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1Delegation of Duties [Invite | NK] Empty Delegation of Duties [Invite | NK] Wed Jun 27, 2018 6:02 am

Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

Being a special jounin felt like a sense of prestige to many younger shinobi on the rise to greatness but to those that held the title it was a whole different point of view. In a war state such as the one Kumogakure found itself in, camps settled on the desert's sand, being a special jounin was mostly one of commanding genin troops and delegating missions to those of lower station. Especially in a militaristic Village such as theirs. With Kumo's Administration Office not present in such a faraway land, the jounin formulated the strategic plans and had the special jounin serve as their secretaries. Such were the intricate workings of the chain of command. Being a diplomat of Kumogakure of the special jounin rank didn't exclude her from such a boring task, so today it would be up to Mizuki to pick up the duties of properly processing incoming information so as to assess the reports and consolidate them into various missions fitting the several ranks.

At least Kumo's camp had provided a single tent just for this task. The size of the tent, which was a six foot radius in total, didn't do that much to provide space as it was cluttered with a single desk, one chair for the 'administrator in service' and one other chair for whoever visitor felt the need to sit down. In front of the desk there would be about five foot of space left for people to pick up their mission, whereas the whole back area was covered with bookcases containing a massive amount of processed scrolls that had been amassed through time and were supposedly to be transported back to Kumogakure for increased safety. Unfortunately, the busy times had pushed that transport to a lower priority. Indeed, the protection of such valuable information partially weighed down on the shoulders of the current administrator, the squad guarding the administration tent on its own and every pair of vigilant eyes walking within the camp.

Behind the desk, Mizuki would be seated, a light blue hanfu adorning her lithe body, her hair put up with the help of a senbon keeping it in place. Blue-green eyes would dart over the contents of the scroll that she had laying before her, the large pile of 'to-do' on her left side indicating she was from done with her current work. Though a boring chore, the kunoichi would proceed with discipline and diligence while she processed the tasks coming up from higher hand. For a moment, her mind wandered off to the times when Lin was still Raikage and how she had helped her out with menial yet similar tasks as these - too low in rank to be entrusted the contents of such information, but physically old enough to assist in other ways. And now, so many years in the future of that remembered past, she was not too far off of being the Raikage's personal assistant again. She had been his herald making his claim on the hat known to the world, she was a diplomat voicing his desires and goals for Kumogakure, and now she was doing administrative work too boot. Ironic how history could repeat itself and yet keep up a modicum of difference.

Hearing the shuffling of footsteps on the sand, Mizuki would raise her eyes from the paper scroll and rest her eyes on the next person that would step inside the tent. As by administrative routine, she would move her hand to indicate the visitor could take a seat if they so wished, before she would ask a simple request.

"Please state your full name and your shinobi rank"


2Delegation of Duties [Invite | NK] Empty Re: Delegation of Duties [Invite | NK] Wed Jun 27, 2018 12:45 pm

Ryo Knetegawa

Ryo Knetegawa

Ryo heaved a heavy sigh. His younger brother and sister were not genin of skill yet. Still, if they continued to rise in skill level to such a degree then it would be no time at all until they were sent out here to the front lines. This was a war, and war was no place for children. His brother and sister barely had selected their own puppets and now were going to be expected to fight. Granted it made him laugh that his brother had chosen simple house cats, while his sister had chosen dogs. It did make him laugh. He had seen his older sister here already, and she was leading groups of shinobi into the lands in order to make attacks and complete missions. She was not one to underestimate, nor would she be without skill he had to admit. He was still a chuunin which meant that he had to stick around waiting for orders instead of acting on his own like he would prefer.

To receive such orders Ryo was now heading towards the administration tent. This was the tent where he had to go receive orders. He had gone to it many times before, and he well knew what it had inside of it. He was just curious what his current mission could possibly be. He had returned from his last mission with Raphael Kozai not all that long ago, and to be sent out again so soon would be a drag. He wanted to tend to Kuro, he needed to do a bit of fine tuning and of course, he also had to clean out the sand that was surely in Kuro’s joints by now. This was the crux of being in the land of wind. Sand got everywhere and if one wasn’t careful then it would cause one’s puppets to be gummed up and slow them down. Of course, he also was thinking about his next set of children. Midori and her sister Ki’iro. He had finished developing them, they were ready to start being put together. Yet, with him being so far from his clan’s estate and thus the workshop he couldn’t run off to make them. He would have to make do with what he had.

