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1A Moonless Night (Bounty Hunt) Empty A Moonless Night (Bounty Hunt) Sat Jul 14, 2018 7:56 pm



Name: Kiryu, Tente
Age: 43
General Appearance: here
Personality: Tente is a psychopathic extortionist and hit man for the missing forces. Feared by many he’s a juggernaut of a man and deceptively intelligent despite his fury. Believing might makes right, he’s not one to go down easy, but also, he’s not one to despise losing.
Goals: Tente wants little more than to carve a space for himself out in the world, to live in the lap of luxury that he’s smashed out for himself with his own two fists.
Abilities: Tente is a B rank opponent with A-1 strength and endurence with B-0 stats across the board on everything else. He’s a capable Doton user with B Rank Taijutsu (Strength) and Ninjutsu. He’s more than capable of performing all library techniques he’d be capable of using. Tente’s skin is considered light armor of his rank with the base defensive characteristics.
Items: Tente travels in a troupe of 3 including himself. His two drinking buddies are the only members of his notorious gang but individually lead large gangs of their own. Each of them is a C rank opponent with C-2 stats across the boar as well as assorted C rank equipment and light armor from the item catalogue. Each of them have C rank bukijutsu and come with various D rank, D-0 stat thugs as little more than fodder in an almost unending supply.
Requirements: A ninja must have taken operation earthshaker targeting Tente’s groups thugs as well as 2 other quest missions tracking / locating or hunting down Tente in order to take this bounty.Or 3 quest missions seeking them out. Defeating Tente rewards 5 EP to all participants.

2A Moonless Night (Bounty Hunt) Empty Re: A Moonless Night (Bounty Hunt) Sat Jul 14, 2018 8:01 pm



The young shinobi let out a heavy sigh as he crouched down into the sand, he had finally reached his destination. It had taken the boy weeks to track this man down, but at last all of his hard work was about to pay off. He had hoped he would have been able to find the man sooner than this, but considering how reclusive the man seems to be the boy is lucky that he found him at all. The boy took a slow deep breath before raising his head up above the sand dune he was crouched behind, just in time to see the man he had been following enter into a cave that was a approximately fifty meters or less ahead of where the boy was now. "So this must be Tente's place," the boy stated allowed though no one else was around to hear it. His words were for the most part for himself, as if he was confirming what he was thinking by saying it aloud made him feel better about the situation or something. The boy did not move yet should a look out be hidden within the shadows of the cave. Channeling his chakra into the air the boy released small pulses of air covering a two hundred and fifty meter radius around him, ensuring that he would encounter no surprises going forward. By mixing his chakra into the air and spreading it over such a large distance, the young shinobi would be alerted to any movement that would disturb the air within his radius. With the cave not that far away from him, the boy probably did not need to spread it so far over the area, however it would allow him to see if there were perimeter guards or other forces stationed in the vicinity. After waiting to ensure his sense was accurate the only activity he picked up through his wind sense was the occasional movement within the cave,  however due to the size of the cave it was impossible to tell how many were actually inside or if there were any others that were not moving or asleep. Checking his gear to ensure that everything was in it's place. Waiting for the cover of darkness, the boy would make his approach under the moonless sky to the cave. Once he was satisfied that he could safely move in without drawing attention or alerting those inside that he was approaching, the young shinobi began a slow careful pace towards the cave entrance. He had no idea what he would encounter once he was inside the cave, however he remained on his guard and kept a watchful eye out for any traps that might hinder his approach.


3A Moonless Night (Bounty Hunt) Empty Re: A Moonless Night (Bounty Hunt) Sat Jul 14, 2018 8:32 pm



