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26The Demon Parade [Lamya | NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Demon Parade [Lamya | NK] Tue Feb 27, 2018 3:18 pm

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

The rogue shinobi wondered if what she was doing was a bad decision. After all, showing someone the full extend of her own chakra, may well end up with the one on the receiving end being scarred and afraid for their life. Was it wise to show some small, yet insignificant blip on the world's radar the power to destroy this world?

Lamya thought about it, pondering abut her actions and the consequences they might've had, yet when she looked at the Jugo child, how the young woman was trying to shiled herself from the overflow of chakra that was washing upon her in violent waves, the rogue shinobi realized it. Laïs didn't falter, though struggling to seemingly comprehend it all, trying her best to remain conscious and sane, the Jugo child proved that she was at the very least able to withstand the missining nin's current level of power and thus proving to perhaps be able to at least attain such a level herself in due time. "Very interesting, very promising and...all mine," Lamya smiled gently, truly impressed by how resilient Laïs seemed to be, showing the promise Lamya had already seen in her before. There was no mistaking it, this child would be a perfect student. "Don't fear the power, don't resist the chakra...just let it wash over you and embrace it, sense it, feel it and acknowledge it."

Lamya remembered how she had felt, how she had resisted when she had come to face a power, an amount of chakra even far outweighing her own and she knew that her most faulty decision at the time was to try and resist it. Resisting it only lead to one using their own chakra in a rather pointless and futile attempt to stop the influx, while if one were to embrace the chakra washing over them, they could safely understand the scope of the power they were facing.

"What am I?" The question didn't shock the rogue shinobi in the slightest. After all, it was natural for those of lower strength and power, those who could rightfully be called lower lifeforms to fall down to their knees in despair and doubt the very nature of the origin of the overwhelming power they'd be facing. "I am what you could become, a force of nature that will stop at nothing to reach its goals. I am what you could describe as a being beyond the trappings of humanity." Laughing a bit, the woman slowly lowered the output of her chakra to better accommodate the Jugo child's senses. Calmly approaching Laïs and placing her hand upon the young woman's shoulder to calm her down and to let her regain her senses a bit. "With diligent training, harsh tutolage and unforgiving lessons, you may very well surpass even me. You have the aptitude to do so, all you would be lacking now... is the vision necessary to actually obtain this power."

In her mind though, the rogue shinobi was already thinking about other things. She wondered wether or not this child would be able to resist even greater chakra signatures at the time being. The world was already changing and those of great power were growing impatient. Something was stirring and wether or not this was a good or a bad thing was something yet to be seen. "There is much to be done," The rogue shinobi stood up straight and looked down at Laïs with a smile on her face. "But don't worry... when we've covered the basics of your training, all you'd be left to do is desire for more and that, Laïs...with that mindset, you'll end up becoming far stronger than you'd ever imagined."

Dusting herself off a bit, with all the sand and gravel having swatted against her clothes when she had demonstrated the full extend of her chakra moments earlier, Lamya let out a few curses when she realized that the sand and dirt had really gotten everywhere, making everything less pleasant and giving her an annoying itch to boot. "So...I don't know how little you know about this world, but surely you'd have heard of baths, right?"

With that, Lamya hoped that for now, they could at the very least go to a bathhouse and see what happens beyond that on a later date. After all, she had already imprinted herself onto the child, so even if they were to part ways, there was no doubt that Laïs would come looking for her in the end.



27The Demon Parade [Lamya | NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Demon Parade [Lamya | NK] Wed Feb 28, 2018 3:21 pm

Laïs Crowly

Laïs Crowly

She had the feeling as if the whole world would end up swallowed. The ground would give way, leaving her to fall forever in a black hole. The power Lamya emitted was suffocating, even though she could breathe just fine. Even the feral blood of the Jugo  felt like nothing more but a terrified pet in the hands of a master, unwilling to stay and trying everything in what little power it had to escape. But there was no escape.

"Don't fear the power, don't resist the chakra...just let it wash over you and embrace it, sense it, feel it and acknowledge it."

The voice thrummed within this pocket domain of power, replying to her attempt to create her own little breathable place - the equivalent of trying to light a candle in a raging storm, there was no possibility for her to push it back, and Laïs wanted to abandon all hope, allowing the chakra to smother her. When the voice called out, an ounce of rationale returned to her mind. The Beast still wanted to drag her into a frenzy, and as such the woman tried something she rarely, if ever, had cared to do - suppress the instinct running through her Jugo blood.

Almost instantly, she could feel the blood shift its polarity as its instinctive fear was placated into a restless slumber. Laïs wasn't sure she could trust the words that thrummed in this chakra realm, but considering she could think of little other options, she followed its instructions with beating heart.

"I am what you could become, a force of nature that will stop at nothing to reach its goals. I am what you could describe as a being beyond the trappings of humanity."

Although the power remained oppressive, it seemed to respond positively to her own cease of natural struggle and ultimately seemed to lower in power to such a point the real world once more returned to her senses. Little by little, the Snake Sage returned to visibility. Her hand rested on Laïs' shoulder, her pallid countenance like a reflection to Laïs' face having lost all colour. As the seconds ticked by and Lamya explained her future possibilities, her racing heart calmed and her senses returned to their normal state. Yet she could not help to glance briefly around Lamya herself, as if to ensure the darkness had truly lifted from the world. It had not entirely done so, a shimmer of its true power flickering ominously around its owner still.

"With diligent training, harsh tutelage and unforgiving lessons, you may very well surpass even me. You have the aptitude to do so, all you would be lacking now... is the vision necessary to actually obtain this power."

The Sage continued, explaining that through diligence and hardships, she too would ultimately be able to achieve a power similar to this one. It seemed unreachable, but the thought to wield such power, even a figment of it, with such casual exercise as Lamya did tugged at her heartstrings. Her blood craved that sort of power, to ultimately become unchained in its purest form, delivered of all humane shackles.

"Yes, Mistress.", she replied, her knees still weak from the ordeal, yet allowing a faint smile at the offered thought. Then, as a finalisation of this most bewildering lesson, Lamya mentioned the need for a bath, curiously enough suspecting she would not be aware of such a thing. After the fight with the clones, the perspiration of fear, she certainly would have loved a bath to wash the stink of sweat and fear away.

"I do, and I would not be mad at taking one, actually."

Somewhat glad that this whole ordeal was finally over, and silently berating herself for the fact she could have died by being so casual in meeting this vast power, Laïs followed Lamya to the baths.

Total: 8048




28The Demon Parade [Lamya | NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Demon Parade [Lamya | NK] Wed Feb 28, 2018 5:36 pm



Lais Crowly, and Lamya - both PAID~ 4 EP each.

29The Demon Parade [Lamya | NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Demon Parade [Lamya | NK] Wed Mar 14, 2018 11:39 am

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

8075 wc:

1750/1750 strength S to S-1
2000/2000 strength S-1 to S-2
2250/2250 strength S-2 to S-3

2075 wc left

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