As he walked in he made sure that his Kumo headband was strapped to his forehead. He wore black shinobi pants; his long-sleeved blue shirt was under his off-white T-shirt and all of this was covered by the sand brown Knetegawa coat that was his clan’s typical uniform in the land of wind. The black shinobi sandals made soft sounds as the walked across the tent. He took it all in at a glance and was sure that this was safe. No trap or anything like that. The woman behind the desk was interesting to say the least, and he wasn’t sure he had met her before, but she was pretty. Shaking his head rapidly he worked to forget this kind of thing. He did not want his nose to start bleeding here, and he would not get in trouble for such a disgraceful act. He stood before the desk next to the chair deciding already not to take a seat in it. His purple blood drop tattoos stood out on his pale face, his hands tucked into the pockets of his coat and he kept the sides tucked close to his body so as not to allow his scroll harness to be seen so easily and waited.

He didn’t have to wait very long at all. Soon enough Mizuki looked up at him and he bowed his head slightly to show her the respect that she deserved as a Special Jounin. When she gave him the instruction he cleared his throat and spoke clearly “My name is Ryo Knetegawa. I am a Chuunin. I am reporting for my next assignment or set of instructions.” He states looking the woman before him up and down in a curious sort of way.


3Delegation of Duties [Invite | NK] Empty Re: Delegation of Duties [Invite | NK] Mon Jul 02, 2018 2:08 pm

Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

A teenager had stepped into the tent, sand brown coat cloaking all but the black pants and ditto sandals he was wearing. The headband he wore revealed his affiliation, his hands tucked in his pocket as he answered her question without hesitation. He had bowed his head in respect, but didn't feel the need to take her offer to sit down. Dutiful, disciplined. His first impressions were rewarded with a welcoming smile. Mizuki would stand up and briefly move to the back area to take out a folder bearing the label, "Knetegawa, Ryo", and flip the pages and reports bundled together. Additional information concerning his identity would be revealed to her, the delivered reports of his missions reassessed by the reports brought in by higher ranked shinobi keeping an eye out should they have been in the vicinity. The most eye-catching report, and the most recent one too, held a suggestion and approval that the boy would be ready for a higher rank soon. It lacked a few more reports to confirm that suggestion, but the kunoichi's interest was piqued nonetheless. Stepping back to the desk and sitting down on the chair again, Mizuki would fold the dossier and meet the boy's gaze of curiosity.

"Browsing the information we have on you, it looks like you're doing very well. It warms my heart to know we have such a commendable shinobi among our troops, and as such I'm inclined to assign you a mission that might will test your skills and sense of team work.", she'd pause for a moment as she took out a paper from the staple resting on the desk next to her. "This would be a B rank mission. As you may know, the dangers that come with B rank missions may require you to put your health on the line for the success of your mission. As such, should you accept this endeavour, I will do what is needed to get you paired up with others of respectful skill so as to raise the chances of success."

Her eyes would scan over the content of the page again. She already knew what was on there, but refreshing her mind with the finer details never hurted. Sunagakure had become a lawless and dangerous land despite the ruins. Well-armed bandits had taken refuge in those sections that proved to hold some better sort of defence, rebuild and fortified it into small bunkers and were applying guerrilla tactics on passing convoys with more weapons, rations and treasures. What didn't bring in something of worth served as a message to others they had not given up the fight to keep Sunagakure. Their resolution was an admirable feat but the hazard was that these men made no difference between shinobi of the Nations or refugees trying to find shelter. To them, all were cattle ripe for the slaughter as their grief and blind anger drove them to view the remnants in black and white only.

"Droves of bandits have made travel for inexperienced shinobi and refugees alike. Since it is the Raikage's wish to grant these refugees passage and shelter, it is our solemn duty to take down those who would oppose that decree. Since you originate from the Lands of Wind and know better than anyone of us where to threat, I would like you to be the one offering insight in the lay of the land in addition to stand at their side with your puppeting skills. I believe this mission could make good use of your talents, but the question to be asked is: how do you view the difficulty compared to your skills?"

Mizuki would quietly await his answer, being all ears to perceive his input.