As he neared the mouth of the cave the young shinobi heard the echo of laughter coming from within, channeling chakra into his core the boy began to create a gyro of wind chakra flowing around his core allowing him to move easier as well as react faster, he still had no idea how many opponent's he would face but he knew that he would need to be prepared for anything that was thrown at him. Slowly creeping into the cave the boy pulled out three of his Kaminari Steel Shuriken, these Shuriken with the proper aim would be capable of ripping the throats out of his opponent's, but first he had to find them. The cave itself was much larger than the boy thought, leading down into the very earth itself making it look small on the outside however the inside of the cave seemed to go on forever. There were dozens of different tunnels each going to a different area of this subterranean dungeon cave, however as the boy continued on deeper into the cave he found that some of the tunnels must reconnect somewhere alone the lines as there would be multiple entrances to the chambers. The boy continued on using his wind sense to guide him towards the movement within the cave, as he neared a corner the boy heard the sound of two men talking. Taking a brief peek around the corner the boy would see the two men facing each other, but neither with an eye on the entrance to the chamber where the boy stood. He knew he would have to act fast if he was going to take them out without them alerting any others before they died, taking a slow deep breath the young special jounin readied himself to take his shot. Placing one of the Shuriken back inside his shuriken pouch the boy took the remaining two shuriken in each hand, his movement was so fast that if they had been looking at the doorway and blinked they would have missed it. Launching his shuriken with perfect aim right into the throats of the two men, the sound of them gargling and choking on their own blood the only sound to escape their lips. They were dead before they even realized they had been attacked, approaching his victims, the boy removed his shuriken from their throat before using the body elimination technique to destroy the evidence that he was there. It was just a precaution but it was better this way, no bodies meant that their deaths would not be discovered before he was able to complete his mission.


4A Moonless Night (Bounty Hunt) Empty Re: A Moonless Night (Bounty Hunt) Sat Jul 14, 2018 9:10 pm



Further movement deeper into the cave drew the boy towards the main chamber, now that he was able to get a sbetter read on the movement the boy realized he had walked into the hornets nest. The young shinobi could sense at least twenty individuals within this final chamber, and it was quite possible that there was more than that however until he laid eyes on the room he would not be able to know with any certainty. Due to the fact that he could not sense movement anywhere else in the cave the boy pushed onward towards the crowded chamber, doing his best to avoid being spotted as he tried to get a look around the room. There were three men on the far side of the room sitting in chairs, while the rest of the men in the room were either standing or sitting on the ground. Of the three sitting in chairs the one in the middle seemed to be the largest and sat in a more elegant chair compared to the other two, the young boy reached the conclusion that this man was Tente, the man he had come here for. The boy began running different scenarios in his mind, trying to find the most effective way that he would be able to take the men in the room out without losing his own life. Without knowing the skills of the men however his assessment would not be an accurate one, so long as no one in the room over shadowed his own ability he would hopefully be able to hold his own in this battle to come. Channelling chakra into his vocal cords the boy focused on the center of the ceiling of the room, as he began to speak the boy's whispering wind jutsu would make it so that it sounded as if his voice was coming from the ceiling and rather than whispering the voice would be loud enough to be heard by all those within the room, amplified even further by the natural make up of the cave. "Tente, my name is Myrddin of the village hidden in the cloud. You have caused a lot of trouble for the people of this land Tente, tell your men to stand down and surrender as there is no need for everyone here to lose their lives. Come in peacefully and I assure you that you will be given a fair trail for your crimes." The boy's voice rang through the cavern walls of the room, as those who stood within it began looking around the room for the source of the voice.


5A Moonless Night (Bounty Hunt) Empty Re: A Moonless Night (Bounty Hunt) Sat Jul 14, 2018 9:41 pm



