to the next. Making sure that the Yusuke's advantage would quickly be dealt with. She could see the captains standing elevated. At the entrance to the actual mansion. Shooting their well-aimed arrows at the intruders. They would be the turning point in favour of Yusuke's victory. Verdandi couldn't allow that. She had to go and even the fields again.

Jumping down from the walls, she would move in to lift her blade and slice them through the legs of the first archer. Using her Sharingan to watch them turn and aim for her she skilfully slid along the floor and timed herself to adjust her movement path to avoid the incoming arrows. Shortly before she'd meet number two, she would catch one of those arrows in her hand and then shove it down onto the guys foot. Leaving him screaming. Tumbling forward into the masses of people. Verdandi pouted as the guy somewhat escaped her that way and kept her assault going. Moving in to grab the bow of the next. Kicking his chest until he let go only to swing the string around his neck and strangling him with his own weapon. Keeping him as a living shield to adjust his walking path as the incoming arrows of his companions would be shot into his back instead into Verdandi. Verd felt that he had lost his last breath and was falling to his knees. Hence, she kicked him back and lifted his helmet with her foot. Grabbing it with her hand and tossing it at the next guys face. Moving in to quickly slice her katana over his chest. Five down. She shot a thick gale palm gush from her hands and let the remaining ones fall back. But timed it with the moment one shot his next arrow. It was timed so perfectly the arrow turned around and hit the guys cheek.

Verd chuckled. He basically shot himself. Sad that it didn't kill him. Verd jumped forth. She had to save her big area effect skills for later. Inhaling she just spew a bit of thick icy crystals into the air. Letting her enemies enjoy the feeling of Hypothermia. Her throat was a bit sore too but she was used to it. Verd tossed seven Kunai aimed to their chest, seven shuriken, aimed to their foreheads, watched them slowly suffocate from the Hyouton effects while bleeding out from the damage caused by the throwing projectiles. She however had mercy and moved in to slice her katana over their throats as she moved by. Letting them die in peace. The archers were dealt with. The arena before her eyes was filled with around… 300 remaining troops. Around 150 each. Attacker and invader. Verd was impressed. If she didn't come here this day. Yusuke might have even won this battle. But to be fair. Yanase wouldn't have much people left to rule with when the battle was over and with a little army of maybe fifty surviving soldiers he'd count as a minor clan syndicate at best. Too sad. But it was time. Time to make an end to this slaughter. But Verdandi wanted to make sure to get the full effect. She needed to time the explosions with her jutsu. Giving too much time in between would motivate some of there people to actually flee the battle.

First Step, Starch Syrup Field. Verdandi would shoot a thick amount of goo from her lips and spread it slowly among the feet of the enemy soldiers. Making them slowly aware that movement would become sticky and difficult for them. Second Step, Archerfish. Verdandi raised a thick body of water at the edge of the plateau she was standing. A lot of it starting to splash down into the masses as well. Third Step. Shark and Water Dragon Bullets. Rising from the body of water created. Verd would shoot two massive thick suiton based projectiles, one in form of a shark, one in form of a dragon into the masses. Crashing in from both sides they would reap havoc into the weak forces of men. Sending fear into their minds and making sure that they all started to flee in desperation. But they wouldn't get far. Fourth Step. Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death. The remaining suiton would be perfect to create the endless number of projectiles needed. They would fly forth. Aiming at the feet of her enemies. Cutting massive damage into their legs. Letting them suffer. But most importantly. Stopping them from being allowed to flee. Verdandi chuckled. Rapidly moving in. Attack from East. Killing the most outer ninja with ease. Their D-Rank protection was like paper for Verdandi's blade to cut through. She sliced into them. One by one. Driving them back to the centre. Slowly. Concentrating them all in one thick fat spot.

Before she jumped up and right in the middle of them. Fifth and final step. Vacuum Wave. Verdandi exhaled her powerful wind technique at throat height. Exhaling the wind cutters to basically slice the throats of over fifty men at once. Letting them all fall down to their knees. It was over. Verdandi once again was reminded. That a single ninja could defeat a whole country, village, town. She was yet at that stage where one could defeat a whole army. It was enough. It would suffice for her desires. Yanase had watched this. For a moment he thought of jumping down there. Of interfering. Protecting his people. But he didn't. Not sure if he was just scared. Or just selfish and didn't care enough for his men. What counted for him was his safety. It would however drive him slightly concerned as the doors of his courtyard started to turn shut. Something was happening. Verdandi casually moved from one survivor to the next. Cutting them down with her blade. A total of six hundred men were dead in this courtyard. The pile of corpses was immense and so was the stench. It was only fair, that they would all burn and vanish now. It took a while to get the last one down, the runaways. The ones hiding in the bushes. This day would be a reminder for the criminal groups that war was indeed a very pricey thing. Neither of their men would return. All mercenaries were dead. No matter which clan.

What now remained was Ozay. He made sure his army didn't partake in the attack. Of course, if asked, he did. He just didn't send all his troops. He just… had that many recruits left. At least that’s what he'd claim, if asked. For the public the Yusuke Clan was already dead. This had to be underlined however. So Verdandi jumped away from the inner depths of the Yusuke mansion. Escaping the building. Triggering the explosives set by Ozay's men. Boom. The whole place slowly crumbling down, walls breaking in. Towers dropping. Stone slowly crushed to sand. The courtyard with all the corpses soon buried in a deep layer of rubble. The ground floor of the mansion. The pillars breaking away. Yanase and his guards and captain fleeing. Their home crumbling down. Only able to watch as their empire slowly fell to ashes behind them. On top of the ruins, standing a lonely woman, with her drawn blade. Breathing heavily. On top of six hundred corpses. Buried beneath the ruins of their home. A demon. The demon that beheaded both generals. Trashed their family name and completely removed the once oh so powerful top family from the grid of the criminals for good. Verdandi would return home. Back to Ozay's place. The hunt wasn't finished. Not before she had Yanase's head as well. But it would just be a matter of time now. She needed to rest. Again. A hard day of work was over. She earned it.

Arriving back at Ozay's mansion. Verdandi recognized that, despite the massive loss on the cartel's side. The crime lords were still celebrating their victory, leaving Verdandi to wonder how much value they had put in their forces if they were such an affordable expense. The death of the Yusuke Clan alone seemed prize enough for them. Verd would shake her head. This kind of behaviour was disgusting. But again. It wasn't in her position to define whether or not the crime lord was allowed to remain. After all. Ozay was now becoming their new leader. With his intense strength, remaining manpower and his success in this campaign against the Yusuke. Verd knew it wouldn't take long until her actually realized the goal the Yusuke were fighting for so long. It was irony. The clans were just a hair away from uniting and supporting the radical troops against the village nin and now, under Ozay's leadership. They were all for supporting the invaders. All for, striking deals with them. All for the coins they could make by dealing with them. No patriotic feelings left. No ideals to protect. Only gain and power would count. They were criminals after all. Why wouldn't they want to get the juiciest deal for themselves working? Anyhow. Verd could see Ozay had things all under control. Leaving him to deal with his new little empire of toy soldiers. Verd moved back into her apartment room. Dropping on the bed and dozed off quickly. One last target left to finish off.



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