Total: 1246

4Delegation of Duties [Invite | NK] Empty Re: Delegation of Duties [Invite | NK] Wed Jul 04, 2018 3:12 am

Ryo Knetegawa

Ryo Knetegawa

He watched her with eagle eyes as she walked over to retrieve a file. The file had his name on it considering that he could see it, and he was not happy to see that. If there was a file on him, then that meant that they would likely have the information that he didn’t really want them to find. He had nothing to hide, but he was sure that it would make things awkward with the higher ups if they realized just how connected he was to Sunagakure. Of course, his clan had branches in three of the formerly five great shinobi villages, but he didn’t want them to question his loyalty. Loyalty to him was the first, and foremost trait that he prized in himself.

Hearing that she was browsing the information on him he sighed shaking his head. He knew full well that this meant she would have information on his past. They would surely know where he came from, where those of his family who left the former land of wind would have gone, and how they would’ve come from. All in all, she would likely know everything, but they wouldn’t know the missions that he went on for Sunagakure. Yet, his mind was brought to a grinding halt in just an instant and he stared at her in shock. She was telling him that he was a commendable shinobi, that he was valuable, and that she was inclined to assign him a mission that would test him. He bowed his head to her in respect “I am very grateful to you.” Was all he said before looking to the paper that she had taken from the staple on her desk.

Raising a brow as he heard what rank the mission would be, and he smiled slightly the only betrayal of the sign that he enjoyed the prospect of getting a high-ranking mission. He nodded his head to show that he understood “I am a shinobi, risking my life, and health is part of what I am. It matters little and less. I don’t plan to throw my life away, nor would I dream of dishonoring my clan by failing a mission. I appreciate any help you can or will offer me to increase the chances of success, but no need to tell me the risks. I know them better than most.” He said bowing his head again as a sign of respect.

He waited for the mission to be explained and wondered just what kind of mission it would be. Hearing it explained, however, a slow change came over his body. His eyes lost their pupils or at least seemed to, and his whole demeanor changed. He took on a much more focused air, and his eyes were as cold as ice. His suspicions were correct they well knew that he came from the land of winds, and it seemed that they were going to use this to help them. Hearing the question about how it compares against his ability he gave a shrug “Bandits are not an issue, but you are right that without knowledge of the lay of the land our shinobi would be utterly hopeless. I know several locations that bandits would likely use. I also know locations that would be ideal for refugees to bunker down. That was what my clan tried to do, we evacuated as many of the civilians as was possible to these locations. The difficulty is not in the bandits, it’s not in the travel. It comes in the flushing out the bandits and killing them. It also is a task of bringing the refugees back to our camp in one piece. Bandits are likely to attack us on the way back.”

He said as he lowered his head to try and think about it. Nodding his head in agreement with himself he said “It is worthy of that rank, and I would be delighted to take it. The people of the land of Winds need to be saved from the madness and vileness of these bandits.”

Total: 1,366

5Delegation of Duties [Invite | NK] Empty Re: Delegation of Duties [Invite | NK] Fri Jul 06, 2018 4:19 pm

Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

Mizuki listened carefully to Ryo's input on the matter, watched the change in his posture as her words reached him. She had seen such changes happen so many times now. Amazement at their recognition of skill, pride at the idea of a mission requiring responsibility, then the nonchalance and believe of being beyond the risks. Yes, many before Ryo had shown such signs and he certainly would not be the last. The desire to prove themselves as being capable of handling such missions just fine, as if the risk of death was just a fairy tale to scare the kids. Mizuki's eyes would shine with mirth. If his supervisors didn't believe he was ready, she wouldn't have been given him this mission. Pride was more than in place. She quietly hoped it would not push him to live with his head in the clouds.

"We have several teams in action currently trailing bandits to their hideout, finding these refugees. Not every team is in luck to be appointed a shinobi with your knowledge of the land, but as you've most likely been taught, a shinobi must be capable of surpassing such obstacles. That said, we have two places sheltering refugees where a couple of shinobi are keeping an eye out and waiting for reinforcements. Since a few of these refugees are wounded and the assigned shinobi team has come to be under attack several times now, having lost two of their members at the hands of the bandits, your team will be given the duty to assist that team and escort the refugees to a nearby Kumogakure camp."

Her eyes would dart over the scroll once more, a distant look in her eyes and a slight frown of worry as she remembered her own adventure in Kumogakure's slums and the unexpected lethality. She had gone out on her own, but what she had done could easily have been considered a B-rank mission if administration had so much as an inkling of an idea what she was about to do. She had been foolish despite her good intentions. She didn't want a repetition of such events.

"If your team brings this to a good end, I may have a follow-up mission for you involving proper retaliation against those same bandits. We will not stand for their brutality against the refugees or our own. However, the safety of your team should always be a greater priority than the eagerness to be appointed a new mission. I will expect nothing less but utmost diligence from you and your team."