A murmur filled the crowded room as those within the room became uncertain of the situation, a chuckle came from Tente followed shortly by the two that sat next to him. "Why don't ya come from the shadows little cloud and sho ya self?" Tente called out not moving from his seat, "the fact that ya are announcing ya self and asking for a surrender means ya ain't got the means to take all of us out." The man added sounding confident in his assumption, the boy however did not shy away from the man's challenge. Stepping out from around the corner the boy quickly scanned the room as all the wandering eye's fell onto him, Tente chuckled loudly seeing that the boy was so young compared to himself and his men. Raphael could see that most of the men were more than twice his age, he began doubting that they would be willing to peacefully surrender to someone half their age but he would still try to shed as little blood as possible. The boy could see the men tense and puff their chests, no doubt in an intimidate the boy or assert dominance over him. To the boy they looked like nothing but dogs awaiting the order from their master to attack, however the boy was not bothered by the dogs his eyes were fixed on the dog's master. "It does not have to be this way, there is no need for bloodshed. I have only come for Tente, the rest of you can return to your lives and live in peaceful and law abiding lives under the rule of the Raikage." Though the boy was speaking to the crowd of criminals in front of him, his eye's never faltered from Tente the boy was watching his every move. Though his eye's were fixated onto Tente he did still have the use of his wind sense meaning that he did not have to see his opponent in order to fight them, a fact the boy proved as two of the rabid dogs attacked. Without taking his eyes off of Tente the boy blocked the first one's punch before twisting his arm and pinning the man's arm with his, the second man started with a low kick to the boy's leg which Raphael picked up to dodge the attack before driving his foot down on the man's leg breaking it with a crack. As the man cried out in pain Raphael took his free arm and struck the man whose arm was he was still holding with his other hand square in the chest breaking some ribs as well as dislocating the man's shoulder before releasing the man's arm as he fell to the ground. The boy cracked his neck before sweeping his right leg behind him, crouching slightly as he bent his knees and tucked his right arm behind his back. "I guess we will do this the hard way," the boy stated as he motioned with his left arm for them to begin.


6A Moonless Night (Bounty Hunt) Empty Re: A Moonless Night (Bounty Hunt) Sat Jul 14, 2018 10:08 pm



The boy watched as Tente waved his hand for the men to do as they please while he sat back in his chair to watch, the man was either over confident in his men's ability or he was under estimating the boy's ability. No matter the reason the boy would soon show him the error of his arrogance, it was fortunate however that with where the boy stood in the room they could not all attack him at once at least not right away. With how the room made the way it was wider in the middle of the room, while the area closer to the walls or even the doorway where the boy stood was narrow. The two men that first attack still writhing in pain on the ground around the boy, the most that could attack at once was six but even then the boy could not help but feel as if they were at a hopeless disadvantage against him. The whole time he has had his hand behind his back the boy had been channeling chakra into his palm creating a ball of glowing chakra and they had no idea, they did not even wonder what he was doing with his hand. If they thought he was challenging them to fighting him with an arm behind his back then they would be sorely mistaken, once the chakra was ready the boy flicked his wrist launching the ball of glowing light into the air above him. Due to the simple fact that they were inside a cave the ball would not travel as high as it normally would, however the cave also gave an advantage of the bright flash working better in the low light that it would be more effective in blinding them. The boy smiled as he watched every head in the room look up at the ball as it floated into the air, even Tente watched the ball float up behind his back before looking back to the boy in time to see the boy give him a quick wink and then the flash went off. The orb of chakra flooded the dimly lit cave room with blinding light, the boy felt certain that everyone within the room would be blinded by the light, those that were looking upon the orb when it went off more so than those that were not but anyone that had their eyes open would not be able to see for the next little while at the very least. Now the boy would be free to deal with these trouble makers as he saw fit, it was then that the boy got the biggest surprise of the day. The men in their blind stupidity suddenly started swinging fist at anything that bumped into them, the boy watched as the men began beating each other up because they could not see their ally and thought them to be the boy.


7A Moonless Night (Bounty Hunt) Empty Re: A Moonless Night (Bounty Hunt) Sat Jul 14, 2018 10:36 pm