Her tone would be dead serious for just a moment, speaking more to his sense of responsibility than the pride of being appointed B rank missions. After a couple of seconds where her words would be given time to sink in, she'd pass him the scroll with all the required details for his mission for him to read.

Mizuki would sit down again, overlooking his dossier again with a pensive look. If his supervisors deemed him capable of a higher rank, it meant he had come to a point where his initial specialisation would come close to certain mastery. Knowing that many special jounin picked up a new set of skills to complement their own and seeing as how the time-pressed shinobi of Kumogakure had found little time to pick up a brief assessment on the young man's growth, Mizuki decided it would not be a bad time to do so now.

"Just out of curiosity, Knetegawa-san... Reports state that your growth in skills has slowly diminished as you reach a certain maturity and mastery, suggesting branching out and searching for new talents might be an option to consider. Are there any skills you have in mind which you would like to pick up to complement your kugutsu and ninjutsu skills?"

Total: 1896
Thread wc: 3262

6Delegation of Duties [Invite | NK] Empty Re: Delegation of Duties [Invite | NK] Sat Jul 07, 2018 10:09 pm

Ryo Knetegawa

Ryo Knetegawa

He listened to the information that was being given to him. The teams that were in action trailing bandits back to their hideouts were likely to find themselves with plenty of foes to slay. Ryo was sure that this was going to be the best of things. He hated these damned bandits and they ruined his home country. Hearing that there were indeed shelters where refugees were staying he smiled sighing in relief. He loved the people of the land of winds, but he didn’t have much hope for them. The mission that was given to him was one that he was perfectly happy to receive. He would indeed assist the team and escort the refugees to the Kumogakure camp. This was the least that he could do for the people of the land of winds.

He looked to her with a raised brow as she looked over the scroll. He shook his head gently “If you are afraid please do not be. I have slain bandits since I was a Genin living in Sunagakure. The bandits of the land of winds are many, but they are less skilled than ninja academy students. Slaying them isn’t a hard thing to do but getting all of them is the big problem.” He said simply as he told her the truth that was his life. He recalled such a time when that fascinating and strapping man with all the stitches was walking with him. They were set upon by many and more of the vile bandits. Yet, he didn’t have his son as strong as he was now and didn’t have the skills that he had now.

The rest of the details were pleasant enough, and he nodded his head in agreement “I shall be sure to give my full attention to the team I am working with, and the guarding of the refugees. I shall do my best to be sure that none of them come to harm.” He said with a bit of angry fire in his voice. He didn’t want to let any of the refugees die, they were the last hope for the land of winds, and in his deepest heart of hearts, he prayed that they would be able to escape and grow strong under the guard of the Raikage. All of this in the preparation of restoring the land of winds to its rightful place.

He nodded his head having understood the tone and he well knew the responsibility that was being placed upon his shoulders. Taking the scroll, he read it over for himself. He was making sure that he read it over, over, and over again. He seemed to be burning the details of the mission into his memory as if his life depended upon it. What Mizuki would not know, however, was that this was his typical fashion when he was handed scrolls for his missions. He made sure that he would not allow his mind to forget any piece of information that might just save his life in the future.

He blinked as he heard her words. Looking up at her he tilted his head “I still have much and more to learn about Ninjutsu, and I would not allow myself to slow up in progress. True my skill with Kugutsu is nearly as good as any jounin, but that comes from my years spent in my family. We are masters of Kugutsu, and now that Sunagakure is gone we are likely to be among the greatest of the puppet masters left in the world.” He thought about this for a long moment and he nodded his head as he knew what skills would be the best “I plan to specialize in Bukijutsu, preferably Kyujutsu as it would be the best to keep enemies at bay. I am not skill in Taijutsu. Then I think Onojutsu should be the next one. As a puppeteer the weapons that I make are very unusual and they would be a very hard thing to wield otherwise. After Bukijutsu, I think I should take the time to seriously address my lacking in physical hand to hand combat. So, if I do not add Kenjutsu, or perhaps Bojutsu to my skill set, then I should indeed take on Taijutsu when I am skilled enough to branch out again. If I do have Kenjutsu, or Bojutsu, then I think that Medical ninjutsu, would serve me the best. True I have a hard time getting healing from the medical corp as it is, but whose to say I couldn’t learn to be better.”