The boy watched as his opponent's began to dwindle their own numbers, he actually found it to be quite enjoyable, the idiots were doing his job for him. Unfortunately the fun could not last forever, a few managed to break away from the pack swinging their arms wildly in the air around them. They were no where close to where the boy stood, yet he figured he had enough fun for the time being and began taking action against the men that remained standing. Keeping his distance from the frailing arms of the men Raphael would systematically take out those who remained, starting by punching the one that was closest to him with such force that it sent him rocketing backwards into the group knocking multiple bandits down as a result. The boy chuckled softly to himself as he got closer to the next man, standing with his back to the man the young shinobi reached over his shoulders grabbing the man by his shoulders before pulling with all of his might launching the man over him as if the man was some kind of heavy thrown weapon. This resulted in the man flying over head into the pile of men still recovering from the first man that the boy had sent flying into them, a few cracked head but more over the men were mostly dazed rather than properly injured. Raphael moved through the disarray of the bandits taking them out one by one, with the occasional two at a time until there was not a single one of them left standing. The boy stood over all the downed bodies ensuring that there was no one left moving that could try to attack him with his back turned, not that it would matter as his wind sense granted him an insight without sight. The sound of a slow loud clap pulled the boy's attention to the far wall where Tente and the other two had been sitting, what the boy saw was Tente still sitting in his chair as if he had been watching everything that the boy had just done while the two that sat next to him was rubbing their eye's. The boy had no doubt that the men's eye's were still irritated from his blinding flash technique, the big question on the boy's mind was why did Tente seem so unaffected. "I must say I am impressed with yar abilities, but to be honest defeating my associate's subordinates is no real accomplishment. They were weak, in fact I should congratulate ya for helping me by taking them out. However if ya think I will give up just because ya best those weaklings, then I am afraid I have bad news for ya boy." Tente stated in the same confident tone as before, a smile on his face as he leaned forward in his chair. "Well if you think your associate's will stand a better chance against me then you have not been paying attention," the boy retorted as a smirk formed on his face. As if hearing the boy speak against them insulted them, the two men who sat next to Tente stood up on their feet. With a whistle from one of the men as they both stepped forward the young shinobi soon found himself set upon by ten more of the men's subordinates, these men complete unaffected by the boy's flare attack from earlier would mean that they would put up more of a fight for the boy than the others had and with the addition of Tente's personal men in the mix they might actually prove to be a challenge for the boy.


8A Moonless Night (Bounty Hunt) Empty Re: A Moonless Night (Bounty Hunt) Sat Jul 14, 2018 11:02 pm



Tente's lieutenants seemed to still be trying to adjust their eye's, so the young boy would use this time to his advantage. The boy knew he need to move fast, the biggest advantage the boy had was the close proximity of all of his opponent's. Channeling chakra into his foot the boy crouched a he preformed a leg sweep, releasing the chakra in an arc of wind towards the group of enemies. Just as the arc reached the low lives it formed in to a large twister, all the men that were caught by the tornado were sent into the air as the sharp winds of the twister covered theit bodies in lacerations. Due to the fact that they were standing inside a cavern rather than simply sending them into the air, the twister slammed the men into the ceiling of the cave, they were dead before they hit the ground. Once the twister subsided the boy rushed forward pulling out six shuriken from his pouch, holding three in each hand he launched them at the two men. The boy's hope of hitting them while they were still disoriented by the earlier flash was quickly dashed as both men pulled out a blade and knocked the shuriken away before they reached their targets. The boy was shocked by the men's coordination, they moved at the same time almost in unison. It was as if they were mirror images of each other, and if it was not for the fact that they looked different he could have been right. The two men charged toward the boy, sword still drawn as the readied to strike the boy. They pulled the swords over their head as they both went for a downward strike on the young shinobi, despite their precision and coordination the boy seemed rather uncaring about their attack. It could of been he was not worried because he had predicted their attack and had already devised a counter for their strikes, or it could of been that he knew that he could escape the attack. No matter why the boy was not worried, it came back to the core reason as to why. These men were far to slow compared to the boy, in the blink of an the tables were turned on the men as they were thrown across the room with their weapons knocked from their hands. The boy had seen their attack as soon as they started, he could tell by their movements what they had planned. His counter was set before they had even reached where he stood, and then seconds before their attack would hit the boy released his chakra in a blast radius that sent the men flying backwards away from him.


9A Moonless Night (Bounty Hunt) Empty Re: A Moonless Night (Bounty Hunt) Sat Jul 14, 2018 11:31 pm



The boy's chakra blast had little effect on detouring the men's resolve to continue their attacks, without worrying about their dropped weapons the men quickly resumed their dash towards the boy while they both simultaneously drew a new weapons from their sheaths. The boy however would not give them the chance to tag team thin again, instead the boy took off in a head on collision with one of the men cause the second to have to alter his course which put the pair out of sync. As the young special jounin charged the man he channeled a small amount of chakra into his hands and foot, when he got within range of the man he ducked under the man's blade and began striking the arm of the man that held the blade before giving the arm a powerful kick that launched the blade from the man's hand. Before the man had time to recover the boy grabbed his arm twisting it to the breaking point as he moved behind the man, putting the man in between himself and the man's partner who was attempting to skewer the boy from behind and it was too late for the partner to stop. The sound of the man's blade piercing through his ally was gut wrenching however it was something that couls not be avoided, Raphael looked into the eyes of the man who had just skewered his friend to find all the fight had left the man it was as if in killing his comrade he had killed a part of himself, the man was broken. What happen next took the boy by complete surprise he felt the earth shake as a crack began forming, he doubted this to be a natural occurance a fact he quickly proved to himself as he looked to find Tente was the cause. The man stood with his fist planted to the ground as the fissure began opening, the boy knew he had to move fast channelling his wind chakra into his feet the boy leapt into the air seconds before the ground beneath him disappeared. The bodies of the dead that once filled the room now filled the fissure below, as well as the man who had killed his partner. The fissure drew to close with the boy still hovering just above the ground level, the boy shunned himself for not sensing the man's movements before the attack but he had been distracted by the other two men he did not even notice that Tente had even stood from his seat. "Well who knew, clouds really do float," the man called across the room as he stood back up. "Oh well this place needed a good cleaning too many bodies would start to stink up the place ya know. Besides now we have a clean battlefield for me to slaughter you on," the man continued as he took a single step forward. The boy would not lower his guard against the man, he knew that Tente had a finesse to his earth style jutsu and would not give him the chance to attempt such a thing against him again. The boy lowered himself to mere inches above the ground, to where he was at the point that from where Tente stood it would look as if he was on the ground. "Not all of those men were dead," the boy shouted across the room, his voice echoing off the walls. Tente let out a laugh as his face darkened towards the boy, "who cares, they failed. They were of no use to me." The man's words struck a cord within the boy, this man was the lowest kind of low life that the boy had encountered. Throwing away the lives of men who had sworn allegiance to him just because they failed was something that the boy could not accept, the boy vowed to himself that he would make the man pay for those words.


10A Moonless Night (Bounty Hunt) Empty Re: A Moonless Night (Bounty Hunt) Sat Jul 14, 2018 11:51 pm



The man began forming handseal and the boy began to move, finally the real fight had begun. As the boy moved he began forming his own string of hand seals, just as he finished his string of seals the boy looked to see that the man had already finished his and was forming a large dragon's head out of the earth. Reaching out with his chakra as he continued to move around the room grabbing scraps of weaponry or even rocks shaping them into makeshift shuriken with his chakra, having to dodge one of the man's mud bullets in the process before launching his newly made shuriken at the man. The man shot off three more consecutive mud bullets before the boy's shuriken had managed to make it to him causing the boy to have to alter his course, but not before he saw a few of the make shift shuriken hit their mark. To the boy's dismay however the man seemed oddly unaffected by the shuriken, there was not so much as a flinch as the make shift shuriken bounces off of the man leaving no marks. The boy's mind raced with possibilities of whether the man could be using some kind of jutsu to protect himself, as he had to continue to dodge the man's mud ball attacks. The man was good but luckily the boy was just a little bit faster then the man, and that little bit was enough to allow him to stay a step ahead of the man. The man shot his final mud ball at the boy before he began running towards the young shinobi aiming to take the boy out in a single punch, however the boy was not about to let that happen. Forming a string of three hand seals the boy began moving at an accelerated rate, creating seven corporeal clones that lacked mass around the man allowing him to move between them unseen. The clones or after images of thw boy would mimic what the boy did, while moving in complete perfect unison making it impossible for the man to find him within them. With all of his after image clones surrounding Tente the boy began his attack launching several punches into the mans back before quickly moving to the next clone before the man was able to strike him. This continued on for several minutes with the boy always managing to stay a step ahead of the man, however no matter how many strikes he landed on the man, Tente seemed completely unaffected by them. Raphael knew he would have to figure out a way to get past this defense, luckily he would have time to think consider the man was unable to strike him, or so he thought.