Last edited by Ryo Knetegawa on Sun Jul 08, 2018 11:26 am; edited 1 time in total

7Delegation of Duties [Invite | NK] Empty Re: Delegation of Duties [Invite | NK] Sun Jul 08, 2018 5:40 am

Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

Mizuki herself wasn't all too familiar with Kugutsu. Coming from a tradition of ninjutsu and a lineage of kenjutsu, her road had been so much as set. Kumogakure generally was not too keen on puppets, preferring a disciplined and direct approach to things, like thunder so to speak, but that didn't mean there were no Kumo-nin that weren't interested. If she remembered well, her own kyujutsu sensei had a knack for genjutsu. Hearing Ryo go on about how he was thinking to pick up bukijutsu to complement his puppet techniques made the kunoichi think about it. A puppet using a bow could greatly improve the archer's range, while kenjutsu on both the puppeteer and the puppet could make for a dangerous flanking combination. Could a kusarigama serve as an extension of puppeting strings? There was much she didn't know about the possibilities of puppeting, but she'd nod slowly as she saw the strategies before her eyes.

"I can see how bukijutsu would be a great asset to your skills. Blade, bow or unorthodox weaponry, bukijutsu adds a great variety of options considering how many sub-specialisations it offers. If you are certain of your choice, I'd like to offer you a deal. Bring this mission to a good end and I'll accept you as my student for kenjutsu and kyujutsu.", she'd pause some, leaving her offer hanging to gauge his reaction. "The Raiu dojo is known as one of the greater dojos in Kumogakure when it's about kenjutsu practices while the kyujutsu arts I'll pass to you are taught by Zetsume Zix, one of, if not the, greatest archer in Kumogakure. I may not rival his skills but it would be an honour to share with you what he taught me."

Her offer would grant him two of his desired options. The extend to which he used the specialisations would be up to him but as the new owner of the Raiu dojo it had now become her diligent duty and pride to keep the kenjutsu spirit of her family alive. In similar fashion she didn't want Zetsume's kyujutsu techniques to be lost either. As a member of the Kyudora, his talents for the bow were beyond comprehension, their techniques having lived through the ages because of their efficiency and unrivalled power.

"As for the other weapon specialisations, I'm afraid you'd have to find yourself a different teacher as I do not possess the proper skill or insight in the use of onojutsu or soujutsu to teach you."

She could pick up the weapons and use them to some extend, of course. Using a spear was not all that different from a sword in principle but she would be no match against someone who knew the weapon through and through much like she knew her own weapons. Not being someone to snoop away the honour of another, Mizuki preferred to leave such lessons in the capable hands of the experts.

Total: 2402
Thread wc: 4538

8Delegation of Duties [Invite | NK] Empty Re: Delegation of Duties [Invite | NK] Sun Jul 08, 2018 10:37 pm

Ryo Knetegawa

Ryo Knetegawa

Ryo felt that he really didn’t need to have the options explained to him. He well knew how useful Bukijutsu would be to him as well. That was why he had planned on studying it. Even if that meant he would have to swallow his pride and ask it of his sister. She was no archer, but she well knew Onojutsu, and she was really one he would consider to be the best or a master of the craft. He let nothing be seen on his face however and stood there very silently. Then she made her offer. If he completed this mission with a positive result then she would accept him as a student for both Kenjutsu, and Kyujutsu. His eyes went wide, and he couldn’t believe the offer. He barely knew anything about the dojo that she was talking about and knew nothing of this ‘zetsume zix’ that she spoke of. This didn’t matter at all to him, what did matter was that he had found a teacher to teach him two of the most important arts. If he could learn Kenjutsu, then he wouldn’t have to worry about just learning Taijutsu.

He waved her apology away gently “Fear not sensei. I know of a master of Onojutsu, and she is blood of my blood. However, I barely want to ask for her training. Still, I am honored that you would offer to teach me both Kenjutsu, and Kyujutsu. It is truly a great gift you are offering to give me. I shall do all I can to be worthy of it.” He said giving her a far more respectful bow that would hopefully show her that he was indeed grateful. He could imagine the various things that he could do with both Kyujutsu and Kenjutsu. This would allow him to use bows, he could perhaps equip Kuro, or Shiro with a crossbow that he could shoot with one hand, while he conducted the twin puppet with his other. All in all it would be a great benefit. Kenjutsu would give him the ability to fight blade against fist with those who got too close, and this was truly the greatest weakness of all the puppet masters in the world. Learning Kenjutsu would put that weakness behind him, and it would make him much, much harder a foe to attack by anyone.

He then cleared his throat as he finished looking over the mission “When shall I begin? I am ready to set off at once. My gear is packed, my son is ready to fight and guard. I need only a canteen of water which I can get from most anywhere. I am ready to begin the mission at once.” He said handing her back the parchment that held the mission details on it. He had committed all of them to memory, and didn’t need to keep the parchment on hand any longer.

Total: 2,627

9Delegation of Duties [Invite | NK] Empty Re: Delegation of Duties [Invite | NK] Tue Jul 10, 2018 4:43 am

Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

An eager student. From the way his eyes widened at the offer to the depth of his bow, Ryo showed his respect and appreciation for a gift of this sort. Mizuki smiled, glad to see that the boy could appreciate an offer this rare. The kunoichi, though far from shy to teach others the arts she had been taught, didn't often go out of her way to select her students. Most of the time, the students came to the dojo or her father. Since his passing and since she was not at home at this point, the dojo had not been open even once as her duties called for her attention elsewhere. Here, in Sunagakure, she had met one person whom had sought her out for training - Verdandi - and now Ryo would be the first one to be offered training.

Shaping the future of Kumogakure. That was what it was truly about.

"And I'm sure you will not disappoint, Ryo-san. The art of the katana is one steeped in traditions. Though the way of the sword varies greatly from man to man and purpose to purpose, every katana embodies the same values. Discipline and diligence, for without those qualities one simply can't master the blade. I'm of a mind you hold both values within you."

Few would recognise these values in bandits, claiming they held no discipline as they rummaged through the land and made life difficult but the truth was different. Every weapon required discipline to be trained and diligence to be mastered. Those who could use a blade possessed an inkling of those qualities. Those who became sword masters had refined these qualities to pure diamonds.

Ryo's eagerness to learn made him fidgety, asking her when he was about to begin. Mizuki took a moment to think about this. She had yet to find the rest of his team, which could easily take in the rest of the afternoon. Performing the mission at night, though admirable, mostly suffered the problem chuunin had yet to develop their eye sight to a proper  sense of night vision.

"I'll be getting your team together today, so you'll have the rest of the day to make your preparations for the mission. Tomorrow morning, at sun's rise, your team will start moving. Before you go, are there any other inquiries on your end?"

Information was important. Though the mission file provided much, perhaps there were questions concerning the mission remaining that only a puppet master such as Ryo could think off, questions about the training offered, or questions completely unrelated to the former two the young shinobi deemed necessary to know.

Total: 2849
Thread wc: 5476

OOC: Push for the 3500 wc? Then I can use it as a social as well.

10Delegation of Duties [Invite | NK] Empty Re: Delegation of Duties [Invite | NK] Wed Jul 11, 2018 5:43 am

Ryo Knetegawa

Ryo Knetegawa

Ryo listened to the explanation about the art of the Katana. He well knew many of the traditions already, several members of his clan, especially in Kirigakure were very talented swordsmen. However, puppetry was an artform, and a tradition filled talent as well. In his clan, their art and the traditions they held to were so deeply rooted that going against them would be simply unheard of. Discipline and Dilegence were laughable. He had those in spades, it took both to create puppets as grand as his, and the long hours, the many trials and errors, of bringing one of his children to life made even the best swordsman’s training look like easy work. At least in his opinion. Still, he was tactful and he simply nodded his head saying “I believe I do. Making puppets requires both as well.”

Hearing that he would have the day to make his preparations made Ryo a bit sad, however, he understood. Not everyone was like him and went to every mission briefing they had ready to go right then and there. The time was set, tomorrow morning at sunrise. He would be wherever they needed him to be, and he would bring his A game. The inquiry was the part that he wanted. He wanted to ask many more questions, but at the same time he didn’t want to ask any at all. The more questions he asked the longer it would take to get on with the mission, the sooner he could get on with the mission the sooner he would be able to retire back to Kumogakure and hopefully, if all was willing then she would be able to start his training in the arts of Kyujutsu, and Kenjutsu. Yet, he wanted to ask several questions about how the training would work, and various other things of that nature. None of that was relating to the mission so he decided that he would have to just keep those questions to himself and out of the way for now. After several long moments he shook his head slowly “I only need to know where we are to gather at sunrise sensei. Once I know that, then I shall leave and make my preparations.” He said in that same respectful, and ready tone that seemed to be a staple of his.