11A Moonless Night (Bounty Hunt) Empty Re: A Moonless Night (Bounty Hunt) Sun Jul 15, 2018 12:12 am



Tente seemed to wise up to the fact that he would not be able to keep up with the young special jounin, stomping his foot into the ground creating spikes of earth protruding out of the ground all around him. The spikes pierced all the boy's after image clones, including the one he was in forcing the boy to end his jutsu and substitute himself with one of the dead bodies that was on the ground that did not fall into the fissure earlier. Saving himself from the nearly deadly attack of the large man the boy knew he did not have many options left, it was apparent that the man would be able to withstand the boy's strikes. Something that could not be said about the boy in comparison to the man's strikes, all it would take was one strike from the man and it would be over for the boy. The young shinobi was already running low on energy, not to mention stamina from having to deal with all the man's underlings while the man had just sat there and watched. The man was at full strength while the boy's was wandering on the edge of exhaustion, if he hoped to defeat this man he would need to do so quickly. The question was how he was going to do this, every attack the boy had thrown at the man had failed and now he was protecting himself with that spike rampart making it so that he could not get close. "What is the matter kid, ya not giving up already are ya?" The man asked with a chuckle as he tapped his foot to the ground retracting his earth spikes, "because I am just getting started." The man charge forward with his fist poised to strike the boy, Raphael knew he only had one choice left. In a last ditch effort to save his life the boy channelled chakra into his left hand quickly created a ball of powerful spinning chakra, as the man's fist came in for the strike the boy preformed his own counterstrike against the man. Slamming his rasengan into the man's fist was the only move the boy could think of, he just hoped that his attack was enough to break whatever jutsu it was that the man was using to protect himself. The boy's hope came to pass as his rasengan tore through the mans arm before exploding sending the man flying back from the concussive force of the explosion.


12A Moonless Night (Bounty Hunt) Empty Re: A Moonless Night (Bounty Hunt) Sun Jul 15, 2018 4:51 am



As the dust settled the boy approached Tente with his Tanto in his left hand, finding the man's body among some rubble. As the boy drew nearer to the man he heard the man left out a cough and a whimper of pain as they both realized that the man's right arm all the way up to just above where the elbow was completely destroyed. The man made a move to stand, however the boy was already on top of him with Ikari pressed into the man's shoulder. "Now, now. You have already lost one of your arm's. Do you really want to make it to where you lose both of them?" The boy stated with an assurance in his voice that said he had won, "I don't believe you, there's no way you can do that move again." The man answered before spitting into the boys face, the boy without so much as a flinch to the man's spit drove Ikari into the man's shoulder blade causing the man to cry out in pain. "Do you really think I need my rasengan to defeat you now? Whatever it was that was protecting you can no long be active, you are at my mercy." The boy continued with a sense of accomplishment in his tone of voice, he had finally completed his goal after weeks of working through the ranks of these scum. His heart filled with joy as he realized he would finally be able to take a decent shower, and all he had to do was finish this man. "Well then, what are you waiting for? Finish the job, kill me." The man shouted as though he had already made peace with his death, Raphael was ready to take the man's life when a thought had crossed his mind. Tente was one of the most wanted as well as one of the groups that had been causing problems for the villages, it was possible that he could have information on the others that could prove to be useful. That would mean that the man would be more valuable to the boy alive rather than dead, the boy contemplated his dilemma in his head before finally reaching his final decision. "On your feet Tente, you are coming in with me." The boy said as the man stared questionably into the boy's face, "I told you earlier you have to answer for your crimes. Now on your feet." The boy raised his voice at the end to give the emphasis that he was not messing around with the man. The boy knew that even if the man only had one arm he would need to keep a watchful eye on the man, once Tente was on his feet the boy quickly used his wire to tie the man's arm down behind his back as well as running the wire down around the man's legs. The wire around the legs were not exceptionally tight as they still would allow the man movement to walk, however the boy would have the end of the wire tied to himself so that if the man did happen to try and run he could simply pull the wire causing it to tighten around the legs of the man and ultimately trip him keeping him from escaping. With his bounty now in custody the boy headed for the Kirigakure border camp, after all they were the ones that placed the bounty on the man it seemed only fitting that the boy should hand the man over to the Mizukage.

{Exit Thread}


B-Rank Bounty: -2500 (Captured Alive, {missing right arm, but alive})
Futon Trained from B-Rank to A-Rank: -3000
98 words discarded.

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