As soon as he got the time that he would have to meet his team at then he would bow to his new sensei yet again before saying “Thank you, I shall endeavor to give you the results that we all want.” With that he would leave the tent and head to the tent that his family had erected.

The tent was large as befit a clan that wanted to live together. However, it was mostly a long hallway broken up by several different sections. Each one of these sections was fairly small considering. Ryo found his next to his older sister’s of course she had been sent here along with him and several others of the family. Most of the Knetegawa here were actually from Sunagakure with only a few of the Kumogakure branch in attendance. His mother was here as well, but she was usually on much harder missions. Still, it was almost like they were back home, and it was only thanks to the cramped quarters that Ryo remembered they weren’t. He sat on the floor of his ‘room’ and summoned up Kuro on his bed. With the care and precission of a master Puppeteer he began to disassemble his beloved first born. When Kuro was completely in pieces Ryo began the much needed if slightly tedious work of cleaning all of the pieces. He made sure to carefully blow out all of the sand that had likely accumulated between the joints, it was the flaw of all puppets in the land of winds. Sand gets everywhere and if one wasn’t careful then the sand would clog up the joints and slow the puppet’s reaction times, and maneuverability. This would likely lead to serious damage to the puppet and Ryo wouldn’t allow such harm to befall his children. While Ryo worked on this task he thought long and hard about the map that he was shown, and the details of his mission. It was fairly straight forward and while some of the bandits may prove to be former soldiers of the Daimyo, or possibly even shinobi that went rogue the majority would not be. These people were slime, and they had been plaguing the land of wind and especially Sunagakure for many years. He would relish in their destruction and their deaths. Still, he would have to hamper that desire for blood as he had to defend refugees from these vile vermin. He couldn’t make any kind of concrete plan unless he knew the composition of his team, and he wouldn’t know that until he met them. For now, he would make several plans and be ready to implement one of them should the chance arise. If he was partnered with one of each kind of shinobi, while each of them could fight at a different range then it would be simple. He excelled at mid-range to close-range combat, and with the senbon shooter of Kuro he could do some long range. He would need to wait until some of his other children were born before he would be able to excel at long range combat, or until he learned Kyujutsu of course. Then he would be able to handle long range combat just fine.

Finally, Kuro was dusted out, and the sand was removed. Now Ryo had to put him back together. This wasn’t that hard of a process to do, but it was just time consuming. He took his time to carefully make sure that each and every piece of his beloved Kuro was in it’s proper place and they all fit together as they should. By the time the sun was going down Kuro was once more put together as he was meant to be, and was fully prepared for battle. Ryo smiled and pet his son’s head affectionately before he lay the scroll out on the floor placed Kuro in place and sealed his puppet inside of his home. Rolling up the scroll and putting it in place Ryo stood up and walked out of the tent towards the cooking fire where his clan had already gathered for the evening meal. He sat down next to his older sister and his mother watching her as she ate. He cleared his throat lightly and looked up at her “I need to be trained in Bukijutsu. Onojutsu is your specialty. Would you teach me what you know?”

This caused both Ryo’s mother and his sister to look at each other, then at him. His sister cleared her throat lightly “Well, yes I can teach you, and yes I will teach you. If you would like to learn.” She said finishing rather awkwardly.

He nodded his head a couple of times “Yes, I do want to. I need to learn more skills.” He said simply. When the meal was done he made his way back to his tent to get some rest before sunrise.

Total: 3,849

11Delegation of Duties [Invite | NK] Empty Re: Delegation of Duties [Invite | NK] Fri Jul 13, 2018 4:29 pm

Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

The conversation would end with a last question. Where did they meet up? There were few points of recognition in a simple camp as this so the gates had become a common rally point. North, east, west. Any of those had become the new gather points. However, since the mission required them to go north-east mostly, the west gate was a less likely option. And strategically, the north gate was the better choice just in case a situation occurred where additional troops would need to be mobilised.

"I'll send your team to the north gate since the location of the team in need of rescue is in the north-east."

The sun would rise as they moved to their location. An unfortunate disadvantage that couldn't be lifted considering the high priority of the rescue party, but perhaps those of good faith would come to see it as the rise of new hope. How cheesy the idea sounded, Mizuki hoped that the team she would be assembling for Ryo would, indeed, bring the hope needed for these refugees. Sunagakure had already suffered enough as it was. Its corruption had been eradicated yet the open wound that were the ruins was left to fester, drawing in poverty and less savoury types. Now it was condemned to a second sweep to get the puss out of the wound and leave a scar which would be written in the history of the Five Nations just so Sunagakure would be given the final respite and the possibility to be reborn from its ashes into a new worthy Nation. Mitsuo had been given an easy way out by Hastur. That much was certain.

"Swift winds, Ryo-san. I'll be waiting for your positive result.", she'd return the bow to him, watching how he left the tent with renewed determination. A higher rank mission entrusted upon him, a promise that would benefit his future. She'd allow a smile to herself. Building up the future like this. Improving upon the young and seeing their talents bloom into a beautiful set of skills... These little things made it worth doing administrative work like this. For a brighter future she wouldn't hesitate to lift her katana. For these reasons, Mizuki would stand on the front to strike down those that tried to stop it. And yet she couldn't shake off the feeling she was not bringing a time of peace. It felt like she brought the cold darkness of the night and the space where stars quietly drifted through in their distance.

Mizuki would shake her head. Clear it from the darker thoughts that had been lurking more and more often in the corners of her mind. She had work to do. A large pile of missions and reports to process still. If she thought back to the days where Lin as kage was the one doing those and regularly escaped her room to take a breather, she could no longer blame her for doing so. This was but a friction of what Lin had to deal with back then, and Mizuki already felt the same bratty desire to find something different to do. No can do though. Taking a deep breath, she would sit back behind the desk and pick up the next report from the staple.

Before she'd be able to read its contents, another shinobi would enter, arms burdened with scrolls and reports, his eyes barely peeking over the mountain as she tried to make sure not to drop any of them. As Mizuki stood up to deliver him of his burden, he'd sigh and wipe the sweat of his face before thanking her.

"Got two more of those heaps to do, and your replacement was called for assistance in an emergency mission. 'fraid you'll be stuck here for a while longer, Mizuki."
"Thank you for informing me, Kagu-san. Such unforeseen situations can't be helped. Do not worry, I'll just be taking a brief pause and take over Karazumi-san's duties"
"One would almost believe you were born to delegate and organise", he'd say, scratching the back of his head, unlocking the glint of mirth in her eyes.
"I had a good teacher who, unfortunately, disliked this sort of work."
"Fortunate for us you haven't decided on setting this work ablaze yet. I'm sure I would have."
"Not having any katon techniques helps resist the temptations."

He'd laugh and nod in comprehension. Seeing as how duty called again, he'd lift two fingers to his head in salute and vanish to bring in the rest of the promised scrolls, leaving the kunoichi with an ever increasing mountain of paperwork to handle.

This would be a long day...


Total: 3648
-1250 Zhinu: training to C-rank
-2000 Zhinu: training to B-rank

Thread wc: 7817

Last edited by Raiu Mizuki on Sun Jul 15, 2018 10:51 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : + WC of Ryo's last post)

12Delegation of Duties [Invite | NK] Empty Re: Delegation of Duties [Invite | NK] Sun Jul 15, 2018 9:57 am

Ryo Knetegawa

Ryo Knetegawa

Ryo had obtained the information about where his meeting would have to take place with his team. This was the best in his mind. He noticed the direction that they would have to be traveling for the majority of the trip. When they walked back however, he would have to change the direction ever so slightly. The reason being that the sands in the path were far too deep and treacherous for anyone who were not shinobi. There were also a few pits of quick sand that would have to be avoided with one person traveling alone the route he wanted to take was easy. With shinobi it would be easy to pass through without incident.

The asking of his question at dinner really did unnerve his older sister, but there was nothing that she could do about that, considering the fact that she was both flattered and horrified that he would actually ask her for her help. Ever since she lost her arm in the fall of Sunagakure she hadn’t really trained as much as she had with her weapons or her puppets. She had been having to try and relearn how to do anything at all with her new puppet arm.

When Ryo walked into the tent the two older Knetegawa women looked to each other with raised eyebrows before they just watched him go into his bed.

The next morning Ryo was up before sunrise and he was waiting at the gate that he was told to wait at. He sat down in the cool sand waiting for the sun to rise, and he played with his kunai in one hand a bit absentmindedly. Finally, when the sun came up he met with his team and they all set off at once heading towards the spot that was indicated on the map that they had all seen. The mission was on and they would complete it.

[Exit Thread]
Total: 4,169
Raiton from B to A rank 3000/3000
Perception C to C1: 575/575 w 100 Ryo
Speed C to C1: 575w 100 Ryo

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